Xemarel’s most promising researcher, Eurydice Pertral, dies at age 17

Published Rotobec 17, Kuron 476-11

On Rotobec 16, kuron 476-11, young herecrol taxidermist Eurydice Pertral was found dead in their study. According to the workstaff at Pertral manor, the doctor had spent the last few days locked in their study, only opening the door to receive food. Pertral seems to have been found mere hours after death by a servant bring them dinner.

Upon inspection, Detective Ashnov of the Halevrine Police Department states that Pertral, “Seems to have been trying to reverse their own death, and to do so, caused it.” Many of Pertral’s servants and peers support this claim, noting Pertral’s life-long obsession with death and degree in necromancy.

Argon Pertral, Eurydice’s relative and legal caretaker, states, “Eurydice was a crazed scientist obsessed with their own work, it’s only fitting they go out in such a way.” They also state that Eurydice’s body will be kept in the manor, as per Eurydice’s request, until their public memorial service on Rotobec 31. Afterward, Argon states he will return Eurydice’s body back to Pertral manor and prepare it for preservation.