[12:47 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

After parting ways from Kal and from the gala as a whole, Ryunoske made her way to the lounge area. She didn't quite want to go to bed just yet, so she roamed around until she find herself by one of the shelves. Dressed in her suit and coat still, Ryunoske looked up to some of the books on display, humming quietly as she scanned them.

It would probably do her some good to study up on the people and culture of this island... @em | enya + mallon

[3:12 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Same as Ryunoske, Enya hasn’t bothered to change out of her own simple suit just yet. She hadn’t spent too long at the gala—just enough to hear the announcements, scan the room for a bit, and grab some food on her way out. As she wanders somewhat aimlessly back towards the guest area, a faint humming catches her ear. Enya slides her hands into her pockets, interest caught, as she notices the other person and steps into the lounge. “Anything interesting over there?”

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:45 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The faint sound of footsteps approaching didn't quite alert Ryunoske. She figured it would just be someone passing by, but when a voice perked up beside her, Ryu turned her head almost instantly. "Not much. Well, unless you're including yourself," Ryunoske chuckled faintly as she saw Enya.

"Just thought to browse before heading off for the night. I'm guessing you have the same idea?" @em | enya + mallon

[7:54 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Enya grins unashamedly at that, making her way across the room. “Aw c’mon now, don’t sell yourself short,” she replies, knowing full well that hadn’t been the intent of Ryu’s statement.

“Honestly I didn’t have much in mind,” Enya continues, shrugging and a bit more nonchalant now. “I wanted to snoop around outside for a bit, but given that it’s cold as balls out even for me I figured I could table that. Next best thing, it can’t hurt to get to know some of my competition.”

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:16 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

A louder chuckle escaped Ryunoske's lips as she heard Enya's reply and she rested a hand into her pants pocket. "Well, at least that means you think I'm midly interesting if you think I'm selling myself short," he hummed with an amused smile.

Ryu then looked Enya up and down, examining the other before smiling a bit more. "I guess it's only fair to be curious. I'd be happy to indulge you, if you'd be willing to do the same with my own questions," she offered. @em | enya + mallon

[12:31 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“Touché.” Enya smirks, leaning against the top of the back of one of the couches and crossing her legs loosely—she doesn’t seem to fail to notice Ryu’s look. “And sure, why not? Not like I have anything to hide.”

She takes Ryunoske’s agreement as her chance to begin, offering out after a minute, “So, then. What broughtcha here?” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[2:14 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske decided to keep her focus on Enya. She would never dare to ignore a pretty lady, after all. "The money," she said shortly, a faint smile dancing on her lips. "No one can ever get enough of it, you know? Plus, if it's a fight for money, it's quite an easy win for me. What about yourself? A pretty face like you is bound to have better things to do than to participate in a shotty fight ring like this," Ryu hummed. @em | enya + mallon

[7:48 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Yeah, that made sense. Honestly, Enya would be pretty surprised if people were here mainly for any other reason. “I think I do know,” she agrees, head tilting slightly. “I could use the boost, that’s for sure. That and I’d take the chance for a little excitement over anything.” At Ryu’s ‘pretty face’ comment, though, her shoulders straighten up a bit, and just barely noticeably, her grin widens. “I could say the same to you. What makes you think it’ll be so easy, huh?” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:18 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu chuckled softly and compared to Enya, her stance relaxed. Her shoulders slacked a bit as more blue strands of her hair began to loosen from its gel. "You looking for the money too? Well, that makes things a little more difficult for me," Ryu mused.

"I don't like having to fight a pretty lady, but if there is one good trait about me, it'd be that I know how to put up a good show," Ryu smiled and loosely threw a punch upwards, as if to emphasize what she meant. "Kinda the only thing I know how to do well." @em | enya + mallon

[9:27 AM]em | enya + mallon:

“Aww, sorry to spoil the fun,” Enya hums, expression shifting into a small mock pout before snapping back almost immediately into a grin as she tucks one of her small braids behind her ear. “I think the same motivation makes a much better show, if it’s a show you’re planning on.”

She raises an eyebrow as Ryu punches the air, a hint of a laugh escaping her. “If you’re as good as you say you are, then I can’t wait to see. And put on my own, of course.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[11:18 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske grinned as she slyly lean against a nearby bookshelf. She rested her chin in her hand and laughed a bit as she saw Enya's playful pout. "There aren't any hard feelings if we're ever put up on one another. I just don't like fighting a lovely lady," she hummed.

"I look forward to any show you have to perform. May I get your name so I know how to root for you?" Ryu smiled. @em | enya + mallon

[1:12 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Enya shrugs at that, but it helps to add a certain relaxedness to her words. “Dunno if I buy the no hard feelings shit, to be honest with you. Always gonna be when there’s money involved—and pride. But I won’t blame you if there is.”

“Believe me, it’ll be a show alright,” she chuckles in response, and her eyes seem to flash for a moment. Though, it’s gone too quickly to be sure. “My name’s Enya. Name for a name?”

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:38 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

A small laughed escaped Ryunoske's lips. "No, truly. No hard feelings whatsoever from me. It's hard to stay mad when it's a pretty lady. I just shut up and take it–whatever you say, babe," she joked with a warm smile.

"Enya, hm?" Ryu repeated. "A lovely name for an equally lovely person. You can call me Ryu." @em | enya + mallon

[4:15 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“Thanks, I got it for my birthday.” The stupid comment slips out before she can talk herself out of it, and she kind of wants to melt into the floor for a moment, before mentally recovering a few seconds later. “Ryu? That’s pretty. I think it suits you.”

Enya’s been holding her own pretty well so far in this back and forth they’ve got going, but slowly there’s a flush creeping into her cheeks that’s only growing. “Guess I’ll just have to take your word on it for now, then,” she concedes, but it’s with a faint challenge in her voice when she continues, “You know, when I win.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:32 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Despite Enya herself thinking her comment wasn't very funny, Ryu snickered. "Cute. It's a pretty good gift to get. I hope I'll be able to give you something as good later," she playfully winked. Ryu was more than used to this game, considering it's been about her fourth time doing so today.

Ryu then chuckled once more, her laugh warmer than before. "Awh, I see. I was hoping I'd get to spend more time with you, but if that's how we part ways, then so be it. I'm glad it's at least a beautiful woman taking me out." @em | enya + mallon

[7:31 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Enya blinks, brain taking a second to reboot. She’s not a stranger to this kind of talk, no, but…well, it’s been a little while. “Don’t worry, I promise I can be a gracious winner,” she chuckles. “I’m not here to burn any bridges. Figuratively at least.” After the split second for her thoughts to finally catch up to her voice, she raises an eyebrow with a smirk as she crosses her arms. “Oh, so there’s a later now, is there?” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:20 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:


"Welllll, I would say I could give you something now, but I'm a bit empty handed," Ryunoske chuckled a little more as she pulled out her pockets, revealing three packs of cigarettes, but nothing else. "I got to get a pretty lady an equally fun gift. Flowers, at least," she mused.

"So, yes, later. Unless you'd like the gift of my time—which I would be more than happy to give you more of. Though, it's a pretty boring gift just standing here in the hallway. I could give you something more exciting if you'd like," Ryu winked.@em | enya + mallon

[1:00 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“Appreciate the offer, but it’s not for me I’m afraid. But if you need a light..” Enya snaps her fingers, a small spray of sparks jumping to life and slowly fizzing out before the ground. “And I can save you the trouble on that part,” she continues in reply with a small snort, “I’m not much of a flower girl. I can’t even keep a cactus alive—and trust me, I’ve tried.”

She tilts her head slightly, sparks sprouting a thin blue flame that weaves around her hand and arm nonchalantly. “But the gift of your time? That sounds pretty good if you ask me, Ryu.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[2:45 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu chuckled faintly, perhaps even a bit disappointed, but smiled anyways. "Well, the offer is always there if you'd like it," she hummed. Though, when Enya lit the sparks in front of her, Ryunoske's smile seemed to widen.

"What an interesting ability. Fireworks, by chance?" She asked with a tilt of her head. "Flowers are more of a pleasantly. Can't hurt to have some to show my appreciation, yknow? Though, I'm happy to spend my time in the company of a lovely lady. Do you smoke?" Ryu asked and offered one of her packs toward Enya. @em | enya + mallon

[3:18 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“Like I said, appreciate the offer but smoking’s not really for me,” Enya shrugs, “I tend to be just a little tiny bit of a fire hazard.” As if to prove her point, the flames wind themselves up and around her arm, over her shoulders, then down her other arm before she clenches her fist and it slowly dissipates. “Not quite fireworks. Just regular fire, but it burns somewhere in the thousands of degrees—I dunno exactly. I call it hellfire, though. Makes the dramatics way more fun.” She pauses, looking Ryu up and down for a moment. “What about yours?” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:20 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:


Ryunoske snickered a little as she listened to Enya and watched the flames travel the other's body. "I see. Well, again, the offer stands if you ever change your mind," she said and took out a cigarette for herself. "Before I show you, mind if I get that light now?" Ryu smiled coyly and held the stick out towards Enya.

"It's a bit more interesting this way." @em | enya + mallon

[6:48 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Enya’s head tilts again. “Interesting? Well who would I be to deny that?” She reaches a hand out, the tip of her finger igniting beneath the cigarette. It’s noticeably not as vibrant blue of a flame anymore, and seems kind of like she’s having to put in effort to keep it that way, before the spark catches and she quickly lets it disappear. Regardless of that, her gaze is fixed on Ryu intently. “Time for the first show of yours, huh?” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:48 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

A grin grew on Ryunoske's lips as Enya lit her flame. It was quite interesting Enya had a harder time holding herself back, rather than summoning enough strength to perform, like most people do. Ryu made sure to take note of that. She leaned back a little, finally sticking the stick of poison into her mouth. "Someone's eager to see me perform," Ryu faintly taunted with a smile.

She turned her head downwards for a moment, blowing out red-green smoke from her lips and nostrils. The smoke curved in two separate paths, circulating around and back behind Ryu. It moved firmly, yet loose, creating various shapes and patterns, even changing color. The smoke turned a light blue-yellow and floated towards Enya, shaping into a few hearts. "Ta-da, smoke show," Ryunoske chuckled, her cigar resting between her teeth.@em | enya + mallon

[8:32 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“‘Course I am,” Enya agrees, settling back casually on her elbows as she watches. “You’ve got my attention, after all.” She’s not exactly sure what to expect outright, but once the smoke begins to appear she supposes she probably should have guessed something along those lines.

And it’s definitely a sight to see—she looks genuinely impressed as the smoke curls closer to her, reaching out a little to brush her fingers through it gently. “Beautiful,” she says quietly, eyes darting briefly to Ryu’s face before shifting back and it’s not entirely clear if she means the demonstration or the demonstrator. Or both, really. A slight smile quirks up the corner of her mouth. “Huh. Seems like we match a little bit.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:46 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The heart shape smoke playfully blows in Enya's face before circulating back towards Ryu. The smoke slowly faded back into the red-green color it was before and stayed in her relative area. "Thank you. I try to be," Ryu teased with another wink. Even if Enya denied her more forward advances, Ryunoske wasn't above fun flirting.

"Match, huh? Is that a pun? I like it," Ryunoske chuckled. "Maybe a fight between us would be fun. Still a little sore to fight a pretty face, but fun, none the less. I'll catch you around, Enya. I'm going to call it a night," he said and lazily gestured his hand in a wave. "If you ever change your mind on my offer, let me know. I'm always down~" @em | enya + mallon

[2:40 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“Maybe a little bit, “ Enya chuckles slightly. It definitely wasn’t intentional but why not roll with it, right? “Maybe it would be. At the very least, if not the real thing, then maybe a friendly one.” She offers her own wave in response, grinning. “Well it’s a good thing our rooms are labeled then. Have a good night, Ryu.” @Aj | Ryunoske+Titania