Continued From: ryu glass val kass

[9:00 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

(Gonna time bubble this lol)

"Ah. If you guys were here, I was gonna apologize for all the noise, but it's fine if you weren't," Ryu chuckled. "I would love to spend some time with two lovely ladies such as yourselves, but I think I'm going to call it a night. I'll let you two get back to it," Ryu hummed and started towards her side of the room.

"Oh, and don't let Val get the jump on ya, Titania. I hear she bites pretty hard," Ryunoske added with a laugh before going into her room and shutting the door.

Titania looked rather confused by that statement before turning to Valerie. "Well, she is quite interesting." @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[9:11 AM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Thats fair. We'll catch up later than, Ryu." Valerie replied before she let out an strangled sound. Her face went red and she let out a small huff of air before shaking her head.

"Yeah, she is." Valerie said with a sheepish laugh. "I've known her for awhile. Promise she isn't as intimidating as she looks."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:51 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The princess nodded and smiled a bit at Valerie. "You two seem close... Though, she does indeed feel a little overwhelming, but in a good way," she replied. "What did she mean about the whole biting thing? Is it because you are a vampire??" @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[12:17 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Yeahh. Vampire thing." Valerie waves a dismissive hand. "She was just messing around with me." Valerie rubbed the back of her neck before she shook her head again to clear her thoughts as she got back to her nails.

" You're from a kingdom? Do you mind if I ask about it? I've always read fairytales about Princess and everything...always was so curious about them and well, like I said, to meet a real Princess is an honor."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:32 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania smiled a bit brighter and scooted closer to Valerie. "Yes! Go right ahead with any questions, Miss Valerie! I would love to discuss my home with you. It is not as interesting as you may think, however, but I would be happy to explain none the less!" @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[10:09 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Oh-! Uh-" Valerie paused for a second. "If you'd be able to just tell me about what its like there, that would be fascinating." Valerie smiled. "I've traveled all over but to hear about somewhere I've never been would be nice.."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:20 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The princess nodded and seemed to vibrate in her seat excitedly. "Well, my kingdom is called Ekimuli ky’omwezi, as I told you earlier. It is a small kingdom located in a deep forest Grove. We live off mostly from hunting and gathering from the surrounding land, choosing to keep to ourselves and nature than to interact with the outside world. We tried forming contracts and alliances once I was younger... but most fell through. The only stable one we had, we have not contacted in nearly a decade now.. Beyond that, the kingdom itself is pretty self sufficient, so there really is no need to interact much outside of it anyways. We focus on maintaining a stable livelihood and if we ever need goods from outside the forest, we usually trade wild game and their pelts and fur for it." @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[10:50 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

As Titania excitedly talked, Valerie carwfully listened to her, taking a few mental notes on everything about this new place. She doubted travel was an option but maybe she could be wrong. Maybe once thing whole thing was over she would still be able to keep in touch with Titania. She sure hoped so.

"I see..." Valerie nodded along. "Thats so interesting how your mainly self sufficient. Fascinating." Valerie looked down at her nails. "I suppose I could share about my background as well. I was born into the Gallo family. We have a long history here in ninjago from running underground bars and doing backdoor busniess, we've been here for generations. Quite literally as we are vampires."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:24 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"It is important for our kingdom to be self sufficient. Many of our elders do not quite like exposing ourselves to the outside," she hummed. When Valerie started talking about her own life, the princess made sure to quiet down and listened to them intently.

"As vampires, do you live longer than humans do? How many generations has your family been in the business? What is your family like right now, Miss Valerie??" Titania rapid fired. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[7:50 AM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Vampires typically do live longer than humans. Considering we are immortal to an extent." Valerie looked at her hands, flexing them. "By drinking blood we remain youthfull and as we grow and age we gain more powerful. I am only 24 so, I am pretty young for a vampire." She laughed. "As for my family...we've been in the business for hundreds of years. I would even say about 500 years? 600? Maybe even further back..."

"And now I am the head of my family. I've made some changes and I think its for the better."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:49 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Mentally, Titania was taking down soooo many notes right now. "Wow..! This is such useful information, Miss Valerie! I always wanted to write some more mythical like stories that involved immortal creatures, and vampires are right up there! Thank you for sharing this with me," she smiled bright at the other woman.

"Who was the head before you? I assume it must of been your parents, correct?" @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[5:14 AM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"My father used to be in charge, yes." Valerie nodded. "After he died, I took over and starting to run things. It's been like that for...eleven years now." Valerie couldn't help but lower her voice slightly at the end, almost like she felt...saddened to say how long she's been in charge.

"But if you need any assistance for your writing, I can offer some advice, if you'd like."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:08 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Titania blinked as she stared at Valerie and a small gasp escaped her. "So you were running the family since you were thirteen??!" She exclaimed with shock. "That must of been very difficult.. along with the death of your father on top of it. I am sorry you had to deal with all of that, Miss Valerie... a child should not have to handle such things," Titania frowned.

Even the topic of writing didn't manage to make her smile again. "Perhaps.. But I am not too focused on that right now." @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S