Continued From: isi titania darcy peregrine

[1:17 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:19 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"As do I... but we must abide by the rules of our hosts here." Darcy sighed.

"Did she not tell you? Well, anyways, I'm so glad you could help her! Shark langauge sounds fascinating, honestly. They communicate through body language, you say?"

[1:19 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:19 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi shrugged. "She maybe did? my memories not the best. I was more focused on meeting her shark"

They nodded at Darcy's question.

"Moreso than some other creatures, since they don't make much noise- but some of the communication stuff is things that I don't think anyone here can do except me, but people can see a tail waving or a spin or something, and those mean things" she explained. "So that's why I can actually show the body language stuff. It's easier with birds or dogs or something because they make noise that I can translate more directly"

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:31 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh, fascinating!" Darcy hummed. "Honestly, I had no prior conception of how sharks communicated in the first place! Though, it does make sense they wouldn't be as vocal as some other animals." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[2:24 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"I had no clue either- I mean, Bonaparte was probably a bit more communicative than most sharks since he knows Hannah, but it's still good to know. I don't think I'll find myself talking to many sharks in the future" they shrugged.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:03 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh, that makes sense. I wonder if Bonaparte could introduce you to other sharks so you could learn more?" Darcy suggested. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[5:06 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"oh that would be sweet! I don't know how social sharks are but, I bet I could look some stuff up- there is a library here, I dunno if they have books on sharks though."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[11:23 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'm sure they would! It's a very large library, it'd be odd if they didn't have any books on wildlife." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[12:28 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi nodded. "Yeah- I haven't been there yet, but I want to look at it before my fight, whenever that is" they replied.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:46 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"That sounds like a good idea! If you need help finding anything, I should be some help with that." Darcy smiled. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[3:57 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"that would be nice, I'm not sure I know my way around a library that well but I bet you would" Isi replied. They sat down on their bed.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:04 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'd be happy to help you out. I've spent most of my life in libraries." Darcy said, then yawned. "My, it's getting a bit late, isn't it..." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[3:32 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"oh! So it is" she replied. Sleeping wasn't exactly the easiest for her here, but it was still worth the attempt. They looked at Darcy. "Youre probably tired too, huh?"

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:58 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Yes... it's been a rather long day." Darcy laughed. "Shall we call it a night?" @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[5:43 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"Sure!" Isi replied.

it really didn't take her that long to get ready for bed. she undid her one long braid and redid it into two as if she'd done it a thousand times.

"gnight, Darcy"

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:18 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

In only a few moments, Darcy had changed into his nightclothes and gotten ready for bed, laying his glasses on the bedside table. "Good night, Isi!" @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[5:42 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"night, Darcy!" Lights out.

(I forgot I hadn't responded 😭)

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)