[9:50 AM]James | Omnipresent eye:

Gerald opened his case to get a towel and finished cleaning up his hand, as he was doing so a loud individual arrived and was holding up another newcomer. This intrigued Gerald so after putting his rag away, he started to make his way towards the individual.

As he got closer, "Good day to you most boisterous one, if you would do me the honor of introductions, I would be most pleased to make your acquaintance." He did a slight bow of his head and added, "I myself am Gerald Zarm."

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[10:06 AM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

Kal, truthfully, didn't process the majority of what Gerald had said when he approached, not when he was so distracted by the guy's presence. Overwhelmed? No, not at all. If anything, he just seemed a bit- Confused, and a bit hyped, at the sight of the guy having a whole ass crow head.

"Hooooly shit- Yeah man, good day, jolly good day to you, man," Kal did his best to give him a bow. "Great to meet you, Gerald! The name's Kal Valdez, great to meet ya'! How've you been? Did the travel treat you right?" @James | Omnipresent eye

[10:19 AM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Haha! My head surprises you! Yes we'll it is one of the more odd features of myself. As for travel, it was quite easy for myself, there's a door to the library not far off from here. That's where I work that is, the library."

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[10:57 AM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

ā€œSorry for starinā€™, bud, just got a bit surprised, is all,ā€ Kal chuckled. He glanced out in the direction where the library was at. Of course, he wouldnā€™t be able to see, but it was nice to imagine where it could be. ā€œOh man- Thatā€™s cool!! Glad you didnā€™t have to travel too far. I had one hell of a ride here. I was out in California when I got the letter.ā€ @James | Omnipresent eye

[3:34 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"No worries at all, I am aware that it is not typical and I am comfortable with my own appearance that a few stares do not matter. Ah but California! That is quite the trip indeed... Another American here, now that is quite interesting. What do you do out there in the Golden State?"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[6:18 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Good! That's awesome to hear, it's always real great and nice to be comfortable in your own skin. I'm glad for you!" Kal gave him a thumbs up that was accompanied by a bright grin.

"Oh man- I'm actually not from California! I was just out there climbing some rocks, I was having a good time. I do rock-climbing and parkour." He grinned. "I'm from Chicago, that's my hometown, my city, right there. Where're you from? I know you said you don't live too far from here, but is this area where you were born and raised?" @James | Omnipresent eye

[12:11 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Oh no not at all, I was born in a small village in the southern part of England. Though I don't believe it's around any more. I practically live at work now, in fact it's not even practically it just very well is the truth." He chuckled at the thought.

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[12:24 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"England! That so? That's pretty cool, I've been out that way a few times," Kal grinned. "Met Queen Lizzie once, that was cool. But hey, do you like what you do for work? Then that might not be so bad, living at the same place." @James | Omnipresent eye

[1:34 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Oh I do indeed, the library is a fine place to work at, there's always so much being added, so much to learn, it truly is a place of magic and mystery! Do you do your rock climbing as a job? I've read about many places but being able to climb the mountains I'm sure is quite the adventure!"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[3:23 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Man, I love libraries. I go in there every now and then to look at the pictures," Kal grinned. "And kind of! I'm a YouTuber and I stream on Twitch. I tend to stream my climbs and my parkour stuff on there. So, it's kinda a job, but also a real big hobby. If you ever wanna check me out-"

Kal reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. It was one of his ā€˜business cards.ā€™ Upon closer inspection, Gerald would see that his ā€˜cardsā€™ were actually just thin slips of origami paper that had his handwritten social media handles on there.

Twitter: @KalValParkour2, Instagram: KalValParkour, Youtube: KalValParkour, MySpace: KalValParkouring, LinkedIn: KalValdezParkouring, Tiktok: KalValTikTok- The point was, it was all there.

[3:23 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

@James | Omnipresent eye

[4:55 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

(MYSPACE! I love him)

[5:03 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

Gerald took the card and examined it closer, and then nodded before putting it in the same pocket as the paper dolls tapes. "Fascinating! a source of influence on the online web! how special! I'm sure I can perhaps check it out, though when it comes to the internet I am sorely not quite adept at it, Haha! Perhaps your inclusion to the platform shall be more first excursion into it."

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[5:39 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Hey, you know what? I'll tell you all about the internet if you want, and you can talk to me about libraries! Kinda a win-win for the two of us. How does that sound?" Kal grinned. @James | Omnipresent eye

[5:44 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Cawhaha! Now I am inclined to take you up on that offer though I'm sure a library would possibly bore you. Especially if all the details came from myself, Cawhaha!"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[5:55 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Nah, like I said, I love libraries! They're awesome places to chill at- I send a lot of money their way so they can get good funding to help keep themselves together. Bunch of kids and students go there for a spot to kill time at after school or do their work at. They're a real great place," Kal laughed. "How 'bout, once we're back home from the tournament, I'll take you up on checking out your library, and you can show me everythin' about it?" @James | Omnipresent eye

[6:08 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Ah that does sound absolutely delightful! I'll warn you, my library is quite different then most, for starters its not in this realm, it exist between the realms. In a way it could be a shortcut for you if you wanted to get back to America! Haha!"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[6:22 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Wait wait wait- WHAT?" Kal blinked several times. "That's- Awesome! Holy shit- I'd love to check out a place like that- So you mean that, if I went into it, I could be in England, and then I leave, and I could be back home? That shit's crazyyyyy." @James | Omnipresent eye

[6:25 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Haha! not exactly england, but thats the right idea! There are many doors to the library, you just need to know where to look for it."

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[6:50 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Whoaaaaa," Kal's eyes practically sparkled with how hyped the concept made him. "Awesome!! Next time I go to a library, I'll keep an eye out for any cool looking doors." Even if they said 'employee only.' @James | Omnipresent eye

[7:40 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

Gerald was getting the idea that Kal wasn't fully understanding but he simply let it pass, it was truly a difficult concept to wrap ones head around. "Well splendid, I look forward to being able to show you around a bit, and you can show me all there is to the internet!"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[8:01 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

Gerald didn't know this yet, but there were plenty of things that Kal didn't fully understand. The poor man didn't have a brain. His head was empty. So empty. Only plinko.

"Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it!" Kal gave him a thumbs up. @James | Omnipresent eye

[8:11 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

Gerald knew a great deal on a many variation of topics, and enjoyed sharing that information whenever possible.

"Ah yes, thumbs up!" Gerald mimicked the gesture back to Kal, "So this tournament seems to attract many special individuals, and I'm sure you are no exception. Do you have some form of ability of some sort? A master of some element perhaps?"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[8:18 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Wellll, it's not really like an element, not like how people have fire, or water, or flashy stuff like that," Kal grinned. "I got adrenaline powers. I can make myself faster, or stronger, give myself more stamina, endurance, the whole thing, you know? I can't boost others though, which kinda sucks, but hey, it's still pretty neat! How about yourself?"

Kal was tempted to ask if the bird head had anything to do with Gerald's powers, but he knew better than just to assume. @James | Omnipresent eye

[8:27 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Ah such a marvelous power indeed! I can see how that would be more then useful. For myself I have a mastery over Ink! A strange power but I can pull things out of my mind and put it into reality with an inky form. Like a drawing but without the need of paper." In order to demonstrate he took a fountain pen and touched his head, as he pulled it away from his temple a black substance followed and in a moment took the form of a raven. As the the raven was fully formed it began to move on its own and stretched it wings before taking a small flight and sitting on Kal's shoulder.

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[8:00 AM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

Kal watched the demonstration of Geraldā€™s powers with a bright expression. Completely-

[8:01 AM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

[8:02 AM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

ā€œWhoAAAA- That shitā€™s awesome!ā€ Kal grinned. He held a hand up to the raven. ā€œYour powers are sick as hell- I love that you can use it like this. Do your creations have a mind of their own, or do they listen to you?ā€ @James | Omnipresent eye

[12:02 PM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Sadly they are mearly just an extension of my own mind, so there exists no independent thought. They also have no voice or such, like a drawing that can move and nothing more. Being made of ink as little to durability as well so it is both widely versatile and yet strangely unavailing. Still I do enjoy the novelty of it. Haha!"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[3:30 PM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

Kal nodded his head. ā€œThatā€™s still real cool!! Man, i wish I could make birds. They could zoom around with me when I do my rock climbing. Love that for you, man!ā€

The sight of the boat pulling up made Kal glance over to it before he looked back to the bird. He was definitely still hyped about it. @James | Omnipresent eye

[5:06 AM]James | Omnipresent eye:

"Thank you so very much my good man, I truly appreciate your positivity! It is quite intoxicating Haha!" Gerald noticed his glance and followed it, "Oh my I was so involved in our conversation I didn't realize the boat was here! I guess we should make our way over there, Haha!"

@šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­

[11:10 AM]šŸŒ™VanessašŸŒ™ | Zeradaāš”+ Kalā­:

"Can't believe it's already here! Guess we were just having a good time," Kal laughed. "Well, we better not keep them waiting long, right?" @James | Omnipresent eye