Continued From: roy eben inu roque

[7:36 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He gave Eben another worried look as he said he was fine. He was very concerned about Eben’s lack of emotion as he talked about his situation. “That’s really young to be… doing that.”

He certainly reacted as he responded. “Mm, yeah. My body is constantly producing electricity, when I’m… emotional, it sparks off and it’s really dangerous. So I was in a lot of pain and there was a lotta residual lighting from the strike I guess? So when they brought me in with all the machines and stuff it caused a power overload and everything shut down. I wasn’t really conscious for most of it but… whenever my family talks about it... it sounds scary.” He felt guilty just thinking about it.

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[8:33 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"I was a 'prodigy', I was raised in a family full of them. Really, I think I just had too much time and nothing to spend it on. It's nothing special."

He listened to Roy attentively. "That must have scared you, I can't imagine having abilities tied to my emotions that way. How do you handle it?"

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:05 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Huh. That- it’s sounds… stressful. Why were you… working on that weapon?” He was attempting to get as much info on why Eben was doing something so dangerous before making any judgment.

He fidgeted with the pillow he was holding (instead of Eben) thinking. “Yeah. It was… hard to figure out how to hold it back. Ha, didn’t help I was a preteen, y’know? Already pretty emotional and bad at dealin’ with it… um, but I just kinda focused on holding it down. I dunno, it’s like… stopping yourself from crying? ‘s hard to explain.”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:21 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"It internship of sorts. I wasn't given full details until after they had to explain to me why my accident was so serious. Needless to say, I wasn't thrilled about being kept in the dark on something like that."

He listened to Roy explain, glad to hear him speak on his powers. "So it wasn't impossible to hold it in, but doing so made it more likely that when you did let it out, the effect would be larger?" That's how bottling things up works, right? He would know.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:13 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

So he didn’t completely understand what he was working on? “So did you know it was a weapon when you were making it?”

He nodded a bit. “Yeah, you get it. Usually I go discharge, um, really I just use so much lighting that it kinda… overtaxes it? It’s exhausting but it works.”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[4:31 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"I knew it was a weapon I just didn't know it was ours. I was under the impression I was making a vaccine of sorts. You know how those work, a small enough dose of some kind of virus to ensure your body knows how to fight it" Eben replied.

Eben frowned at Roy's explanation. "Am I to assume you're constantly exhausted due to that, then?"

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:08 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

So he was trying to do good with it. “And… is there a way to counteract it?”

He floundered a bit at that. “W-well, um. Y’know when y’put it like that.. um… well it’s okay anyway, I- since coming here I’ve kinda been.. experimenting! Um, when I feel strong emotions it helps when I let the electricity out as I feel ‘em. It’s been easier to manage that way. Hurts less.”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:15 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben shook his head. "It's not curable, only preventable. Fortunately, since it's confined to me, I can control how much of it affects others, and to an extent, myself."

Eben was concerned about Roy, but the answer made him smile. "That's good." I wish it didn't hurt at all. "I hope you'll keep doing that. I suppose you have been feeling a lot of strong emotion recently"

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[7:19 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He frowned a bit, but was hopeful. “That’s good. You’re… like me, yeah? The more you work on it, the less it’ll hurt you?”

He sighed into his pillow. “Yeah. Lotta strong emotions, definitely. I just- ha. I wish it didn’t have to happen at all. ‘s not like I can just… drop what I’m doing all the time to calm it. I just wish I didn’t feel so much. Or- um. I wish it was easier to control.”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:24 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"actually, I'm the opposite. Using my abilities speeds up the effect, a little bit. I don't think I can stop it from affecting me that way" he shrugged.

Eben tilted his head a little at Roy. "How much you feel is one of my favourite things about you. I'd hate for you to abandon that. I truly doubt someone like you could simply not feel, and bottling it up does no good, pain-wise."

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[7:32 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Oh. I’m… I’m sorry. You- you’re sure? No practice or anythin’ would work?”

At Eben’s words Roy blushed and seemed very sheepish. “W-well, if you put it like that… I’m.. I’m just- it’s just inconvenient, ‘s all.. ha.”

“T-there was one time in high school where this group of assholes we’re calling me all sorts a shit, and- hell. Not like I really cared, but then they said shit about my sister and I about blew the generator, haha! I, um. I got suspended for that for a while. They quit talking to me, at least. I- I’m blabbering, um. Just, it’s hard for me to feel and- and have to control my powers and myself, yeah? But having these… they brought me here. I got to meet you and Inu, and all my other friends. So… um. Yeah.” Wow he was talking for awhile. He looked away from Eben, a bit embarrassed. “S-sorry for talking so much..”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[8:09 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben shook his head. "Practice helps when it comes to others. I've been practicing more thanks to some assistance from Glass."

Eben looked at Roy softly as the man became sheepish. He listened through Roy's story, frowning.

"You were right to retaliate. If they pick a fight, they should be willing to face the consequences."

"If I wanted you to be quiet I'd say so, don't apologize for nothing" he replied gently.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:18 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Mm. Well, I hope you can figure something out.”

“Oh, um. No, n-not really, um- honestly it was a miracle they even let me go to school, ha.. ‘s not like… the stuff they said about Sunny was messed up, but- stuff they said ‘bout me was true, honestly…”

He smiled a little bit at that. “You’re- you’re really nice to me… not.. not everyone is so tolerant.” He seemed rather sad.

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[8:34 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"I won't, but at least life is becoming bearable."

Eben shrugged. "True or not, it was mean-spirited and unnecessary."

Eben looked at Roy. "No, a lot of people aren't tolerant. Best to not associate with them, right?"

He moved a gloved hand to Roy's arm.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:40 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He immediately took the hand. “…you’re too nice to me. They- they were right to be angry with me, I- I hurt them a lot, especially when I was just figuring it out. They were just… l-letting everyone else know I’m… that ‘m awful.” It’s funny, he hated talking about this but he couldn’t really get himself to stop. A selfish part of him liked airing it out, taking advantage of Eben’s kindness.

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[8:42 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben gave Roy a questioning look. "Why are you awful?"

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:44 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

His hold tightened a bit. “…I hurt people with my powers. They- they’re right to be upset with me. I.. I tried. To be better. But it didn’t fix what I already did, I guess…”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[8:52 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"Roy, am I awful?" Eben asked after a short silence.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:05 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Buh? Wh- why’d you say that? I don’t think you are, no!”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[9:20 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben chuckled. It was probably the first time he'd laughed in a while.

"Roy, I bio-engineered a deadly virus, killed my father, and got off scot-free. You? You happened to be struck by freak lightning as a child, and have worked all your life to make up for it. If you don't think I'm awful, how can you think that you are?"

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:28 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“I! You- you.” Welp, you got him there! “Youuuuuu’re.. rrright….” He grimaced as he said it. “…I. I don’t think, even if.. ohhh I’m stupid aren’t I. I don’t think you’re a bad person, you didn’t do any of that on purpose and- and you didn’t know any better.” He huffed a bit. God, he was so stupid. If the rules applied to Eben, why the hell wouldn’t they apply to him? “…Aw hell.”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[9:54 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"'aw hell' is correct." The phrase that sounded so correct for Roy was very out of place for Eben. He didn't comment on Roy saying he wasn't a bad person.

"Your own logic has trapped you, I'm afraid" he smiled.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[10:01 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He couldn’t stop himself from smiling at Eben’s out of character words and his own smile. “‘Mm.. w-well. T-they still had a right to be.. angry. Hm.” Well, what now? How was he supposed to feel? How was he supposed to react to every god awful thing those people said to him, that he heard until he believed it himself, how is he supposed to feel now?

“…I really.. didn’t deserve any of that, huh.”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[10:25 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"no, no you did not. You didn't deserve it." He was glad Roy came to that conclusion.

Eben looked out at the sky, long gone-dark by now.

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:31 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He slowly rubbed his thumb across Eben’s hand, contemplating. “…I gotta… I’ve got a lot to think about.” He let out a heavy sigh. “Why’s so much hafta happen today…”

(I’m cool with ending it here, unless you got more you want them to talk about :3) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[9:37 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

(I'm also cool with it ending here! They can just fall asleep together)

Eben nodded. "Nothing that can't be thought about in the morning."

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:41 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He laughed a little, starting to fall asleep. “heheh… ain’t it the afternoon..? Aw whatever…” He adjusted a bit, mainly so his back didn’t die from the position he was in, but he ended up scooting a little closer to Eben as a result. (Wow, haha, what a total accident :sparkl: ) “g’night…”

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[9:43 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben doesn't believe in coincidences, which is why he makes a point to move closer to Roy as well.

"Good night."

[9:45 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He smiled softly and drifted off to sleep. For once there were no nightmares of water or lightning, just a feeling of peace.