[7:38 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

After observing some of the indivuals that appeared after her, Titania decided to introduce herself to someone who seemed more approachable (in their opinion, which was not always correct). They came up to a woman who seemed about her age and bowed her head in a polite manner.

"Greetings. I am Princess Titania Anasah. I assume you must be here because you received an invitation as well?" She asked and held up the envelope they were given. "May I have the honor of knowing your name as well? This is my first time being somewhere so.. hectic. I am determined to learn as much as I can as I am out here." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[1:29 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:


“Hello, Princess,” saying the words aloud felt stranger than simply just thinking them. How long has it been since she’d addressed royalty? Had to have been years at least.

Upon being approached, Kass tensed up, fists clenching and unclenching as if she were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat. The tension stayed as she performed the stiffest mock-curtesy Titania had ever seen.

“I’m Kass,” she replied plainly, looking the stranger up and down skeptically. “…And yes, I received a letter as well, for better or for worse. I suppose for someone with your status, this place would be rather hectic. You’re… far from home, yes?” @ajjjjjjjj

[5:27 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania nodded and with a flip of her hand, her letter dispeared into her sleeve. "Your form is a bit stiff, but I appreciate the gesture," she commented with a small smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you. As for being far from home.. I suppose you could say that, yes," Titania hummed.

The princess looked Kass up and down for a moment before continuing, "You do not quite look like a normal citizen... Or at least, the citizens I am used to seeing. Are some sort of performer? You have such interesting wardrobe.." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[5:44 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kass tilted her head to the side. “Truthfully, I’m a bit out of practice. I didn’t think I’d ever run into royalty, especially at a place like this. Tell me, Princess Titania, what is someone like you doing here…?”

At the mention of her being a performer, she practically gagged. “Though, to answer a question of your own, I can assure you, everything I do is very much real, and like you, I’m much more than a normal citizen,”she huffed. “Your wardrobe is quite eye-catching too, though that’s to be expected. Very fitting for royalty.” it seemed that compliments weren’t her strongest suit, but even with Kass’s dry demeanor, she was trying. @ajjjjjjjj

[5:52 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

She raised a brow as she listened to Kass, finding her comment quite interesting. "Out of practice, you say..? Were you familiar with those of royal descent, Miss Kass? I find that surprising," Titania commented, neither an insult or compliment. Just genuine curiosity.

"Well, performance is a real art.. Quite interesting too. So if you are not a normal citizen, what exactly do you do?" Titania asked with a curious smile. "And thank you for your compliments. My father designed my gown himself. It is a treasure of mine." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[6:02 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“You’re a curious one,” Kass hummed as she looked back at Titania, unblinking. She opened her mouth to say something, then appeared to decide against it. “I… was familiar with royalty, yes. I served my own princess as head of an elite guard,” That would suffice for now. “Performing has its merits I’m sure, it’s just not something I’m very interested in. Or maybe I just haven’t found a false narrative to invest myself in,” she clicked her tongue.

“Your father has a keen eye for a good design, and you wear it well and with pride. I’m sure you represent your kingdom well, Princess.” @ajjjjjjjj

[6:24 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"An elite royal guard?" Titania repeated with a wide smile. She seemed quite impressed by that, evident by her big ol' eyes and little tapping of her heels. "How enchanting! You must be utmost skilled in combat and the such then, correct, Miss Kass? How amazing!" The princess gleamed. "I find myself most intrigued by theater and play. Something about it is so fascinating, is it not? It is like illusions.. but reality at the same time! It is such an endearing practice to observe."

Titania then giggled, pinching a bit of her skirt in giddy. "Awh, you are too kind, Miss Kass. Your design is quite interesting in itself. Did you make it by your own hand?" @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[6:35 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Titania’s excitement towards her profession was… a nice change of pace. Kass was sure it wouldn’t stay that way after disclosing the gorey details, but the pleasantries of a first conversation almost made her forget her position wasn’t the most honorable to most. It was oddly nice for a moment not to be feared.

“Combat is my speciality- I was raised and trained to only deliver the swiftest blows. I really… appreciate the enthusiasm,” she said quietly, the corners of her mouth twitching into an almost-smile. “A combination of illusion and reality, you say? To be completely honest, when you phrase it that way, my interest is piqued.”

At the comment on her own wardrobe, the woman’s face turned a slight shade a red, before being replaced with a look of pride. “Yes, I assembled it myself. Part of it was from my previous uniform, repurposed to suit my title as ‘freelancer’, or whatever the people here say.” @ajjjjjjjj

[6:51 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania continued to look at Kass with endearment, rocking side to side a bit as she listened. "It is always so delightful when I hear of women in combat! I, myself, am not quite too strong. Frankly, I am weak beyond borders, so I just love hearing of those who are able to that which I cannot," she explained with glee. "Perhaps your outlook on play has affected how you feel about performance, but it is truly an artform that borders between realms of what is real and what is fake. Only those most skilled can make you believe in the pretend," Titania hummed.

The princess' eyes couldn't help but sparkle as Kass explained her outfit, and the princess observed just a little closer the details of Kass' design. "I see! I am not sure of this 'freelancer' title, but I do love the skill of repurposing material! Nature can only provide so much for our bodies. It is best and most practical to reuse what we can, and you managed to make quite a beautiful garb!" @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[7:00 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“I appreciate your praise- both in my appearance and my past profession. I suppose what links them both is that I am no longer employed, and now I seek my worth under my own command. Perhaps this letter will guide me to a new purpose for me to fulfill. My strength is found in how I deal damage, though I’m sure yours lies in other places. And I must admit, that fascinates me more than any showing off any formal training I was given.”

Kass paused, allowing for a small smile to show for only a moment. “Princess, are you perhaps an actress?” @ajjjjjjjj

[7:55 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania swayed a bit in her stance, unable to stand still. She was just so excited to talk to this new and interesting person! Who knew humans actually had a personality! "How very respectful! You seem to be a very strong and capable women, Miss Kass. I hope you may find your worth here if that is what you seek. Those who are lost often find others who seek guidance as well. Perhaps there will be others who will be able to aid you," the princess replied with a faint smile.

Though, at Kass's question, Titania couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, me? An actress? Dearly not. I am a Princess, of course! Princesses have no place in the spectacle of pretend. Our act is fully for reality," Titania answered with a small twirl. "I may have my praises for such profession, but I know where my weaknesses lie. I could never fool a fly." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[8:11 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kass nodded, this time with a bit more enthusiasm. Titania had a way of bringing a bit more… life to her stoic nature. “That is all true… but where there is a call to action, there is a purpose. I have no doubt my abilities will guide me further to my next prophecy to fulfill. I must ask- what brings you here? You’re from a kingdom that surely needs you, with no guard in sight, and you outright admitted that your skills aren’t those of a fighter…” she trailed off, but this time not as an awkward pause, but dramatic effect.

“…Or an actress. You’re an interesting one, truly, Princess Titania. For you may have to call me a fly with the way you had me fooled for a moment- as in, maybe you do have stakes in acting- even if it’s simply making me believe you moonlight as an actress. Surely aside from that, you have a skill that sets you apart, or even brings you joy?” @ajjjjjjjj

[8:28 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"I believe everyone has a calling, but sometimes, life takes you in slopes where you are simply a feather being guided. No true direction or guide... but more so a general lift in a direction you do not have control over. There is no need to try and find something right away. I am certain you are already on the right path," Titania smiled, but it quickly faltered as Kass went forward. The princess glanced around them, as if looking to make sure no one else was listening in to their conversation. She took a step closer to Kass and held a hand up to the lower half of their face, "I actually fell quite an embarrassing amount of times on my way here. I have never traveled outside from home and the paths here are horrendous on my heels... but I have my own ways to travel," she whispered to Kass before backing away.

"As to why I am here.. well, I am sure everyone read the letter of invite. The proposal of a wish being granted is what I desire. I unfortunately do not have much skill in which would help me gain an upper hand in this reward, but I do quite enjoy writing stories. I even dabble in play scripts from time to time... but those are all just some embarrassing past times. I am not at all skilled, but it is a notion that makes me happy." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[8:46 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“Perhaps, even with all your falls, you are on the right path as well,” Kass said quietly, her raspy voice free of judgement. “Though, it may be wise to swap out your heels if they become burdensome. In a competition like this, it is best not to show too much weakness, as I’m sure there are some here that would do just about anything for that wish. Fortunately, I am not one of them. I just want the satisfaction of winning, and showing this institution the extent of my capability, to put it simply,” she raised an eyebrow. “If you won, is there something in mind you’d manifest with that wish?” It was asked out of curiosity than anything.

“I’ve never indulged in writing before, but I can assure you that it’s far from embarrassing. Is that… perhaps why you said to me that you planned to learn as much as you could? Are you seeking inspiration?” @ajjjjjjjj

[9:07 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania visibly frowned at the prospect of having to rid of her most precious heels. "It would be a disgrace to have to replace my footwear! No princess should go about with less. It is not proper," she said with a shake of her head. "I have made it this far just fine. Perhaps I have a great amount of luck to accompany me. No need for strength in that!" Titania chuckled.

The princess' smile fell short at Kass' question and she looked to her hands, to which her fingers began to push against one another. "The wish I have is quite personal... I would like to keep that to thineself," she answered. There was no point in lying or telling the entire truth at this point. Some things still needed to be kept hidden, after all. Though, with the slight change in topic, Titania's smile rekindled immediately. "You do not find it embarrassing..?" She asked, her earlier giddiness returning. "Being out here will indeed let me gain some more interesting insight for my writing! I have written many, many stories and I would love to find something new to write about." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[9:24 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“Ah, forgive me, Princess, it was merely a suggestion of poor taste. I suppose my first instinct when I’m faced with an issue is to eliminate it. Those heels are quite the statement piece, and it’s… brave, in a sense, to carry on with them, even if it’s difficult. Rather admirable, in a sense, as you do have your priorities about you,” Kass gave Titania a nod of approval- not that she needed it.

“I… apologize for prying about your wish, I won’t push it further,” was all she said regarding the princess’s wish, as it wasn’t her right to know. Strangely, Kass was more interested in Titania’s hobbies than her motives regarding the invitation.

“I don’t find it embarrassing at all,” she reiterated. “I suppose I’ll admit to you that I’ve been traveling with a theater troupe- though none of them have been able to hold my attention when it comes to storytelling. So I suppose I’m… curious to hear what kinds of stories you create? I have yet to find one that fully captures my attention, but your enthusiasm and raw curiosity are very… endearing. If you’re willing to share, I’m intrigued to know what you write about, but regardless, I hope inspiration strikes during this entire event.” @ajjjjjjjj

[6:35 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

A small chuckle escaped Titania's lips and she shook her head. "Oh, there is nothing to forgive, Miss Kass. A princess must simply live to a higher standard than others—and that includes the normality of wearing heels to every event despite the context," she smiled. Hopefully, Titania wouldn't be eating her own words as this event continued.

The princess could only continue to smile as Kass spoke, letting the topic of the wish die as to focus on the much more interesting topic of writing. "Ah, back home, writing stories such as mine is seen as a rather.. tackless and wasteful of time, so it is pleasant to hear someone think differently," Titania started. Her swaying became more noticeable as she continued talking and she couldn't contain the bright smile on her lips. "Wellll, if you are willing to hear me out on my stories, I am much more than happy to share! I have a deep love and passion for psychological analysis works, especially pertaining to the horrors of the mind. Many of the stories I write feature a main character who experiences strange and creepy events and must deal with them in different ways, but as you read, you feel as though you are the one being analyzed," Titania started.

"Dark and gritty horror is soo interesting, would you not agree? Unlike theaters or plays, writing a scene that makes you feel like someone is watching you is much a harder concept to do. To make people's skin crawl... ohh, it is such a fun experience! To explore one's mind is a concept one can only truly fantasize about. No one knows for 100% certainty what someone would do. I love the thrill of mystery." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[3:07 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kass couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “If you insist. I won’t be the one that stops you, your choice is your choice- wise or not, it is fashionable,”

She didn’t even notice as they fully switched gears, letting herself get fully immersed in what the other woman was explaining, as if she’d never heard of fiction before. She nodded along as Titania explained her hobby, hooked on every word. “I… really like that,” she started, still in awe. “The mind is a horror in itself, and I’m sure the way you write it makes it as if those horrors leap right off the page. I personally have a fascination with the macabre- though I’ve never experienced it through writing. The experience itself sounds truly riveting.” @ajjjjjjjj

[9:05 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania smiled even wider and flapped her hands in a happy motion. "Yes! I am, so glad someone finally understands why I find the horror and psychological thriller genre so enthralling! The mind is such an interesting organ. So, so complex, yet so predictable at the same time! I just love exploring the various possibilities and actions someone could take to several situations, no matter how mundane they may seem!" They rambled.

"My favorite story so far is titled 'The Woman and the Puppet'. It is about a mother who lost her son in an accident, and in trying to salvage her loved one, she creates a puppet who looks exactly like him. She even tries to make him act like her son before he died. She eventually starts to believe the puppet is truly her son, going as far as to bring him to a hospital if he got hurt and getting blood drawn. At some point, she digs up the grave of her real son, but finds that the body is missing. Around the same time, the puppet begins to act different. It somehow sounds exactly like the son, even has memories the son had that she didn't mention to the puppet. And-" @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[4:42 AM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“And?” Kass repeated, the excitement in her voice very evident. “That poses the question- did she dig up the body? Perhaps that was the final straw to fully make her believe her son is the puppet. Or… maybe the son was never quite dead. Though even then, there’s the possibility of an interference with the supernatural, and perhaps the son and the puppet are now one. But… what if that being recalling the memories isn’t the son…”

Titania’s attitude was infectious, as now Kass found herself rambling about the very same topic, running through different scenarios as she attempted to shape an ending. She let out a fry laugh, then smiled. “You’re right, Princess- the infinite possibilities of an ending is perhaps the most fascinating part of the genre. Anything could happen…

…So what did happen to the son?” @ajjjjjjjj

[8:22 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania's happy flaps continued and she eagerly went on about her book. "So, that is where the story divulges. At first, the mother suspects her neighbours dug up the body so she would not get to it, but then the puppet begins to ooze blood and even look more human-like. The mother begins to think someone must of taken pieces of her son's body and put it inside the puppet, so she attacks it one night to rip it open. When she opens it, however, there is nothing but the stuffing she had originally put in it. She had not only lost her son once, but twice, in her mind, and she snaps, blaming the town and the world for her lost."

"The story remains on an open end, set for the reader to interpret what truly happened. Was the boy's soul and body one with the puppet because he wanted to be with his mother? Or maybe it was the mother's will that made it so? Did the town think the mother was unwell and moved the boy's dead body in the case she tried anything more delirious? Was the boy even dead in the first place? What if the puppet is meant to be a metaphor for a disease the boy had and because the mother could not heal him, she ends up taking her frustration on him, leading to his actual death? The true ending is only interpreted by the reader. They are allowed to choose what makes most sense to them, because even the characters do not know what truly happened. The story is meant to represent the horror of change and sorrow, what lengths people go to when they are faced with a great loss. People do many different things in order to cope with such trials." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[3:07 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kass’s eyes lit up.

“Lost her son twice… that’s truly tragic. Especially with it being so open ended, it leaves the reader to wonder just as much as the woman if everything they’ve perceived is wrong. Has the woman truly gone mad? But that begs the question- are we, the reader, seeing things through her eyes, or are we simply a third party on the outside looking in?” her skeletal hands twitched, most definitely in anticipation as Titania’s excitement fully overtook her.

“I think your commentary is very true to the realities of change, as fantastical as the story is. It represents the unease, and the anger towards something that can’t quite be understood- like sickness, or even death. It’s fascinating to hear a tale that tackles it in such a tragic, yet insightful manner. Are all your stories of similar nature?” @ajjjjjjjj

[3:39 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania could hardly contain a squeal as Kass followed along with her and even accurately interpreted the reason for the open ending. "Yes! You are 100% correct! I wanted to write a story about all of that, but especially capture the feeling of absolute dread and hopelessness someone feels when something they want so desperately cannot be obtained," she nodded.

"And most of my stories revolve around similar situations in regards to interpretation. None of my stories ever have a concrete ending, even if they are more light hearted in nature. What is great about leaving things open, is that it leaves the reader to keep the story alive and going. You keep on thinking about the possibilities and the things that could of happened. In a way, your story never truly ends." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[3:48 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“And I think you succeeded,” Kass replied matter-of-factly. “The woman is so driven to obtain what she no longer can have that she destroys the last link to it. It’s tragically beautiful, with a twinge of horror. I do very much enjoy that you don’t give your stories a concrete ending… perhaps that’s what irks me with most stories I’ve encountered. A story is never quite over, and I suppose that I appreciate it when it lingers in my mind for a bit longer. Like you said, it never quite ends that way.” she glanced at Titania and smiled. @ajjjjjjjj

[9:12 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania nodded eagerly. "Exactly! I just think it is soooo exciting and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Even while writing it, I had doubts about how I should end things, but I kept on treading forward with the original goal in mind despite the second thoughts," she sighed and pulled a bit on her sleeves. "Sometimes, a story's ending is disappointing, lackluster, or even unreasonable. Many stories fail to make an ending that amounts to the build up, so I try to avoid such a thing in my own stories."

The princess smiled a bit more and stepped a bit closer to Kass. "If you ever would like to read any of my stories, I would be happy to mail you some of them! No one else really enjoys my stories, so I am the only who has read them.." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[5:08 AM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kass blinked. “I’d be honored to read more of your works, Princess, but I can’t help but be baffled that nobody else reads them… that’s truly a shame. Especially with the care and passion you clearly put in to each one- I’ll even restate that fiction isn’t quite my thing- but from just meeting you and discussing your interests, I can confidently say that you have given me a renewed interest in the genre,” she paused, and looked over at Titania. “Even if writing stories isn’t something a princess traditionally does, It’s still an art form, and you are creating art. If I were your kingdom, I’d be proud.” It seemed the morals of the theater troupe she travelled with did rub off on her more than she’d ever dream of admitting. @ajjjjjjjj

[8:09 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania's smile faltered a little at Kass's comment and she took back her small step from earlier. "Everyone back home finds them quite silly and nonsensical.. But it brings me immense joy that you are interested in what I have to say," she replied, a genuine thankfulness to her words. The princess looked to the ground as Kass continued and she kept tugging at her sleeves as she did so.

"Thank you, truly, Miss Kass... You have a warm way with your words. I do not think I have felt this happy in a while. I hope that is not strange for you to hear.. But your words have touched my heart," Titania said as she looked at Kass with a gentle smile. "You are a kind person. It is a shame you have not found what you are looking for yet... But I am certain whatever it is, you will be excellent." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[1:39 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:


Kass had been called many things, but never anything so… positive. If anyone else had called her that, she may have laughed or rolled her eyes, but coming from Titania, she almost believed it. She tensed up, then relaxed, letting the compliment play on repeat for a few moments before responding.

“I… must admit, I haven’t felt this happy in a while either, Princess. I really appreciate that you have taken the time to tell me about your stories, and I look forward to hearing them throughout the tournament, if that is alright…” she looked away for a moment, her cheeks tinged the slightest bit red. “You are very kind as well, much more than myself, and I deeply hope inspiration strikes you soon. As for me, I will keep looking, though as I do, I wouldn’t mind calling you an… acquaintance- or a friend, if that’s alright. It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed talking to someone so much.” she admitted, finally meeting Titania’s eyes once again. @ajjjjjjjj

[4:33 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania's smile widened even more as she listened to Kass and she nodded with enthusiasm. "I would be so, so happy to share more with you! I wish I brought more of my works with me.. I only brought the one I am currently working on, so I can most definitely show you the progress at some point later on if you would like, Miss Kass," the princess said with a giddy tap of her feet. When Kass met her gaze, Titania felt herself smile even brighter. Her eyes hurt a bit from how happy she was. "I would be honored to be your friend! Anyone who enjoys the genre of horror like I do is automatically an incredible person in my book," she laughed.

"Have you spoken to anyone else yet, Miss Kass? I am little excited to talk to others now that this conversation has gone so well." @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[3:53 AM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kass smiled. “I’d be honored to see your work in progress as it develops, Princess. As well as being your friend… I won’t let you down,” she said, making a promise to both Titania and herself.

“Truthfully, you were the first to approach me,” she let out a quiet laugh. “Perhaps I’ll continue to introduce myself to the other contestants, though I know for sure you’ll dazzle whoever you choose to speak to next.” @ajjjjjjjj

[8:17 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

A warm feeling welled up in Titania's chest as Kass called her friend, and she had to clasp her hands together to keep from enveloping Kass in a hug. She was just really, really happy. "I will do my best as well! I am sure when you speak to the others, they will also see just how kind and amazing you are, Miss Kass!" She beamed.

"I am going to write something down real quick, but I will most certainly let you read it when we are more settled elsewhere. I just got an idea and need to put it down before I forget about it!" @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[2:10 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Kind and amazing? Those were words to describe Titania, but Kass…? The woman was still perplexed by the princess’s praise. It was… nice, though. The praise was very much welcomed.

“Thank you, though I’m sure it’ll be the same for you, Princess. You have a very creative mind that others should feel honored to be in the presence of,” Kass hummed. “I’m glad you’ve found a bit of inspiration- I really do look forward to reading whatever story you are currently writing.” @ajjjjjjjj

[2:26 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania nodded and smiled bright as she bowed her head to Kass. "I will make sure you are the first to get to look at it when I complete what I have to write down! I shall bid you farewell for now, Miss Kass! May the world guide you!" The princess said before scurrying to her bags and looking for a place to sit down. She had a lot to write down! @Morgan | Kass + Ren

[2:29 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“I can’t wait,” Kass replied with a smile, her words genuine despite the short reply. She offered Titania a stiff bow as well, before holding her hand up in a wave.

“May inspiration continue to strike, Princess!” she called after her. @ajjjjjjjj