- island announcements
- island rules
- fight list
- the blood dimension
- boat out
- fish and ex fish person on a boat
- tree folk
- i'll stop the world and melt with you
- initials carved in stone
- the illness may be chronic but at least i look iconic
- fox and deer friendship
- aftertourn
- beach
- docks
- volcanic fields
- mountain slope
- volcano
- main courtyard
- flower garden
- agricultural garden
- pathways
- graveyard
- grand hall
- dining hall
- breakfast buds
- so good at small talk and totally not haunted
- hannah and the other fish person here
- toxic shock (roy madeline)
- double e chatting
- sushi and sharks
- calm before the storm (roy darcy)
- bubbly time bubble
- wifey things
- why is there a tree in the dining hall?
- library
- lounge
- guest hallway
- wolf-yuga-hannah-mallon
- isi-titania-darcy-peregrine
- suji-zerada-taisto-ekmeros
- roy-eben-inu-roque
- time bubble (gays edition)
- you say, "come and dance with me" / but i'm a bit too shy so i just smile politely
- ryu-glass-val-kass
- kal-launa-enya-ren
- guest bathhouse
- storehouse
- greenhouse
- hospital
- inu interrogation
- roque interrogation
- eye for an eye, heart for a heart
- heart of stone, heart of glass
- morgue
- chapel
- arena
- yeonaixho's quarters
- petrai's quarters
- dedicant quarters
- guard quarters
- kitchen
- private library
- staff bathhouse
- arena stands
- kal vs darcy
- ren vs taisto
- glass vs inu
- roy vs hannah
- enya vs isi
- ekmeros vs mallon
- prison blocks
- underground hallway
- armory
- underground infirmirary
- ritual room
- laboratory
- dust-ren-mallon
- gala
- the letter
- letter response
- docks
- ekmeros and darcy
- peregrine + glass
- kass and titania
- darcy and titania
- ryu and pere
- shit talking roque
- glass and ryu
- bench buddies
- the smartest people around
- luggage people
- gerald and kal
- boat