Continued From: guest hallway

[9:07 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Pretty is n-not necessary at the moment.. I just do not w-want others to see me like this.." Titania said as she graciously took the blankets. She covered herself head to wing with the blankets, only exposing her eyes and a bit of her claws at her feet.

"W-What should we do now..?" @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[11:58 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Hannah had to admit, Titania looked quite silly like this. And much less epic.

"Hmm. I doubt our powers are just sitting around somewhere, but my top priority is getting those back. And all my stuff too. My surfboard was expensive."

[11:58 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[12:15 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“We’ll have to work with the people who have powers, we can only do so much,” Kal hummed. He had taken the keys from his pocket and was now twirling the hoop around a finger. “But bro- You brought a surfboard with you? That’s epic!” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[1:00 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I didn't think it would be this cold here- I can handle the chill, but the water out there is nearly ice. Way too cold to surf." Hannah sighed. "It was like five thousand dollars too, a gift from my dad. I really want it back." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[1:00 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:56 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"What is a.. surf board?" Titania commented with a confused expression. "But yes.. the sooner the better in retrieving our powers. I-I cannot travel without mine.." She frowned underneath the blankets.

"..but perhaps it would be best we rest for the night. It has been a l-long journey to even escape." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[5:22 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Oh- A surfboard is awesome! It’s like a giant piece of wood I think that’s smoothed out, and you can go to a beach and ride on the waves! It’s so cool, I’ve always wanted to try it out but I’ve never done it.” Kal chuckled.

“But rest is real important! We’re gonna need a lot of it for anything that comes our way. Do we wanna camp out in one room or head on our own way? Because we totally can make a giant pillow fort to fit all of us in it.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:00 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. I'm fine with going anywhere that isn't my room." Hannah mumbled. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐ @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:51 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Hm.. interesting," Titania nodded, trying to picture what this 'surfboard' would look like. Even under the blanket, Kal and Hannah would be able to see the princess shrink a bit under her blanket.

"I-I think resting together, but apart would be okay.. I do not l-like sleeping too close to others." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[7:52 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Then we can make you a pillow fort so you’re comfier,” Kal’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “My room’s nice and clean, we can crash there if that’s somethin’ you two are chill with.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:31 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. I would also prefer to sleep in a bed." Hannah nodded. "Kal aren't you like- sore from sitting in your cell for so long? You should probably sleep in your bed." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐ @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:07 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Y-You two can sleep in Sir Kal's room on the beds.. If you do not mind.. I-I will stay outside of the personal rooms, but I can sleep in a fort in the small space between the rooms perhaps?" Titania suggested. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[10:10 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"You sure? I don't mind sleepin' on the floor, it's kinda comfortable for me," Kal chuckled. "You can sleep on the bed, no worries! You two deserve a comfortable place to sleep. I'll be fine with just a pillow and a throw blanket, no issue here with me!" @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[10:12 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Kal I think Titania just wants to sleep away from us." Hannah shrugged. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐ @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:13 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"Oh- Oh! That might make sense-" He offered Titania a sheepish grin. "If that's it, then that's no problem! You do whatever makes you comfortable, Princess!" @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:28 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania nodded in agreement with Hannah. "I-It is not anything against you two.. I just.. prefer it," she mumbled. "Also.. I do not think I would f-fit in a bed now," they added. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐ @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:58 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Yeah, I think it's for the best we just take the beds and Titania can go sleep a bit further away." Hannah nodded. Normally she'd go grab some of her stuff to bring with her at a time like this, but.. she didn't have anything to grab. @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[8:27 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“It’s all good!! Don’t worry about it,” Kal grinned. He took a seat on one of the beds. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:16 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania nodded and proceeded to follow Kal to his room. She was relieved that they wouldn't be staying in Hannah's. She settled herself in the awkward space between the rooms. Having the blanket helped staying comfy. Titania kinda looked like a wrapped up snake the way she rested. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐ @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:21 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Hannah plopped down on the other bed, not even caring whose it was. She fell asleep nearly instantly, snoring loudly. This was probably the longest day of her life. Close second was the day her dad got arrested, but that had just a little bit less drama than all of this. @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[9:36 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Kal actually ended up doing his nightly work out routine as quietly as he could before he went to sleep for the night. Like Hannah, he knocked out quickly. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania