
Greetings, ___,

It has come to our attention that you possess powerful supernatural abilities. We peoples of the Church of the Undying Light would like to personally invite you to a tournament of elements, in which you will be presented with the opportunity to show off your skills, and go home with more than you came with.

The winner of the tournament will be awarded a grand prize of a hefty sum of cash, as well as any personal wish that can be granted by the Church.

Because of our Church's policy, and for the sake of the tournament itself, we ask that you do not speak of this tournament to anyone who is not participating in it. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

The Church will provide room and board for all those participating in the tournament, but we please ask you bring any personal belongings, as well as appropriate attire for cold weather. If you for some reason are unable to bring your own cold-weather clothes, we will provide some for you.

If you wish to participate, please meet us at the North Shore Ninjago City Docks, at 6am. Please bring this invitation, and remember to dress warmly!


Hand of God, Yeonaixho Sehwohl

end poem

rise with the sun and fall with the moon,

you become me, and I become you

spit me all out, drink me all in

and I become renewed again

in moonlight we frolic, a lover's pair

still shade of absence lingers there

like the lilybud and honeybee

you know I cannot set you free.

your grave is shallow, and I remain

yet here I persist in eternal pain

I'll bury my love, under golden sand

your tongue on mine, your heart in hand

Note: The final vote was between 🌙 (a good ending) or ☀️ (a bad ending) without knowlege of which ending was which.

in the end, ☀️ won.