✨special: chibis✨

size price
sheet of 2-4 $7
sheet of 5-10 $14
sheet of 10+ $20
custom poses +$3 per chibi
chibi example
more examples

half-render example

half-render example


size price
bust $10
half-body $15
full body $20
extra character +$5
lineart example
more examples

lineart example

lineart example

lineart example

flat color

size price
bust $7
half-body $10
full body $20
extra character +$10
flat color example
more examples

flat color example

flat color example

flat color example

half-render/colored lineart

size price
bust $15
half-body $25
full body $30
extra character +$15
half-render & colored line example
more examples

half-render example

note: a piece in this specific style would most likely cost less because of the messy lineart style

half-render example

colored lineart example


size price
bust $25
half-body $50
full body $75
extra character +$20
painting example
more examples

painting example

painting example

painting example

cell shading/gradient style

size price
bust $25
half-body $50
full body $75
extra character +$30
cell shading example example
more examples

cell shading example