Arwin Emer- Captain Arwin Emer- was the perfect castvernon. And perfect castvernon don’t feel anything. That’s what made them perfect.

Somehow, in between dodging enemy fire and returning fire of her own, Arwin found time to contemplate this. That was very against the rules- perfect castvernon weren’t supposed to question their role, either.

“Cap, two ems on your tail!” a voice chipped in over the comm. “Stay focused.”

Arwin pulled her starfighter back, behind the small squadron that had been attacking her, and started firing at them. In between shots, she responded to her teammate. “Thanks, Addax. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

The voice on the other side of the comm laughed, a rich- hearty laugh full of spirit. “You’d be dead is what. And isn’t it emer-2 while we’re on a mission?”

“Focus, guys.” Another voice chipped in. “At this rate, we’ll never get rid of these ems.”

“Acknowledged emer-7.” Arwin smiled as she flew past the remains of the M’bian drones she had just blown to pieces. “However, there’s no harm in a little friendly banter.”

Emer-7, who’s nickname was Autry (the entire emer squadron had given themselves ‘A’ names, to make them seem more unified), chuckled. “Fair enough. E-6, care to assist?”

Arwin moved her starfighter out of the way just in time for E-6, better known as Addax, to swoop down and basically ram his starfighter into the M’bian ships.