ren and malon

[11:35 AM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Ren made his way to the room, finally finding the one bearing his name. He immediately set to work getting himself ready for the aforementioned gala, swapping out his tank top for a… band t-shirt, and his pants for… shorts. His hair, however, was brushed to the best of his ability, relying on the vibes of the day to figure out how his hair should be styled. Needless to say, he was definitely underdressed, though Ren felt like a million bucks.

[12:11 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Mallon isn’t totally on board with the whole gala idea—crowds aren’t exactly their thing, even after being on the surface for some time now. But the offer of information is almost as good a lure as food and drink, so they suppose it could be worth it to try. They emerge from the bedroom section into the small foyer area with their jacket in one hand, adjusting their bandana with the other to make sure it stays firmly in place, before looking up with a start. “…Hello,” they greet awkwardly, fighting back the brief heart attack at suddenly seeing someone else there. “You are..staying here too, then?”

@Morgan | Kass + Ren

[2:35 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

Ren really had just snuck in, huh…

He’d started partially tucking in his t-shirt (to make it look more dressy) as Mallon entered the room, and from their movements and the sound of their voice, they’d… definitely not been expecting him there.

“Oh! Yeah, unless this room doesn’t have a ‘Ren’, he gave the newcomer a small smile. “Sorry if I scared you, just thought I should find my room and get ready for that gala. Hmm, you’ve gotta be Dust or Mallon, right?” @em | enya + mallon

[4:57 PM]em | enya + mallon:

Mallon pulls their dark red jacket on in what they hope is a casual mention, though they’re more just uncomfortable with the folded fins on their arms showing than anything. “..Yes, I am Mallon,” they nod, their one good eye darting around the room a little bit like they’re not quite sure if they want to make eye contact or not. “It’s good to meet you. I..didn’t expect to be sharing space with other people so soon, I must have not heard you. Apologies.”

@Morgan | Kass + Ren

[5:02 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

If Mallon were to make eye contact, Ren wouldn’t quite know. Some days were better than others regarding his sight, but today he was fully relying on his powers and the sounds around him to figure out any sort of social cues. “It’s great to meet you, Mallon! Sorry again for sneaking in, I really must’ve been quiet, haha. Usually I’m the opposite!” he grinned. “I totally forgot that we’d be like, staying here for a bit, so rooming was in the complete back of my mind. You seem real cool though! But I totally get it if you need your space, alone time is super important too.” he gave them a knowing smile. @em | enya + mallon

[5:38 PM]em | enya + mallon:

A tiny smile makes its way out at that. “I appreciate it. Though I do have a feeling we may not be spending much time in our rooms. It seems to me the church is interested in keeping us busy.” Their hands fiddle with the cuffs of the jacket, but Mallon seems to be getting a bit more comfortable—both in body language and tone of voice. “I’m..admittedly not much of an events person. But the matches, now that I am intrigued by.”

@Morgan | Kass + Ren

[6:00 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

“Yeahhhhhhh, they do care a lot about their events n shit. Church retreats, yanno? I… don’t know actually,” Ren admitted. “I like big events most of the time! Oh- we could go together if you’d like! I’m all ready to go whenever!” he struck a corny pose to model his very… un-formal outfit. @em | enya + mallon

[6:26 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“I..think I am ready to go too,” Mallon agrees after a moment of hesitation. They don’t need to bring anything, do they? The announcement had just said to show up…. Their smile widens a bit though with Ren’s offer to go together—and they don’t seem phased at all by his outfit. Mostly because they’ve just assumed they’re too overdressed. “It would be nice to go with someone. Then if we are approached you can do the talking.” It’s said as a joke, with a faint huff of a laugh in it, but..well. Not entirely untrue.

@Morgan | Kass + Ren

[6:48 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

"Oh yeah! I can totally do all the talking if needed! I'm... pretty okay at talking! And I bet there's food there too! I'm starving!" Ren rambled on, his face lighting up the more he thought about the gala. Not only was it going to be fun, but his new friend and roommate was going with him! Double exciting! @em | enya + mallon

[7:53 PM]em | enya + mallon:

“Sounds like a plan, then,” Mallon says with a short nod, teetering on the very edge of visible excitement. Ren’s energy must be contagious. “I’m sure there will be food. Seafood, I hope,” they add. “An island such as this must have plenty fresh catches to go around. Should we head out then?”

@Morgan | Kass + Ren

[8:04 PM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

"Ooooh, seafood? Count me in! I hope they got crab rangoons," Ren's mouth watered at the thought of food. Mallon was definitely on to something. "The sooner we head out, the better- I think now might be our sign to go! I doubt we need to stay long, so once you get worn out, just like... let me know! No need to overstay our welcome, yanno?" @em | enya + mallon

[3:35 PM]em | enya + mallon:

@Morgan | Kass + Ren im so sorry it took me so long but ive had a Lot going on lately, we could just move ren and mallon to the gala if youre ok w that 😅

[11:09 AM]Morgan | Kass + Ren:

(I’m so sorry for not responding! We can def end the interaction here if needed, so so sorry for the delay!) @em | enya + mallon

[6:38 PM]em | enya + mallon:

@Morgan | Kass + Ren no worries!! we can just say they hung out at the gala and they can chat again soon :3