[11:53 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi nodded, and lead the way for the four without really thinking. She beelined for the pretty girl with a braid similar to her own.

Eben followed Isi, making sure Inu and Roy were following behind.

@Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[11:55 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Demikadrae straightened her posture as she saw a whole group of people approaching, with a ton of stuff.

"Oh, uh, hello!" She greeted. "Is all this- yours?" @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[12:02 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

Roy followed behind Isi and Eben, looking back to make sure Inu wasn’t struggling with what was left of the bags. “Howdy! Ah, no, we’re just helping out.” He shuffled the bag on his shoulder. “Are we good to head in, or…?” @cap @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:13 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

Inu followed behind everyone else, he gave Roy a small thankfully weak smile before he stood behind everyone. "N-No...for a friend." He said softly. "She asked us to help with luggage is all so.." Inu looked around. "...Sorry if it's a lot..."

@Sauce | Roy 🌩 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[12:16 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben nodded. "rest assured all of this will be made the responsibility of the person it belongs to very soon." He was not letting Inu be made a luggage boy again. He copied what he'd seen others do, maneuvering the luggage to grab his letter from his pocket and presenting it to Demi.

Isi watched Eben do so, pulling out her letter in preparation as well.

@Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:19 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh- okay, well, I just need to get all of your invitations..." She hummed, taking Eben and Isi's letters. "There's some space on the lower deck for overflow luggage, if you want to stow it there." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[12:20 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He noticed the others pull out their letters and his heart skipped a beat. Shit. Where did he put that? He patted around his coat trying to remember which pocket he kept the letter in. Finally he landed on his breast pocket and unzipped it, pulling out a slightly crumpled letter. “Ha, sorry about that. Here you are.” He showed the letter to the church member. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:39 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

Inu dug through his picket and pulled out the invite handing it too Demi. Then he nodded and moved towards the boat a bit, staring down at the water nervously.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[12:47 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben stepped into the boat without hesitation after nodding to Demi in acknowledgement, then waiting for the others to join him.

Isi seemed..more hesitant. She instead stepped aside to let Roy and Inu on first, sortof hopping from hoof to hoof lightly.

@Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:48 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Thank you!" Demikadrae smiled, pocketing all the letters. "If any of you need cloaks, they're also downstairs in the galley. Blessings of the Lifebringer be with you!" @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[12:53 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“And peace with your spirit.” He automatically replied, and then realized that was not the correct thing to say and hurried along to the boat, hoping he wouldn’t get yelled at. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[12:55 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

Inu nodded and scurried his way onto the boat, letting out a small sigh of relief when he was safe and on the boat. Thank goodness. He glanced over at the others before taking a few steps back making some room for them.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[1:07 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi hesitated some more, finally just hopping onto the boat and getting as far away from the edge as quickly as possible. She got her mind off the boat by immediately puzzling over the lifebringer, and what exactly that meant.

Eben waited for the rest to get on before speaking. "We should take all this to the overflow luggage space."

@Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @Sauce | Roy 🌩 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:20 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He watched Isi hop onto the boat, a little confused. She doesn’t seem to like boats.

He shuffled the bag on his shoulder again. “Yeah, good idea. Hopefully this Roque girl can find her luggage.” There was a bit of venom when he said her name. It’s real rude to dump your stuff on people, especially when Inu seemed so submissive to it. Poor guy. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[1:28 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

Inu shifted nervously before he nodded. "Bottom of the ship they said..right? Or maybe we can store it off to the side...I can use my portals later on to transfer it all and stuff.." Inu suggested. "Oh- oh uhm..my power is..portals.."

@Sauce | Roy 🌩 @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[1:57 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Portals, huh? That’s cool! But let’s just carry ‘em down, no chance of losing them then.” The last thing he wanted was for Inu to get in trouble for losing this lady’s stuff. He started to head towards the lower deck. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[1:59 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"maybe losing it all wouldn't be so terrible." Eben mumbled under his breath. Still though, it would probably fall on Inu if it went missing and Eben didn't want that. He followed Roy to the lower deck.

Isi followed the rest, keeping tight hold of the bags. She figured she might feel better when she couldn't see the water.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩 @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[5:26 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"..." Inu glanced up over at the two of them before he followed behind Eben and Roy down. Once done he stretched out a bit and dusted off his hands with a tiny laugh. "Ehe...all done.."

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:33 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi dropped the bags, waving a little goodbye to everyone before heading to the buffet tables almost on instinct. She figured Roy could follow if he wanted, but didn't want to force him.

[5:45 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Phew.” He flexed his hands a few times after setting down the bag. “Well, I’m gonna look around some. You two take care!” And with that he headed towards the smell of maple syrup after Isi.

[5:57 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben looked at Isi, finding the little laugh he did kind of sweet. He watched Isi and Roy leave, which left just himself and Inu in the luggage area.

@Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S