petrai in the blood dimension
Continued From: underground hallway

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 8/27/2023 3:49 PM
Those were the best way to describe the bloody area they landed in. It was dark, only faintly glowing red veins going across the ceiling illuminated the room just enough to see your own hand in front of your face.
It seemed like a large, circular cavern. The dome-like top and walls were gross and fleshy and red, like muscle. It pumped as if a large organ were moving blood from one place to another inside of a giant artery. The 'floor' was simply blood, about five feet of it, with nothing to stand on. The room was about fifty feet across in all directions, with twenty or so more feet until the ceiling could be reached.
But even if you could reach it, there was no exit.
Not unless Roque made one.
Petrai landed in the blood, sinking down all the way until she would be able to get her bearings and settle her feet on the viscera at the bottom. The cut on her back was bleeding as well, adding on to the mass around her. Surely it couldn't be very good to have an open wound in side of a pool of hundreds- thousands- of other people's blood...
Roque on the other hand, landed on the surface of the blood, standing on it with perfect confidence and balance.
"So, do you like it?" Roque grinned wildly, twisting her scythe back and forth in her hand as she stepped in a circle around Petrai. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) 8/27/2023 3:57 PM
Petrai shrieked as she fell into the blood dimension, as she was cut in the back and as she continually fell into the endless, revolting pit of blood. She landed in the blood with a horrid splash, and spent a few seconds underneath it completely before she surface, just her face like she was drowning in it.
She, too, was bleeding from the back- sort of. Beneath the scraps of her blouse and corset that had been torn away, her bare flesh wasn't visible. Instead, were two large, black-feathered wings, slowly unfurling around her. One had been injured by the scythe attack, and was adding to the pit of blood.
Petrai didn't seem to even notice Roque's presence. She convusled and trembled, her entire body shaking. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline (edited)

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 8/27/2023 4:07 PM
Despite not being able to see the wings, Roque was acutely aware of their presence below the blood.
"Oh wow, what are those I can feel down there?" Roque cooed, settling down on one knee next to Petrai. "Wings, hm? You and Peregrine related? That why you're looking out for him? That's real funny." @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) 8/27/2023 4:16 PM
Petrai didn't reply, she couldn't waste the energy to. As Roque neared her, she lunged forward in the blood and grabbed her, clawing onto her legs like a drowning woman might cling to driftwood.
Once she had established a firm enough grip over Roque's leg, she bit into her shin, enough to tear away flesh. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 8/27/2023 4:26 PM
"Ow. Bitch." Entirely unenthused. Petrai could go ahead and rip away the skin, Roque didn't really care. She pulled her leg back- well, yanked it back, and stood up. She stood out of reach of Petrai, just so that she'd have too stand on the very end of her toes or have to continually tread thick, viscous liquid.
She wouldn't leave her to suffer for too long though. Roque formed a fist with her hand, and the blood tightened around Petrai. It lifted her up, getting her feet out of the blood at least. The glob moved until it was holding her around the upper back, legs, and arms, leaving her injury on her lower back exposed, as well as her wings. The grip of the blood tightened- up until it was painful and nearly crushing.
"Veeeeeeeeeery interesting, I didn't think you could fit a pair of wings under those stupid clothes you had." Now that she wasn't worried about Petrai being able to bite her again, she went right up to her back and dug her finger in to the injury. She pulled it back out, now dripping with Petrai's fresh blood. She stepped back around to her front, grinning as she held her tongue out toward it.
"I bet you would really hate me if I did this, wouldn't you? A total, utter, violation of yourself... Your holy blood inside someone like me must be a truly disgusting image for you." @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) (edited)

innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) 8/27/2023 4:35 PM
As Roque dug her fingers into Petrai's wound, her wings reflexively jetted out, hitting Roque right in the face. It'd hurt- all that muscle force, applied straight to her jaw. Petrai hadn't even meant to hurt her, but it's not like she apologized for it. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 8/27/2023 4:43 PM
"Ow." Roque said flatly, again. It wasn't even a fun kind of payback, it was just animalstic and without any thought.. So she wouldn't grace it with a genuine cry of pain.
It was also a little boring to see Petrai not beg and plead at all, so Roque jut shrugged and licked the blood of her finger. That feeling of a migraine would begin to enter Petrai's brain, though it was probably just a minor nuisance in the mental anguish she was currently feeling. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) 8/27/2023 4:46 PM
Petrai had been running on adrenaline and fear for quite some time now, and it was something she hadn't done in years. The faint migraine was just enough to push her over the edge and into unconsciousness. Her head hung limply downward. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 8/27/2023 5:11 PM
"Oh, you're just so lame.." Roque sighed. The blood dropped Petrai to the surface as she passed out, and Roque promptly grabbed grabbed her arm. She pulled her up in to her arms and a long stream of blood began to push them back out on to the surface...
Continued in: underground hallway
blooxas tries to escape

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 8/31/2023 11:45 AM
Things were pretty still here now...
Absolutely no movement occuring...
Except for Blooxas wandering about the blood pit, seemingly lost.

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 9/20/2023 3:57 PM
Blooxas was still walking around, though now he was standing up against the wall of viscera facing it. Every once and a while he'd poke at it with a bloody finger. The wall was squishy. Gross.

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 9/24/2023 10:25 PM
Blooxas had gotten bored of that wall, and trudged across the diameter of the vat to the other side, where he repeated the poking motions. The wall seemed to have the same consistency as the other side.

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 10/6/2023 2:06 PM
Blooxas had traveled across the perimeter a few times now. All the wall acted the same. Gross and squishy.
Now, he began trying to grab the wall with his bloody hands. His fingers would sink in, and he'd tried to pull himself up, though he'd usually fall.
He was insistent. He kept on trying until he could consistently pull himself up a few feet before falling back down in to the pit.

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 10/20/2023 8:12 AM
Blooxas had managed to crawl up the wall and up to the ceiling now, from where Petrai and Roque had entered before. There was no exit though. So he just sat there, gripping on to the ceiling.

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 10/30/2023 11:28 AM
Blooxas fell back in to the vat of blood suddenly. He sat up and looked around like he just felt a bunch of new eyes watching him..... weird
roque death
Continued From: boat out

Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline 11/12/2023 6:29 PM
Roque and Blooxas careened down in to the vat of blood. They both landed with a splash, and Roque sank while Blooxas stood on the surface. The entrance to the portal closed above them, leaving the two in the dimly lit, convulsing room.
Roque dragged her way back to the surface, gasping for air as she broke through the top.
"Roxas!" She yelled, anger lacing her voice. Whatever little bits of hair she had left were glowing bright red.
Roxas obviously couldn't respond, but he continued looking at her. Other figures began to rise out of the blood as well, which Roque could easily sense.
"All of you?! What's gotten in to you- I am your master! You bow down to ME!" Roque screamed, slamming her hands down and spewing blood everywhere.
They stepped toward her.
"What do you think you're DOING?!"
Another step.
"You'll regret ever laying a hand on me! I killed you! You're DEAD! You aren't meant to be doing ANYTHING!" Roque turned in place to face all of them, baring her teeth at them. She could feel that they were close now.
But the thing she could feel more was the change occurring in the room around her. The muscle-like walls of the room were beginning to tense and shrink in on all of them. She wasn't making it do that.
"What are you DOING?!" Roque shouted and held her hand up, trying to open up another exit out, but one of the bloody figures grabbed her wrist and forced it down. A different one grabbed her other hand. And another wrapped their arms around her neck. She was effectively held in place.
"RELEASE ME!" Roque demanded, her shrill voice echoing across the shrinking cavern. The bloody figures were unrelenting. The space was shrinking quite quickly, and began pressing against her. It continued- crushing and forcing her in to quite an awkward position.
Her screams of agony continued until the space became too small to take in a breath- followed by multiple awful cracks of her bones snapping together as the room continued unbothered.
Roque's final breath was meek and weak, and soon..
The dimension shrunk away in to nothingness...