innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/17/2024 2:46 PM
Seki wakes in a dark, square room. The floor is dirt, but they’re sitting on a woven rug. The walls are stone brick, and enclose them on every side. There’s no way in, and no way out. The room is suffocatingly warm, dark and dry. Seki would soon begin to feel thirst clawing at their throat.
She'd wake lying on their side, and soon realize she's been chained- ankle cuffs tether them to the ground and restrain their movement
Before Seki, sat a small, low table, covered by a rug similar to the one they sat upon. Two oil lamps flicker at either ends of the table, their small lights the only in the room. The only other objects on the table are three small wooden bowls, all filled with an unidentifiable liquid. The first is white, opaque and creamy. The second is glassy and clear, with a slight cloudy, brownish color to it. The third is just as opaque as the first, but is a deep, muddy red in color.
Across from the table is the only other person in the room. A young adult. They’re incredibly pale, with skin so light it’s almost translucent in the low light. Their straight, white hair is cut choppily over its brow and shoulders, and it wears a black-and-white tunic draped haphazardly over a shoulder. Their gaze is brilliant-gold and haunting, piercing through the barriers of Seki mind.
The person smiles widely, and finally speaks. Its voice is that of the flaming apparition. “Welcome to the Halcyon Citadel.” @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 5:34 AM
Seki takes a while to readjust to the change in environment. Their tail flops and slithers lazily on the floor. They tug at the chains with their feet, and lick their muzzle, panting lightly from the heat and dryness. Their eyes wander to the figure behind the table.
Seki sneers, long ears pointing back and whiskers flaring as their full muzzle wrinkles.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs (edited)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 10:24 AM
(divine intuition check pls :3 @Twig | Seki / Aarni )

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 10:44 AM
(I still can't roll in my phone :'D
I'll roll when I get home

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 10:44 AM

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 11:38 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 11:38 AM
11:39 AM
"My Name is Naiyta Hauryan. I am the Primal. Nascent Lifebringer." If those words meant anything, Seki wouldn't pick up on it. "And I have brought you here to compete." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 11:42 AM
"Well I already told your burning guy that you have the wrong dude. I ain't interested." @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 11:43 AM
"Oh, I think I have just the right person, Seki Garmadon." It smiled. "And you'll be competing whether you're interested or not." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 11:57 AM
"Huh", Seki's eyes darkened.
"And how are you planning to make me?" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 11:58 AM
"You follow my commands, or I'll kill you. Simple." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:00 PM
"Great. Do it, then", Seki laid back down on their side, head propped against their hand, another hand on their hip, a challenging, arrogant look in their eyes. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:02 PM
"Do you really want to challenge me?" Naiyta tilted their head to the side. "A life is a very precious thing to loose." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:08 PM
"Not the first time someone's tried to kill me. Not even the first time I've died. You're a bit late, though. You shoulda appeared a couple of decades earlier. That was a time I really would've welcomed death." @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:09 PM
"Oh, I don't want you to welcome death. Quite the contrary. I want you to fight for your life." They hummed. "Will you? I mean, you've got quite a lot to fight for, don't you?" @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:12 PM
"Hmph, what do you know..." Seki huffed. They knew bluffing wasn't going to work, but they were reluctant to admit being the underdog. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:13 PM
"I know if you walk to your death here, you'll be leaving something behind." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:34 PM
Seki growled, tail swishing.
"So, what's the game?" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:38 PM
"A competition. You and the other contestants will be organized into matches. The victors will continue when the losers die. The last living will be awarded." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:40 PM
"Gross", Seki sneered. "I don't kill people. I swore I wouldn't do that anymore." @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:42 PM
"Then, you'll die." Naiyta shrugged. @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:43 PM
"Fuck you", Seki said, turning to lie on their back, their hands under their head. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:46 PM
Naiyta didn't seem bothered. "If it's a comfort, your sacrifice will not be for nothing." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:49 PM
"Oh yeah? You're gonna have fun watching?" they drawled in a sarcastic voice. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:51 PM
"Oh, I will. But more than that, your death will help me to right a cosmic wrong." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 12:54 PM
"OoOOoo~ A cOsmic WrOng~? Why don't you tell me more, it sounds ReAlly important!" Seki turned onto their side again and propped their chin against the back of their hand with a mock-interested expression. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 12:58 PM
"Yes. A wrong so cosmic, if it isn't fixed reality as you know it will fall apart." Naiyta said, a tinge of bitterness to their tone. "I assume you are interested in keeping the realms of the living and the dead separate, so you'll understand why I have to do this." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 1:05 PM
"Ooooooohh so spooky~!" Seki shuffled around to face Naiyta, lying on their stomach not, both elbows on the floor and squishing his cheeks between her paws. "I'm sure it's just like you say! You're probably really clever and wise if you know something like that, and oh dear, it must be so hard and difficult to solve! How wonderful that you get to pit some silly guys to tear each other apart for funzies while solving it, teehee~!" They kicked their legs above their back and talked to Naiyta like how you would compliment a toddler's drawing. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 1:25 PM
"Mock me all you wish. I know what's right for you and your world." It scoffed. "You're in little position to do anything but mock." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/18/2024 1:27 PM
"Sure sure. Whatever you say, oh high and mighty deathbringer." Seki rolled their eyes.
"And what was the price for winning your little dogfight?" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/18/2024 2:17 PM
"If you win, you will be awarded with your life. Your immortal life, if you so desire. And anything else you can wish for." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 12:21 AM
"Really now?" Seki sat up and crossed theor arms. "You know what? My dad was once in a tournament, where the ring master gave tall promises about the winner's price, but actually had no intention to let anyone win. So. I think you're bulshitting me." @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 12:22 AM
"You can believe that all you wish. But I'm not lying." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 3:19 AM
"Well, too bad I already have all I could ever wish for. Until you took it away!" Seki barked, glaring. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs (edited)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 9:50 AM
"Unfortunate. But I'm sure you could think of something, in the case you won." It shrugged. "And if you don't- which is more likely- you'll never have to worry about it." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:06 AM
"Oh I know, I wish you would go fuck yourself!" Seki jeered, but jumped up on their feet, yanking the chains, clenched their fists, and growled like a revving truck engine.
"What if I wrung your scrawny neck instead and busted out of here? Huh?!" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:08 AM
Naiyta didn't even flinch. "Even if you could kill me- which you can't- if I were to die, the Halcyon Citadel, and everything in it, would cease to exist. That includes you, and everyone else here." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:14 AM
"Quit yapping bullshit! I'm nobody's toy to play with, and I ain't gonna dance to your stupid tune. You're going to send me right back home to my family, ore you're going to regret it!" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:15 AM
At that, Naiyta only laughed- a haunting, cackling laugh. "You honestly think you're threatening? You think I'd fear you? You're little more than a passing annoyance to me- nothing more than the writhing worm beneath my feet. No, I don't think I'll regret it at all. There's nothing you could possibly to do to harm me." @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:16 AM
(can i roll to break the chains? @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs )

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:21 AM
Seki's head lowered, neck fur bristled and ears pointing back as they flexed their muscles, teeth bared. A metallic clink rang from the other cuff when they kicked their leg free, and the other one quickly followed. With a roar, Seki threw themself at Naiyta, hands outstretched like ready to grab its throat. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:22 AM
10:22 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs def

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:23 AM
Naiyta made a choked, strangled sound as Seki's hands wrapped around its throat, but it wasn't a sound of fear. It dug its sharp fingernails into the flesh of their arms. @Twig | Seki / Aarni

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:24 AM
@Twig | Seki / Aarni def

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:24 AM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:24 AM
... but just couldn't break skin. @Twig | Seki / Aarni
10:26 AM
(Also damage for that chokehold-

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:29 AM
Seki's fur was touch and their muscles were hard; not so easy to break with nails.
"SEND ME BACK! SEND ME BACK NOW!!" Seki roared in Naiyta's face, fangs snapping inches from their nose, tiny drops of spittle sprinkling onto its face. Seki's grip was strong... but not as tight as it could have been, as though they were hesitant, only faking their murderous intent. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs (edited)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:30 AM
(Cmon nays)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:30 AM
@Twig | Seki / Aarni def lmao

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:31 AM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:31 AM
10:32 AM
Naiyta didn't speak, but their scowl was enough to display their mood. Their fingers finally dug far enough into Seki's skin that skin broke. At the feeling of blood on their hands, Naiyta's expression shifts into a smile. @Twig | Seki / Aarni
10:32 AM
(d5+3 damage btw)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:33 AM
18 hp Seki

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:35 AM
Pain flashed in Seki's eyes, though their expression didn't otherwise change. They growled and prepared to slam Naiyta's head against the floor.

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:35 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs def

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:36 AM
(u can take that since it's a crit)

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:36 AM
(OOO i didn't even notice! :0 )
10:37 AM
Seki bashed Naiyta's head against the floor and tightened their grip.
"I'M WARNING YOU! SEND ME BACK RIGHT NOW!" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:37 AM
94 hp nays
10:39 AM
Naiyta's skull hit the dirt floor with a loud crunch. Blood seeped from an abrasion on their scalp, intermingling with their white hair. "Never. You'll die here before the thought even crosses my mind." They choked out. @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:44 AM
Seki's grip faltered when they saw the blood, and their ears lowered slightly. They took a couple of tense breaths, narrowing their eyes, licked their muzzle and growled. Though, the deep rumble had shifted higher in their throat, sounding slightly more anxious and scared than vicious.
"You bastard! I'll kill you!" @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:46 AM
10:46 AM
@Twig | Seki / Aarni def...

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:46 AM
:'''D man

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:48 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:49 AM
crit fail damage for nays -

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:49 AM
90 hp
10:50 AM
Naiyta struggled under Seki's grasp, but only seemed to injur themself more. "I'd like to see you try." @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:52 AM
Seki's eyes narrowed more, and their hands trembled slightly as they tightened their grasp.
"Fffuck you... Fuck you! You stupid motherfucker! Why did you have to take me?! I had my life finally put together!"

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:52 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs def

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:56 AM
CW: strangulation.
Seki's thumbs pressed on Naiyta's throat... Their hands shook more and more. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs (edited)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:57 AM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:57 AM
@Twig | Seki / Aarni def

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 10:57 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:58 AM
also- modifiers
Naiyta Hauryan
Attack: +3
Defense: +5
Attack: +1
Defense: +2

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 10:59 AM
(D5+3 damage pls @Twig | Seki / Aarni )

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:00 AM
Naiyta struggled under Seki's grasp, but finally managed to get ahold of itself and sent a harsh kick to their stomach. They said nothing. @Twig | Seki / Aarni

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:02 AM
11:02 AM
(anyway @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs def :''D )

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:04 AM

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:07 AM
If i count right Seki would be ar 10

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:08 AM

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:10 AM
Seki coughed and winced, and rammed their knees into Naiyta's midsection, grimacing.

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:11 AM
11:11 AM
@Twig | Seki / Aarni def

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:12 AM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:12 AM
With considerable effort, Naiyta planted their hands over Seki's forarms, and forced them to spin over so it was on top. "I'll do just as I please." It growled. @Twig | Seki / Aarni
11:12 AM

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:13 AM
Seki 6 hp

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:13 AM
(ah it's actually +3 too since nays is proficient in unarmed
) (edited)
11:14 AM
(3 hp.... Seki....)

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:27 AM
Seki let out a cry of pain as the smaller person wrestled them over. Their green eyes ignited with a new flame of ire and defiance, as they stared up a the golden ones.
"You filthy scumbag! You god complex of a bitch! You'll go down! You're gonna be DEAD!"

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:27 AM
djhdhj @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs def

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:37 AM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:38 AM
@Twig | Seki / Aarni def

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:39 AM
11:39 AM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:39 AM
1 nays 2 Seki

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:40 AM
D5+3 damage for me pls

Twig | Seki / Aarni 5/19/2024 11:41 AM
Seki fainted!

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 5/19/2024 11:41 AM
Naiyta didn't grace that with a response. They balled their hand into a fist and punched Seki's jaw with enough force to knock them out. Its breathing was heavy and erratic, as they watched their opponent fall. @Twig | Seki / Aarni