[2:07 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) :3

[2:10 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

Despite the late night Roy was up with the morning announcement. Once again running out of the cold into the warmth of the dining hall.

He got a simple breakfast, but decided to try the coffee, hoping it would actually wake him up for once. He sat down, looking around to see if anyone he knew was there.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:12 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Darcy was already in the dining hall before the announcement even came on, looking exhausted. He'd surrounded himself with piles of books and one bowl of oatmeal, and looked like he might pass out over his translations. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:13 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

Roy perked up at the sight of his friend. He hadn’t seen Darcy for awhile! He walked over with his plate. “Hey Darcy! Mind if I sit with you?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:15 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Darcy looked up, and seemed relieved to see Roy.

"Oh, hello Roy!" He smiled, and moved some of his books so Roy could sit next to him. "Of course, of course. Sit down." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:21 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He smiled and let out a pleased hum, sitting down with his friend. “Thanks. Haven’t seen you in a bit, how’s it going?” He started on his breakfast, man was hungry.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:22 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I've been... alright." Darcy sighed, and pushed up his glasses. His tone indicated things probably weren't going as well as he described. "How have you been?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:26 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He frowned a little, easily seeing Darcy wasn’t telling the truth. “Y’sure? You don’t, ah, sound super happy. Rough night or something?”

He dug into his breakfast a bit more before answering Darcy. “Oh, ‘m doing well. Somethings could be better but, ah..” He thought about the dancing and smiled, blushing a little. “..I’m doing pretty well otherwise.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:29 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"My roommate, Peregrine has just been- insufferable. He keeps sitting on my desk and knocking over my things and making these horrible innuendos, and he brought someone over last night." He groaned, taking his glasses off completely to wipe sleep from his eyes. "It's been horrible! He's finally leaving, but... at what cost."

"I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, though." Darcy sighed. "It's good to hear." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:32 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He frowned, sympathetic. “Ugh, that sucks. Is it that Peregrine guy? The hell is his problem? You’d think Isi woulda knocked some sense into him. But he’s leaving, huh? At least you won’t hafta see him again.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:33 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"He just- he won't leave me alone!" Darcy sighed miserably. "At least he's leaving. No one will have to deal with him again."

He looked over to Roy. "He did steal a book from the church leader, though." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:37 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He frowned deeper. Good thing that ass is leaving, Roy might do something stupid otherwise. “Sorry about that, pal.”

He looked surprised. “He stole a book? Why, was it important or was he just being annoying?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:39 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"A necromancy book. A journal, actually. I don't know how important it is, to the church leader or to Peregrine." Darcy hummed. "But Yeonaixho was listed as a contributor to the research."

[2:39 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

@Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:44 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Y-you- you can do that? You can actually raise the dead??” Roy sure is learning about a lot of fucked up powers at this strange place.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:45 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I mean- I think it's impossible," Darcy put his hand to his chest. "Apparently, these church people think differently. I don't know, though. It was strange." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:49 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Huh? Oh, was it just about it, and not how to do it? Ha, I hope it’s not possible, doesn’t seem right to me.” Forcing a person into some weird situation of being alive and dead, and being forced conscious after dying… sounds gross and unfair to the dead, and screwed up for a person to try. Somethings are better buried.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:52 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Well, it was technically about souls. But I think the author was trying to figure out how to do it?" Darcy shrugged. "Honestly, I don't think it's possible. The line between life and death doesn't seem like the the sort of thing that can be that easily crossed." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:53 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Huh. Doesn’t seem like a line that should be crossed… mm, well, anything nicer happen to you lately?” @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:55 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Mhm." Darcy hummed in agreement. "Oh, well... I've met some nicer people here. And I won my fight. Though, that's a bit sad, since it was against my friend Kal." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:59 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Aw, you were friends with the guy? That’s sad. Glad neither of you really got hurt, at least. Ah, I wish they didn’t have to send people home like that, I woulda liked to talk to some of them more.” But at least the strange ones like Peregrine and her were sent off.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[3:00 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"It is rather unfortunate... though I'm not in the mind to be arguing with our hosts. If that's they're policy, I'll just have to respect it." Darcy shrugged. "Who are you fighting against?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[3:39 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He seems to almost flinch at the question. “Ah. Um. Hannah…have you met her yet?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[3:47 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh, the shark girl? We did run into each other... and she did speak of you..." Darcy frowned awkwardly. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:14 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He winced in anticipation “…um. What did she say?”

[4:14 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:15 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Well... uh..." Darcy coughed into his hand. "She said you... blew up a train?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:19 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He just sat there for a moment, brain buffering. “……..huh?” He had a very very confused look. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:19 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"That's what she told me! When I asked her why she hated you so much, that is. Apparently her father got arrested for it?" Darcy explained. "Did you... not blow up a train?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:22 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

The confusion remained, but he held his head trying to think about… how. “I… huh??? I’ve- I’ve never blown up a train- I- I would’ve heard about that…” He had no idea what he was talking about. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:24 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh, well then she must just be confused! Or have you mixed up with someone else!" Darcy suggested hopefully. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:33 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“W-well. Mayb- wait. Is… is this what she was talking about?! I- she thinks I blew up a train??? How could- I- I got her dad arrested?!” Oh she was going to kill him. There was no way he was fixing that- how?!

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:34 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"If you explain to her that you didn't blow up the train, maybe she'll understand?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:37 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“I- I mean, I really hope I didn’t blow up a train but- but…” His powers have ended up ruining things before, it wasn’t impossible. “…why else would she think I did it if- if it wasn’t somehow my fault…” There was a pit forming in his stomach.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:39 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Maybe she's basing her anger on misinformation." Darcy said. "Think about it, Roy- what's more likely, you causing a train to blow up and never hearing about it, or Hannah getting false information?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:47 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He had been thinking a lot about their first conversation, at the end, when he shocked her, she said she could sense his powers. She would know when he used them.

Realization and horror was dawning on his face. “Oh god- no. No- she, she said she can sense my powers- did- oh god.” He’d been on a train once in his life. When he was 17, he took the train from Osceola to visit his sister, but she had to drive him back due to some problem with the train. Was it that?

“She’s gonna kill me.” And there was no way to convince her otherwise.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:50 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"What- no, no one's going to kill anyone!" Darcy exclaimed, attempting to calm Roy down. "Don't- please, Roy, try to calm down. She won't kill you." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:53 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“I got her dad sent to prison!! She’s- shit! I can’t-! I can’t ffix that, wh- what am I supposed to do?!” Panic crashed over him like a cold wave of water. He can’t fix this, he can’t avoid it, all he has is himself. The least reliable person on earth.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:55 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Even if you did blow up the train, I'm sure you didn't mean to! If she doesn't listen to you, that's not your fault." Darcy insisted. "And if she tried to hurt you, I'll protect you. I promise." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:59 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He let out a panicked laugh. “Wh- what’re you supposed to do fight for me? No- I’m- I have to do this. That’s- it’s the only way I can put this- this mess to rest. She won’t listen to me, I know she won’t.” His hand was tight in his hair, it was taking everything in him to hold down the electricity reacting to his nerves.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:02 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Roy, please- take a deep breathe. No one's killing anyone- I'm almost certain they don't allow that, and if you want we can check with some of the staff." He said. "If you truly think going through with your fight is the only way to end this, then... I'll support you in any way I can." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:06 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He shifted his hands to cover his face and just. Let out a pathetic little whine for a moment. He then immediately pulled his hands away and took a deep breath. “Sorry- ha. Yeah. I… I’d like to ask the staff. If they’d stop her. I gotta- I gotta prepare mself for this.” He looked at Darcy finally after staring off for so long. “T-thanks. Sorry I’m such a mess.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:09 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"It's no worry to me- you're obviously in a lot of stress." Darcy looked around for some staff members to talk to. There were a few dedicants talking in the corner. Darcy waved them over. "Hello! My friend has a question."

"Yes?" Shino approached the two competitors. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:11 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

As Shino walked over Roy collected himself. “Hi, um. I was wondering, for the fights, would you guys, um. If things got too dangerous would you stop a fight? Like- like if one fighter was about to kill their opponent?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:14 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh, of course we'd stop it!" Shino reassured, looking surprised that it was doubted in the first place. "We'd stop it far before then, hopefully. If it looks like it is coming to that point, the match will be called off and our guards will interfere, and whoever instigated the violence will be disqualified." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:16 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

Roy let out a huge sigh of relief. “Oh thank god. Ha, sorry, thank you. Thank you for that.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:17 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Of course," Shino nodded. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Darcy looked to Roy. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:19 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Oh, well, do you know when my, um. When the fight between ah, Roy and Hannah is happening?” It felt weird to talk in the third person, but he assumed Shino didn’t know who he was.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:20 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"We aren't allowed to divulge that information to guests. It can create an unfair advantage, I'm sorry." Shino said. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:31 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Oh, that’s fair, I guess. Um, then that’s all, thank you!”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:32 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Of course. If you need anything else, just ask." Shino nodded, and went back over to the other dedicants.

Darcy watched him leave, then turned back to Roy. "It's good that they'll interfere if it gets too violent. And that she'll be disqualified if she tries to kill you." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:34 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

The panic was dying down. He knew why she hated him, and he wasn’t going to die! Hopefully! “Ha, yeah. I’m glad I found you, Darcy.” He smiled a little.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:36 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Well, then I'm glad too." Darcy smiled back. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:48 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He looked back to his breakfast and sighed a bit. “Kinda killed my appetite but I shouldn’t waste this.” He needed the energy.

Speaking of which… “Mm. I got coffee but, ha. I don’t really like it… Do you like coffee? It’s so… bitter.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:19 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I've always been more of a tea person, honestly." Darcy said, and shifted his spoon around his oatmeal- it had gone cold by now. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:23 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Ha, I feel like tea would just make me sleepier…” The coffee was lukewarm at this point, but Roy took a hesitant drink anyway. He immediately recoiled. “bleugh. is the bitterness what wakes people??”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:23 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Even caffeinated tea? That's what I drink." Darcy laughed gently as Roy tried to drink his coffee. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:36 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“That’s a thing? Eugh. Nope, not doing that to myself.” He pushes the cup away and picked at his breakfast some more. “I’ve never really had tea, I guess. Is it nice?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:39 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I like it." Darcy shrugged. "They have some over by the coffee, if you'd want to try." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:43 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Oh, really? Well, don’t mind if I do!” He goes to pour out his coffee and replaces it with tea. He stands there deliberating for a while before choosing a raspberry tea.

“Hm, you gotta let it... brew? Right?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:43 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Yes, it should only take a few minutes, though." Darcy nodded. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:47 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He sorta stares at it for a bit. Bitches with no concept of time. He busies himself by discharging a few sparks before turning to Darcy. “When you were fighting, why’d you pass out like that?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:50 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Oh- that was from the spell I cast. It's supposed to only knock out someone else, but sometimes my spells backfire and affect me, too." Darcy laughed awkwardly. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:54 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He seemed surprised. Even Darcy who seemed so controlled could mess up his powers sometimes. It made him feel a little better. “Aw jeez, well I’m glad it didn’t end up hurting ya!”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:56 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Mhm, I am too. It was quite frightening for a moment there." Darcy laughed awkardly. "I aim to have more control over my powers, yet I rarely get oppurtunities to practice them." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[6:58 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Ha, I feel ya there. That’s been a nice thing about this weird tournament, I feel like I’m actually gettin’ somewhere when I practice.”

He looked down at his tea. “…Do you think it’s ready yet?” Impatient.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:01 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"There- that's something good! It's nice to think on the bright side. Maybe we could train together sometime." Darcy laughed. He looked over to Roy's tea. "Hmm... maybe. If it's an herbal tea it'll steep faster. It looks about ready, though." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[7:08 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Yeah! That’ll be fun.” He smiled at Darcy and at the go he picked up his tea.

“Oh, yay!” What a fucking dork. Love this guy. He looked at the mug for a moment before pulling out the little tea bag and taking a sip. “Oh. Oh wow, haha! I love this.” He takes a bigger drink. “Aw this is so nice. I needed this.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:09 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'm glad you like it!" Darcy smiled. "What kind of tea did you pick, by the way?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[7:11 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“I picked a fruity one, I didn’t really know what to go for so I figured raspberry would be good. This is so much better than coffee, wow.” Men who find joy in the mundane 💖

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:12 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Ohhh, that sounds good." Darcy nodded. "I've heard apple tea is quite good too, maybe they have that. My personal favorite tea is Earl Grey." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[7:14 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Apple tea? Aw that sounds nice too! …Do you think they’d mind if I had another cup? These fruity ones are nice, what’s Earl Grey like?” He was almost done with his current cup.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:15 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, it is buffet style after all. I think they'd have a sign if you were only allowed one cup of tea." Darcy hummed. "Earl Grey is delicious- it's a black tea, made with bergamont, which gives it a bit of a spicy, citrus-y taste." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:29 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Ooo, nice! I like citrus. You wanna come pick out some tea with me?”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:30 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Sure!" Darcy beamed, and stood up. He went over to the teas and mused over them. "Hmmm... they do have earl grey..." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:40 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Ooo, they have apple too! I’ll have this first.” He is so happy over this tea. He’s been able to try a lot of new things here! Very fun.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:43 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'll get some Earl Grey! That way you can try some, too!" Darcy smiled, placing a teabag in a mug and filling it with hot water. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:45 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

Two guys, very excited about tea. Good for them! Roy was chipper and walked back with Darcy to their table. “Hah, the worst part about this is waiting. At least it smells nice in the meantime!”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:46 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Yes.. but it's worth the wait." Darcy laughed, following Roy back to the table. "And I think if you drank it immediately it'd be too hot, anyways." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[8:49 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Aww, heheh, I could take it.” He smiled, silly joke.

“So, ah, while we wait. I know your one roommate’s been an ass, but you getting along with everyone else here? I think most of the, ah, difficult people are gone.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:51 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I have been getting along with most everyone else. I'm rooming with Isi, too, and her presence makes Peregrine's slightly more bearable. And, like I said before, I was friends with Kal before he left." He hummed. "I do think that once Peregrine leaves, things might quiet down a bit. It'll be nice." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:08 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Mm, Isi’s a good friend, I’m glad it’s not just you and that jerk. Sad that your other friend had to leave. You meet anyone else? I’ve kinda, ah, I’ve kinda stuck to just a few people, haven’t got around much myself.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[9:11 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I haven't met too many others, honestly. Like you, I've mostly been sticking around the same few people." Darcy shrugged. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:29 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Hm, guess we both gotta get out more, heheh.” He looked down to his tea, trying to gauge if it was ready yet. “After this cup, you wanna walk around a bit with me? Not outside of course, but I haven’t really explored this place much.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[9:33 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'd enjoy that! Truthfully, I've only really been to the library, outside of my room." Darcy laughed. "The tea is probably ready now." He hummed, and took a sip of his cup. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:36 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“The library, huh? Didn’t know they had one. Hmm. Y’know I should probably go discharge… you wanna head to the arena and train? I don’t really wanna walk around in the cold anymore than I have to, ha. I’m happy to go wherever though!” He took a sip as well and smiled brightly. “Ha, wow, this is nice.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[9:50 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"It's quite nice!" Darcy hummed. "Hmmm... the weather is quite bad. Perhaps we could postpone training for a while? We could go see the library." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:55 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He drinks his tea way too quickly, enjoying the sweetness so much that it seems to come out in his smile. “Sounds great to me! Ha, whenever you’re ready.”

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[9:56 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Darcy enjoyed his tea at a more leisurely pace, though he still drank it more quickly than he would've normally. "I'm ready to go now, if you are." He shrugged. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[9:59 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He was certainly raring to go! Losing the weight of his own mortality put a pep in his step apparently. As well as the two cups of tea. Off to the ⁠library !

[10:03 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Darcy followed...

Continued in: library