Continued From: boat

chapel intro

[8:29 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

The temple staff led the participants through the grand temple gates, and along a well-lit pathway. The entire island was shrouded in a thick fog, so it was hard to see anything beyond the general vicinity of the area. It was also cold- horridly, bitterly cold in a way even the boat had not been.

Eventually, the participants were brought somewhere warm. They were brought into a large, glowing cathedral- warm, bright and inviting. The dedicants and guards leading them in helped them shed their coats, and seated them in the pews- Albanes’s line on one side, Elijah’s on the other.

At the front of the chapel was a small stage, and upon that stage, sat a line of people. Most wore the white or black uniforms that signified them as dedicants or guards, though one man in the center, with long, flowing blonde hair, wore robes entirely of golden yellow. Behind the stage was a brilliant stained-glass window, portraying an abstract scene of sun rays, lily flowers, and birds.

Elijah and Albanes, after seating their guests, took their places on either side of the golden-clad man. They shared a brief, whispered conversation with him, though it was too distant to be heard.

Petrai, who had disappeared from the procession, reappeared at the pipe organ to the left of the stage. As the final guests sat, she began to play a light, flowing melody that echoed across the chamber.

The man in gold rose to the altar table, raising his hands parallel to one another. He smiled, “Welcome, all, and thank you for humoring my theatrics.” He smiled. “My name is Yeonaixho Sehwolh, Hand of God, and I am pleased to welcome you into our island home and temple.”

“I have invited you all here for a tournament- a test of strength, wit, and power- to determine which among you is most worthy of my graces. Fret not, though, as any who participate will be rewarded in experience, and in the accommodations awarded to you during your stay. The first fight will not take place for a few days, and all arranged matches will be announced beforehand.”

He paused, and adjusted his long sleeves. “Now, onto much more exciting news. We are hosting a gala to celebrate your arrival on the island, in just a few hours. You have a few hours to prepare yourselves, as well as explore the island. While not required by any means, I strongly suggest attending the gala. There will be food, drink, dance and festivities abound.”

“Now, that’s enough from me. I will see you all at the gala, and further on after that.” Yeonaixho smiled, and raised his arms up once more. “Go, prepare yourselves for celebration, and may the blessings of the Lifebringer be with you!”

At his final words, the temple staff began to rise from their seats, indicating to the guests that they, too, could leave. Yeonaixho himself left with Petrai, Albanes, and a few other staff members.

You are free to explore the island for a bit now! The gala will begin on the 14th, giving you enough time to wrap up any interactions beforehand!


old men doomed yaoi

[12:25 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Even once given permission to leave, Ekmeros found himself lingering in the pews - letting people out of course, he wasn't that distracted. Standing by the side, he quietly marvelled at the chapel, staying behind as the others were led out.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:28 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

A few of the church staff also lingered behind, though most busied themselves with simple cleaning tasks as the guests filed out. They began putting out some of the more extravagent candle displays, and sweeping the isles. One of them, a tall, limber man in white, came close to Ekemeros as he cleaned the pews of anything the guests might've left behind.

"Oh, hello there." He greeted warmly as he neared the bard. "Can I help you with anything?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[12:34 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros was lost in his admiration of the chapel that he didn't notice the man approaching - a running trend at this point. "Oh," he replied, quickly shifting his gaze to him. "I'm just- the chapel is... very nice." Great work. "I was just looking." He had to resist twisting his head around to look further during the conversation.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:35 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino smiled, and looked up to the arches and windows. "Thank you. It really is lovely..." He hummed. "My name is Shino, by the way. I'm one of the Church's dedicants." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[12:38 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros quietly followed his gaze. "Hello Shino. My name is Ekmeros." He offered a hand to shake, then looked down the pews. "...I am quite good at cleaning if you would like my help." Ekmeros? Going out of his way to prompt a conversation? Perish the thought.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:40 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino gave Ekmeros's hand a firm, warm shake, then continued his work. "It's quite alright, you don't have to help. It's not much work, anyways." He hummed. "There will be more work, to prepare for the gala." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:01 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Yes, the gala," Ekmeros hummed hesitantly. He did feel bad for just standing and looking around the chapel while people around him cleaned - it felt unnatural to let other people do such work - but he didn't want to press. So he forced himself to admire the chapel again, even as his insides twisted against him, insistent to clean.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:02 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino hummed a merry tune as he worked. "Are you excited for the tournament, Ekmeros?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:06 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Yes." His fingers itched against the strap of his viol's case as he forced himself to keep talking. Anything to take the mind off his idleness. "...though I am surprised that a church would run a tournament."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:07 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Yes, it is a bit unusual..." Shino hummed. "Think of it as... a form of charity, so to speak." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:09 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Yes..." Charity made sense. "I've never heard of this church before, though I suppose I wouldn't know where to look. Especially for somewhere so... secluded." His tone shifted - not in a bad sense, quite the opposite. Ekmeros almost sounded nostalgic for seclusion.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:11 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"We do like to keep to ourselves out here." Shino nodded. "Though, I'm glad I was able to find the Church, when I needed to. The seclusion encourages spirituality, I think. There's less distractions." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:15 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros hummed to show he was listening to Shino but decided not to pry. "I'm... not really one for spirituality, I don't think. But this chapel," he practically whispered. His voice was much more quiet, near inaudible as he muttered to himself, "I don't think there's much a church can do for me anymore."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:18 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino hummed in thought. "You might be suprised at what faith can offer. It's not for everyone," He admitted, "But there's no harm in having an open mind, is there?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:20 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"I do. Keep an open mind that is. I still pray." Ekmeros craned his head back to look to the roof of the chapel, first glancing behind him to check that he wasn't too close to Shino lest his horns get stabby. "Though it feels more habitual than religious."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:24 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino carefully moved around Ekmeros as he cleaned. "Even habit displays some feeling of loyalty to an idea." He suggested. "What faith do you belong to, Ekmeros?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:28 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros shifted out of his way, keeping an eye and ear out for Shino's movements. "Yes, that is true. I don't particularly have a faith I just... pray. To whoever is listening. If someone is listening." He winced at his words - probably not the best to say in a chapel but he wasn't exactly able to erase those words.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:29 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino hummed in thought. "Well, perhaps you will find something to believe in while you're here." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:35 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Perhaps." Noooo Ekmeros don't get wrapped up into the cult you're too sexy. "...Lifebringer is a rather optimistic name for a deity."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:37 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Well, it's an accurate name." Shino shrugged. "They bring life, healing, prosperity, to all those who believe. They are our caretaker and protector, always." He touched his heart, then his lips, and muttered a quick mantra under his breath. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:40 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros nodded, turning slightly to look at Shino as he muttered his mantra, though he didn't ask what it was. He didn't say anything more, content to allow Shino to continue talking about the Lifebringer if he so wished.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:41 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino had nothing else to say if Ekmero's didn't have any questions, and went on cleaning. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:42 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

...yep. Two guys standing there. Deja vu. Ekmeros turned abruptly on his heel and began to gently sweep the side of the pew with his hand, to stifle that need for something to do. And that something was clean.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:43 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino quickly finished his work- it wasn't much work to begin with- and turned back to Ekmeros. "I think I'm just about done here." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:47 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros paused in his sweeping. "'re an efficient cleaner."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:49 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"We cleaned the chapel throughly before your arrival, so there wasn't much work to be done to return it to that state." Shino hummed. "Besides, I had the help of the other dedicants." Most of whom had already cleared out of the Chapel by now. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:53 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"That is fair. Still, it can't be easy to clean a chapel, even if there are other people to help you. But your work shows." He slowly circled to look around the chapel again, still in admiration though he had been doing little other than look around. It slightly frustrated him, that he just lingered, but he wouldn't say it out loud. Anyone else would have been happy to just stand around and look at pretty architecture.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:57 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Thank you." Shino nodded. "I have a bit of free time til we have to start preparing for the gala. I could show you around the temple complex, if you'd like." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:58 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros was actually surprised at the offer but he nodded in agreement rather than verbally reply.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:59 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Wonderful!" Shino smiled, and began waking to the chapel's doors. "Let's just grab our coats, first. It's likely still rather cold out." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[2:01 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Ah, yes, that'd be a good idea," he muttered, following him and taking his coat. Though he hadn't taken up the church's offer since he had his own coat, that coat he had brought looked remarkably similar to the ones that had been handed out to those who needed them. Similar aesthetics apparently.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:03 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Shino pulled his own cream-colored coat over his shoulders, and led Ekmeros out of the chapel...

Continued in: pathways

morning mass day 1

[12:18 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline is chilling here at mass.

[2:16 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Mass began with a call to prayer, then a light melody played on the pipe organ. Most of the temple staff were there, most deep in contemplation. Yeonaixho led the gathered congregation in prayer, reading aloud from the prayerbooks and occasionally prayers of his own, ones more specific to his followers' concerns.

Overall, it was... nice. The chapel was quiet outside of the spoken word and the occasional medley on pipe organ. It was peaceful.

[2:25 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada was. Hesitant to attend the mass. It had been a long time since she had attended anything like this, and honestly, she wanted to just turn around and leave right away.

However, she was curious in this 'Lifebringer.' She had gottensome* information from Teya, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her. She'd definitely learn a lot from attending.

Zerada simply stood there, unsure on who to approach and how to approach them. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:27 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Eben had left for the chapel as soon as he'd been ready to, coming in just as the pipe music started. He was curious about how religious gatherings went here.

He also wanted more answers than that one decadent had managed to give him.

He sat down in a pew in the very back.

[2:30 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline had been following along closely with the mass- doing exactly what the other guards and dedicants were doing...

Except she was sitting all alone at one of the far back pews. There was plenty of open space next to her. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[2:35 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

... Well, Zerada had seating options. She wasn't too sure just where to sit, but the empty space was tempting.

She took a seat in the pew that Madeline was seated in. Zerada made sure to sit a good distance away, but close enough if they did want to speak to one another.

When she took her seat, she gave Madeline a nod in greeting. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:39 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline finished up the movement she was doing, then jumped as she saw Zerada out of the corner of her eye.

... people usually didn't approach her, especially at mass. Despite the surprise, she nodded slightly back at Zerada. This wasn't a person who was known to be causing problems yet so.. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[2:54 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada looked content enough as she put her attention back on the mass. She listened into the preaching and did her best to follow along with it. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

Thread: worst dedicants

[6:57 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Albanes, who hadn't been in the chapel previously, appeared from a side door and neared the central stage. She approached Petrai, and shared a harshly whispered conversation with the woman before both left in a quiet hurry.

Continued in: kitchen

zerada and madeline

[7:25 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

After petrai had left, Madeline finally turned to address Zerada... Though Madeline was a bit worried about the pace that Petrai ran off. It was probably okay. If Petrai wanted her there, she would have said something..

"Hello. Sorry, I wasn't ignoring you, I just didn't want to interrupt mass. Can I help you?" Madeline asked. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[3:23 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“No, it’s okay, I completely understand it,” Zerada nodded. “It’s rude to speak during mass. I hope you didn’t mind me sitting by you either, I wasn’t sure where to sit.”

Zerada paused. “I was just curious about this religion, is all. I’ve never heard of this one before coming here.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[3:56 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I don't mind, people usually just avoid me here.. And also in general.." Madeline said. "This religion is all I've ever known as far as I'm aware, so I can answer any questions you have." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[6:20 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada hummed. “Oh, so you’re like Teya? She came here when she was little, is it the same for you? Or were you born here? I kind of see a difference in ages among the staff here.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:40 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I came when I was around seven years old, though I can't remember anything that happened before that. Apparently I was very sick and Yeonaixho healed me."@🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[8:03 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Oh.” Well, that was pretty rough. “I’m glad that he was able to help you..” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[8:05 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Me too. I am sure I am better now than I would have been otherwise. I have a friend." Madeline said. "Did you have any specific questions about the church?" @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[10:11 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada was in agreement. Having one (1) friend was nice.

“I was curious about Lightbringer in general. How did they come to be? There’s usually a beginning somewhere.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[10:22 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Lifebringer." Madeline was quick to correct. "The church of the lifebringer has been around for a while, it's widely followed in the Loucari. Around thirty years ago Yeonaixho became the mortal vessel for the lifebringer, and then founded this branch of the religion." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[11:48 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Right, sorry,” Zerada apologized with a wince. “How did.. He become a mortal vessel for the Lifebringer?”

Zerada was getting Moses vibes up in here. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[12:01 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Um.. I don't know that one. I'm not sure many people do- besides the higher ups and maybe the people who were here at the beginning.. I'm one of the lower ranked people here, so I don't know much insider information.. Besides things Albanes tells me." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[12:31 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Oh- Right..” Maybe Madeline wasn’t the best person for Zerada to talk to. Though, she was sure that no one would willingly give that kind of information away. “Sorry, I’m just curious about all this kind of stuff. It isn’t really too often when you get invited to an island that has a new religion here.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[12:37 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. I guess I know that it was something related to a sacrifice for the.. Greater good? I don't fully know what it entailed." Madeline said. ".. Whats the rest of the world like? I know I came from it but I don't know where, or what it was like.." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[12:47 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada blinked repeatedly. A sacrifice? Jesus Christ, maybe this religion did have a good handful of war crimes stacked up.

“Huh.. That sounds- Not okay..?” She frowned before giving her head a shake. “Where are you from? Maybe I know it, and I can describe it?” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[12:49 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:


[12:50 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

(Keep typing Lmao I think I misread something)

[12:54 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I don't know where I was before here. I don't even really know how I got here in the first place." Madeline said. "Where are you from?" @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[1:39 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Oh, right,” Zerada cleared her throat. “I’m from Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. It’s pretty windy there- It’s almost as if you can call it the Windy City. It’s cold most of the year round, but it can have really warm summers.”

“My family originates from Mexico, though. There, it’s hot most of the time, and it only really gets cold at night. The heat can be overwhelming, but I prefer that over anything else.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:11 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Is Mexico also in the United States..? Is it a city? Or- a state?" Madeline asked. "Are there any cool animals there?" @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[2:45 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"Mexico is a country that's next to the United States," Zerada explained. "There's a lot of interesting animals there. Axolotls are o e of the most popular native species there. Think of a fish, but one that has four legs and looks friendly. It can't walk on land, but their legs are there to help it move in the water." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:51 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. A fish with legs?" Madeline asked, falling silent. The image she was conjuring in her mind was something akin to a Greenland halibut- but it had four little scaley legs sticking out of it. She frowned slightly. That thing seemed scary. And ugly? ".. That sounds like quite the interesting animal.." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[2:55 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"It sounds weird, but they're pretty popular. They also come in a shade of pink, which makes it cuter for some people." Zerada paused. "What else... Oh! A few months ago, they discovered Mexico's smallest frogs. They're only half an inch long-"

She used her finger and her thumb to measure out half an inch. "I forget what they're actually called, but they're very little and don't have a tadpole stage. They're just born as little frogs." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:57 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. F... frogs? What do they look like?" Madeline asked. Something about that seemed familiar to her.. She was conjuring an image in her mind even though she couldn't ever remember seeing one- a little squishy green thing with big eyes and four legs. They.. hopped? Something like that. "And what's a tadpole? I don't think there's frogs here, unless we call them something else." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[3:00 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"Well, the typical frog is a little green creature, it can be in water or be on land. They're pretty small- Some of them can fit in the palm of your hand. They have hands and feet that are webbed which help them swim, and their legs let them jump nice and high. They kinda have big eyes." Zerada paused. "If I had a pen and paper, I could draw one out for you. Chances are, frogs won't be around here since it's too cold." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[3:22 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

What the hell? She had definitely never seen one of those here but.. She knew what it was.. Huh.

"I have one." Madeline said and reached in to her pocket. She took out a small notepad and pen held it out toward Zerada. "I would really like to see what they look like." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[3:27 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"Thanks." Zerada took the notepad and the pen. She began to draw out a little creature. It took her a few moments to get the drawing done since she was taking her time with adding in details and shading with the pen.

When she was done, she presented the drawing to Madeline. Frog. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[3:54 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline stared at it. For a while. Man, she was really admiring it, but her expression was hard to read.

"Sorry- it's a really good drawing. I know it's rude to stare." Madeline glanced away, but quickly looked back at it again. She was too curious. "I remember something.. something about these creatures. I think it's from before my time here. I can't quite make it out." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[5:00 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Don’t worry about staring, you can keep it.” Zerada nodded her head. “Maybe you had a frog when you were little? Or you lived somewhere where there were a lot of them.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[5:11 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I don't remember.. maybe I can ask Yeonaixho, he might have some idea.." Madeline said. "Is Mexico the only place frogs can be found?" @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[5:27 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"I think frogs are found in most places of the world. They kinda thrive just about anywhere." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:07 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Anywhere..? That doesn't really help narrow down anything.." Madeline sighed. "You probably didn't but you just seem so knowledgeable about it- did you bring any books about frogs with you that I could borrow? Or I could look through the library again.." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[6:15 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Little did Madeline know, she was talking to one of the smartest people around.

"At least it cancels out anywhere that's really, really cold," Zerada offered. "They can't live where it's really cold. I'm sorry, I didn't bring anything about frogs while I was on my way here. I can.. Try and help you find something in the library, if you'd like? I can also try and write down all of the details I know on them as well, too." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:19 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Well I was already pretty sure I wasn't born here. If I was, I'm guessing people would hate me less. Also maybe I'd have parents.." Madeline mumbled. "We can go explore the library if you have time. I quite like it there. Though, I need to check in with Albanes soon, it's been a while. And I think she was working with Peregrine this morning.. Urgh.." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[6:25 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

".. People hate you if you're not from the island?" Zerada asked with a raised eyebrow. "I wouldn't mind lending a hand in trying to help you find a book about frogs. I've been wanting to check out the library as well."

Zerada frowned. "I.. I don't quite know who either of those two are.." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:33 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I don't think that's the entire reason people avoid me, but I'm sure it doesn't help." Madeline said. "Albanes is my friend, and the head dedicant. Peregrine is another contestant who has been causing some problems. Actually, you're the first new person I've talked to that hasn't been mean to me. Him and Roque are probably going to get sent home early for their behavior issues." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[6:59 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"I.. Also don't know who Roque is, but if they're causing trouble, then I suppose it's good that the two of them are leaving," Zerada gave a slight shrug. Less compeition was beneficial as well. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:08 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"You're lucky that you haven't met either of them. They're unpleasant, to say the least." Madeline said. She took a step back from the pew. "Shall we head to the library?" @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[7:10 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"I'm glad that I've avoided a disaster, then." Zerada made her way out of the pew. "Yeah, we can go now." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[5:53 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

As mass ended, Hang came to get Yeonaixho. The two departed towards the hospital quickly.

Continued in: library

roque and peregrine fight

[3:28 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

After changing in to her regular attire and stomping around for a while, Roque headed in to the chapel.

She ignored anything and anyone else that may have been there, making a B-line directly to the pipe organ in the back. In her hand was a very beat up notebook and pen, which she placed against the music stand on the giant instrument.

She hadn't played piano in a while, and it had been even longer since she played on an organ, but she was extremely confident in her abilities. If she couldn't vent her frustration on her bass, she would revel in the joy of putting her fingers all over the same keys Petrai played. She'd be careful enough as to not break it, though.

Her fingers ran across the keys, trying to find the melody she had in her head. Every once in a while she'd hit an awful chord, but she stayed determined.

It was certainly a different vibe than what she was used to working with. Her loud and intense strums from her bass were nothing like the airy and calm chords on this organ. Her usual lyricism and vocals wouldn't really fit either.

This would need to be something more.. Chill. Nothing you could rock out to, sadly, which only began to frustrate her more as she kept trying. At least on a shitty electronic keyboard you could make it sound like a guitar or something... ugh. Everything she tried here sounded like the same muddled mess.

She eventually found a tune she considered passable, and turned to her notebook.

She began scrawling down lyrics, frequently writing a line, playing the segment out, and attempting to sing.

Seemed she was writing about an annoying woman who was always on her case, spoke about things she had no clue about, but also... had giant tits.

[4:47 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

His poor wounded pride was the only trace of injury left. Even so, before he set out of his room once again, Peregrine meticulously checked on his feathers, resorting them in perfect order that also covered where Petrai had once struck with her crossbow.

Only once that was done did he leave his room, set to blindly wander the island. Wandering. Ugh. Such a human thing to do, when he - the Angel! - could fly. What a silly attempt at punishment, flight restriction. He smiled to himself and waggled fingers in the air, for Petrai, wherever she was watching them (or, at this moment, him) before he used his wings to propel himself forward. If one foot just about touched the ground, how could it possibly be flight? And so that's how Peregrine 'walked', a large gliding footstep with the help of his wings.

And his gliding led him to the chapel. Well, he would have made do to explore but considering the recent events, Peregrine smiled too much at the coincidence to just keep walking around. So, letting his wings flutter down onto his back, he stepped inside with a small hum.

He wasn't alone but that was better for him. There was also going to be some sort of audience around him. Instead of speaking, Peregrine decided he would just walk, letting his loud footsteps make his entrance. And his self-satisfactory hum of a chuckle. Annoying man ever.


[5:28 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque was playing loud enough to not even notice Peregrine walking in.. Lucky for him. Probably not a good idea to interrupt her while she was so focused on her music. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:33 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine walked closer and closer, humming to himself - and then louder to be heard. He's a big fan of bad ideas after all.


[5:42 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

As he got close, really, really close, Roque suddenly slammed her hands down on to all the keys she could. The cacophony was so loud that it made it impossible for Peregrine to think- it felt like the noise knocked all of the thoughts straight out of his brain.

"Sit and be quiet." Roque said. And without a second thought, Peregrine sat... His thoughts slowly came back in, and he was thankfully in control of himself... Except he couldn't speak. @soul

[5:56 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine stumbled back from the noise, then sat down as Roque said. Once his thoughts came back to him, he did move to speak, already half shrugging his shoulder and smirking in his typical way. And nothing came out. His eyes widened, briefly, then his lips pursed in some mixture of surprise and being impressed, and then he smirked anyway and stretched out his legs, setting them on the surface in front of him, just as close to Roque. Bastard. You can take away his voice but you can't take his will.


[6:28 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"You're gonna have to sit like a good boy while I finish my work here. Your voice is quite grating, I think it might throw me right off tune if I have to hear it." Roque said, still looking at her sheet of scribbled lyrics and notes. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:45 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine rolled his eyes with a little smirk, then he laid down and propped his legs up against the wall nearby - just close enough to be in Roque's peripheral. Tapping his foot against the wall. Constant movement. Trying to be annoying.


[6:54 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque slammed on the keys again as he continued tapping. Once again, the thoughts were knocked out of his head and he paused all movement.

"You know what? Don't move a muscle. Don't even breathe." Roque said, pounding on the keys again. And just as had happened before... Peregrine obliged. He stopped breathing. She got right back to playing her music. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:58 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine's eyes widened a little again as he realised that man was not breathing! He was facing consequences to his actions, short term and long term. Imagine that! His eyes flickered over to Roque, staring at her - and yet he kept that annoying smirk on his face. Insane.


[7:05 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque didn't even look at him.

She banged her hands on the organ- and Peregrine could suddenly breathe again.

"They'd probably manage to find a way to pin me for you suffocating for no reason.. So just try to behave, won't you?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:17 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine accepted the ability to breathe with a gasp, and a smile. He rolled his eyes up and smiled, clearly a little entertained, but there he was, 'behaving'. Or at least behaving as well as someone like Peregrine could when he wasn't allowed to speak or move.


[7:21 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque had yet to even look in his direction. All his smirking and weird looks and mannerisms were totally ignored.

She played through her song one more time- just humming instead of singing the lyrics- before she took her hands off the keys. She turned to look at Peregrine, and he was suddenly able to move and speak again.

"What do you want." She said flatly, resting her chin in her palm. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:30 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

That was fine, to him. He was entertained just by her ignoring him. Once he was able to, Peregrine stood up, brushing himself off. "Oh, well, this is a chapel, isn't it? And I'm the Angel. Wouldn't you say I rather belong here?" He grinned, already enjoying the sound of having his voice back.


[7:32 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"You have like at most five more annoying things you can say before I make you stop breathing and walk away." Roque rolled her eyes and stood up, grabbing her notebook and pen from the sheet shelf. "I don't think this religion worships angels, so I doubt they'd even care even if you were more convincing. They just worship the blind guy with the nice hair." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:44 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

(nsfw :grab:)

Peregrine chuckled, . "Oh, they don't, but still, I find that I just tend to naturally match the architecture. And ah, yes, Yeonaixho. I'd say we've become quite close." Yes he was implying something, yes he was a lying fuckwad and no he wasn't trying to hide how obvious it was he was lying. "Why he's not been able to keep himself away from me. We've met up three times already." He chuckled.

"You might have to do more to keep me to yourself. You did stake your claim after all~" Peregrine lifted up the wrist she'd bitten with a smug little smile. "Or was that just so you could shut me up? Because there are far better ways of doing that, darling."


[7:50 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque wasn't believing a single thing he said. Yeonaixho had a whole cult of people to choose from, his ass would NOT settle for bird boy here.

"I bit you because I wanted to control you. Just like everyone else. You're nothing special." Roque nearly laughed. "It's almost cute to think you thought you meant something to me.. I especially don't need you after me and Ryunoske had.. How shall I say... Ravenous, animalistic intercourse this fine morning already. Sure it mighta got me one step closer to being kicked off the island, but damn, I'd say it was way worth it. And better than anything you could possibly offer me." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:59 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh, so you really are just like everybody else. Course, you go to much further means than most. Aren't you quite the fool?" Peregrine teased. "Ah, Ryu, I do remember her. I do think we might have our own little date, as she offered on the docks. Perhaps you were a starting course, preparation for the main meal." Maybe it wsn't the best idea to tease the person who had drank his blood and could control him but Peregrine never played by good ideas. He chuckled. "Well, if you're at a winery, wouldn't you want to taste all the wine? I've been told I taste quite good~" Stop.


[11:47 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Don't call me a fool." Roque said flatly. Peregrine had gone far past his limit of annoying things to say. She snapped her fingers in his face, and once again, all thought was removed from his mind.. "I'm sick of your.. Gloating? Self-depreciating-ness? I dunno what it is, but it's annoying. Why don't you tell me something interesting, something juicy, something like your deepest, darkest, most genuine fear.."

Even if he really didn't want to, he was compelled to say it.. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[12:28 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

At the now unfortunately familiar feeling, his eyes widened. Terrified. And yet his mouth moved without his input, he spoke without wanting to. "My fiancée... I'm scared she's dead, and that both of the only people who ever saw beyond my wings died. It'd make it my fault. But... I'm more scared she's not dead. That she's out there, somewhere, lost and alone with-" Peregrine put his arm against his mouth hurriedly, trying to disguise it as rubbing his face. "Alone," he repeated firmly, his arm muffling his voice.


[1:06 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Ohohoooo, the deep, tragic, Peregrine lore.. I knew there was something that was eating away at you." Roque was laughing loudly and pointing at him. "It's funny- wow. That's actually hilarious. For one, that anyone would ever settle for your dumbass, and for two.. Wow, you're such a whore but still thinking about your dead and or lost fiancée.. it's almost endearing." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:12 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Still pressing his arm to his mouth, Peregrine's eyes crinkled to match his hidden smile. There was relief tucked behind his smugness. "Didn't have to go to so much effort just to learn I was engaged, or that she disappeared. Magazines had a field day reporting it, she was an actress herself. You just had to ask and I would have said. No blood-drinking-mind-warping necessary, darling. You keep going to so much effort to the things I'll happily tell for free. Wasting time..."


[1:15 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Oh, really now..? Well if that was so easy for you.." She held her hand up in a snapping motion, but didn't yet do it. "I could force you to rip out all your feathers one by one.. Or make you stop breathing again... Or make you go fight Petrai and get yourself knocked out of the tournament and maybe die. Do any of those sound more appealing to you? A bit more exciting?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[1:24 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine hesitated, his eyes fixed on the fingers ready to snap. "All I'm saying, Roque dear, is that why extend so much effort to ask for answers that are widely available? There's really no need for this, is there?" He paused but didn't let his eyes flicker away. "Besides, Petrai claims to be watching us all, all the time. She'd know if you were involved in anything I did, and there's much more fun ways to get ourselves disqualified~"


[3:31 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"You're not intimidating me out of anything. I control you." Roque said and stepped closer to him. She snapped, right in front of his face. "Let me help you get that through your head. Rip out hmmm.. Five feathers to start with." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:40 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine winced even before his fingers reached to the inner layer of silver tipped feathers and yanked out five. "If you wanted feathers so badly, again, just ask. Or take. Most people just take." His chuckle was forced. "And darling, really, why would I try intimidate you? You hold all the cards, I don't have anything to gain by being threatening. I'm just saying, why waste time and effort forcing me to do things when you can just ask. We both know how open-minded I can be."


[3:44 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Why hadn't this guy tried to leave yet? She figured he'd have ran off by now and left her alone.

"Well, sounds like you were implying that Petrai would come and eliminate me if anything were to happen to little ol you.." Roque hummed. "Okay then. Give me five more feathers."

She didn't snap this time. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:49 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"That wasn't so much of a threat as it was a truth. Petrai can be quite cruel and from how she spoke to us on the boat, I don't think she likes either of us very much. Practically looking for a good enough reason to get rid of us." Peregrine smiled. "You've already taken quite a few feathers from me, how about we make a compromise?" His hand reached toward the outer line of feathers, gold-tipped but didn't pluck one, yet. "I think one gold-tipped feather is worth at least five silver ones, don't you? Such a pretty little thing..."


[3:50 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Seems like simply asking isn't as effective as forcing." Roque held up her hand again. "I'm not really in the mood to compromise with a man I've been trying to get to leave since he arrived." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:52 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh it's plenty effective, darling, but I'm simply offering you something better than five measly silver feathers. Trust me, so many people have silver feathers. Not so many have gold." Peregrine smirked. "And would you want me to leave, aren't we having such fun learning about one another, playing games?"


[3:56 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Nah, I'm pretty set on five. What about five golden feathers, hm?" Roque asked. "And I'd say you haven't learned anything new or useful about me at all since you arrived." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:59 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"What would you want with ten feathers, dear?" Peregrine laughed. "Well, I've found out you drive quite the bargain. And that you'd rather do things by force than the easy way, which I suppose could be admirable in some cases. I surmise you've worked incredibly hard to get where you are, and you're too used to working hard to work easy." He paused for thought, tapping his foot against the floor again. "And I surmise that maybe it upsets you to talk to a man who got everything he needed so easily."


[4:02 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque glared as he began to spoke. It only intensified as he went on. And on. And on.

She huffed as she snapped her fingers in his face again.

"Stop breathing again. I'm sick of hearing you speak."

As soon as the effect began, Roque began to walk away toward the exit. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:15 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

The more Roque glared, the more Peregrine smiled. "Aren't I good-" He began to say, when Roque snapped her fingers and indeed man did stop breathing. Uh oh! As Roque walked away, he followed. I mean, what else was he going to do? Leave her alone? Nah.


[4:16 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque didn't pay him any mind as she walked away. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:23 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

He immediately started taking Ls. Still going to be a menace and follow her.

(peregrine is on 16HP)


Continued in: graveyard

morning mass day 2

[12:32 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Today, chapel is being led by Albanes and Desmondus, instead of Yeonaixho. Wonder where he's at.

[6:48 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline was attending mass, as usual. She was sitting up a tiny bit closer to the front today, but still sitting alone.

[6:55 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada made her way into mass quietly. She tried not to draw much attention to herself. When she spotted Madeline, she perked up slightly and wanted to approach. Though, maybe it would be better to do so once mass was actually over.

Zerada took a seat in the back row, in the same spot she had sat in before.

Mass would hopefully be over relatively soon. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:55 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Once mass was over, Madeline stood up and turned to leave. As she did, she saw Zerada, and gave a slightly awkward wave. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[8:07 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada jolted up when Madeline stood. She stood as well and made her way out of her pew. Hesitating, she stepped a bit closer.

“Good- Good morning,” Zerada cleared her throat. “How are- You doing, Madeline?” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[10:16 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I am doing quite well now, thank you." Madeline nodded. She took a step back from Zerada as she took a step forward. "How are you?" @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[9:50 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"I'm fine, everything's okay," Zerada reassured. She didn't step any closer to Madeline. "Are you- Actually okay, though? I wanted to apologize for pushing you or forcing you outside of your comfort zone. I should've- Been more cautious and prepared for however the situation might've gone.." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:59 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"You are fine, you were simply trying to help the only way you knew how. I don't think my powers are something to be tamed- they're just.. Something to try to conquer. I shouldn't have allowed you to be so close while I was using them, I could have seen that coming.." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[10:07 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

"It's not your fault. I was supposed to run away, I should've analyzed the situation a bit faster," Zerada sighed, pausing for a moment before she spoke once more. "'Something to try and conquer,' that.. Must get exhausting, I'm sure.." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[10:09 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. It is difficult. But Yeonaixho has helped me now. It should be better now." Madeline said. "They shouldn't be activated on accident anymore. But if they still come out... It doesn't help much there." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[12:06 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Ekmeros quietly stepped into the chapel. He had missed going the day before, having instead met with two strange children (again, they were twenty), and had decided as he had woken up to attend mass. He'd never been to mass before, always too busy as a child and an adult, and perhaps this led to his curiosity. He sat in a pew where he would hopefully not disrupt too many people and prayed- hoped, rather, would be the better term, that he did not look too out of place or strange.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:08 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

After mass had finished, most of the temple staff exited the building. One of the few who remained was Shino, who quietly approached Ekmeros. "Good morning, Ekmeros. I'd hope to have seen you again yesterday, but I couldn't find you." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[12:15 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

At first, Ekmeros was a little surprised, and perhaps worried, that someone had actually come up to talk to him, but he softened when he realised it was Shino. "Ah, hello again, good morning." He stood up and offered his hand to shake. "I apologise, I found myself a bit busy yesterday."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[12:18 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Ah, I see.. Well, I’m glad that Yeonaixho was able to help you out.” Zerada shifted on her feet slightly. “I hope that the next time, if there is a next time, things go well..” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[12:19 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I am very glad as well. I feel much better than I normally do. I just hope that nothing serious happens that triggers my powers again soon.. For everyone's sake." Madeline said. "Would you like to go get breakfast..? I haven't eaten today yet." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[12:51 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada nodded her head.

“I could go for some breakfast, I haven’t had any yet, either.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:55 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Do you have any special requests? I know the buffet selection may be missing some things you like and I could put in a special request for you." Madeline said. @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[8:46 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

“Oh- No, It’s okay,” Zerada shook her head. “I’d hate to be more trouble than I’m worth. I’m more than content with what’s already available to eat. Thank you, though.” @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:00 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline nodded and gestured to the door.

"Then we can get going to the dining hall." @🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐

[1:15 PM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada nodded. "That sounds like a great idea. Let's get going, then." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:02 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline headed to the door...

[7:43 AM]🌙Vanessa🌙 | Zerada⚡+ Kal⭐:

Zerada followed..

Continued in: dining hall

noah and albanes (mass day 3)

[12:39 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Albanes went to the chapel alone after mass had ended, taking a short break from her duties- she had so much work to do now, it was exhausting. She kneeled in front of the altar and began to pray- no word spoken aloud, but mantras repeated under her breath, her hands clasped so firmly together her knuckles began to whiten. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[4:59 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Relax." Noah said as he walked into the room. "Stop doing your job for one second, hm? Usually you yell at me and tell me the opposite. How funny. Now I get to tell you to take a break." Noah let out a small laugh as he pushed his hair out of his face.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[5:02 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Albanes heard Noah enter, but tried not to pay him any mind. She continued to pray, the soft mantras she repeated growing in intensity and speed. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[7:06 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Banes." Noah huffed out more sternly this time. "You don't want your knuckles to go white from the pressure. Cut it out."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:13 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Noah, I'm trying to pray." Albanes sighed, ever even-toned, though her annoyance was clear. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[7:15 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Relax then." Noah rolled his eyes. "Don't clasp your hands so tightly." He leaned against the wall with a sigh. "You can at least relax when you pray. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? I mean..." He glanced away.

"Not like I would know."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:22 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Albanes grumbled, but relented- forcibly relaxing her brow and rearranging her hands so that her palms pressed together, rather than being interlaced. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[10:55 AM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

Noah couldn't help but hum softly before he shut his eyes for a moment, enjoying the silence that hung between. Though after a few awkward minutes, Noah opened an eye and glanced at her.

"I went on a date, y'know."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[10:56 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Albanes let out a heavy sigh through her nose. "Noah, I don't have time to gossip right now." @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[10:57 AM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Its not gossip." He frowned. "Geez. Whats got you so pissy?" He crossed his arms. "You're not usually like this."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[11:00 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Noah, with my father busy I am the sole authority over the dedicants of this island. It is my job to make sure things go smoothly here. Did you not notice how stressed everyone's been? Did you not notice how Petrai was gone nearly all of yesterday?" Albanes began to ramble. "I am not acting like I usually do because things aren't like they usually are!" @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[11:26 AM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

Noah paused for a second before he gave a small shrug. "If you want the truth, no. Nobody here pays attention to me so I don't really give them the time of day." He sighed. "Not good how everyone is stressed out though." He looked at his shoes before he fluttered his wings.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[11:29 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Well, things aren't good, regardless of your perceptions of them." Albanes let out another sigh. then relaxed her posture. "I don't know what we're going to do... I trust in my father, but..." @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[1:40 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"You wanna discuss this somewhere private?" Noah asked as he glanced around. "If you gotta vent I don't really mind lending an ear or so."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:46 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"No, no. I'm fine." Albanes shook her head, and stood. She took a moment to stretch her shoulders. "I should probably get back to work... I'm on hospital duty today." @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[3:07 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"You sure?" He asked with a small sigh. "I think you should get your mind off some things. Take a second." He frowned briefly before he glanced towards the door. "...I know you don't approve of my methods to kick back but maybe we can go on a walk or something."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[3:08 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I shouldn't abandon my post for too long. Noah, I have a duty." Albanes insisted. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[3:15 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"But you come first, you know." Noah kept his gaze away. "Don't work yourself to death. Isn't that funny? I'm telling you to not do your job when it's usually the opposite."

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[3:18 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"The only thing that will bring me relief is knowing my work is done." Albanes frowned. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[3:22 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"I mean. I can think of a few other things. Reading. Going for a walk. A spar." Noah listed. "I mean. I uh. Don't have the best advice because..." Noah gave a small shrug. Maybe he shouldn't be talking.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[4:50 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"If you want to keep talking to me, you can come hang out while I work." Albanes sighed. She made her way to the chapel's exit. @Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S

[6:46 PM]Cap! | Valerie + Inu + NPC'S:

"Fine." Noah said and followed behind her.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

Continued in: hospital

morning mass day 4

[7:00 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi nervously entered the chapel, around the beginning of mass. They'd heard people talk about religion like it was supposed to bring peace and fulfillment, but she sortof just felt like a caged animal in a way she couldn't shake, as if being sized up or judged by the figures in the stained glass windows. she shook it off as irrational and tried to step as quietly as she could into one of the pews, which was fairly difficult dew to her hooves on the stone tiles. Her concentration didn't break until she sat in a pew, meaning she didn't realize she had sat close to someone until it was too late to get back up wtihout it being extremely awkward, so she just sat up straight and looked ahead as if she'd meant to sit there.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:04 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein sat in the back of the chapel, listlessly listening to the church leaders drone on with their prayers and scripture readings. He sneered as Isi sat next to him, but didn't say anything. He didn't even move but to briefly glance over them. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:11 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi wasn't sure how this stuff was really supposed to work. The words didn't make a whole lot of sense. She could sortof tell by the way whoever was next to her was dressed that they belonged here. a dedicant, right? maybe he could help her out a little. It seemed they'd completely missed the sneer, or just chose to ignore it.

"Do you..know what they're saying?" She asked quietly, like, probably quieter than a normal person could speak typically without sounding breathy, definitely worried about interrupting. "I came in a little late, just wanted to see how this..worked, I guess" she smiled apologetically, not really looking at him, eyes tracking the pulpit.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:13 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein let out a stifled sigh, and pulled a prayerbook out of the scripture rack on the back of the pew in front of them. He opened it to what seemed like a random page and handed it to Isi. The prayer inscribed on the page was the one being read out by Yeonaixho. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:29 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi's ears lowered a little as she was handed the book. She actually did look relieved, able to follow along with the prayer and understand a little about it after.

"That sounds really nice actually" she waited until it was over to speak. She didn't really look like she expected a response, and it was a little difficult to tell whether she was looking at Zeydein when she spoke. She tried looking through the book a little, but didn't seem to find what she was looking for.

Isi tilted a little towards Zeydein. "Do you know any good ones for... nerves? Or maybe..I mean it says 'unrest' a couple times, maybe that." She placed the prayer book between them.

Isi wasn't great with subtext, but now that she was a little more focused she could be observant, and to her the way Zeydein's eyes looked a little glazed and darted around now and then said that he really wasn't all that focused on the mass, and neither was she at this point, so this wasn't too bad, right?

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:33 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein huffed, and took the prayerbook again. After flipping through it for a moment, he found what he was looking for and handed the prayerbook back to Isi.

The prayer was titled 'Prayer of Trust', and read:

"Oh, gentle hand of my creator,

I pray, remove my doubt and fear,

For it is you I return to, in you I place my trust,

Now and for eternity, till breath leaves my form."

@sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:51 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi read the prayer over a few times. Finally, she murmured it to herself.

"It feels a little odd promising my trust to a being I don't even know, but I guess it's a good deal if they're getting rid of your doubt and stuff, right? I guess you'd know, though" she told Zeydein quietly.

She had noticed his huffing. But in her opinion, he wasn't being mean, at least not in the way most people were, he just wasn't being nice. There's a grey area there. Besides, he was helping her out.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:52 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I suppose so." Zeydein replied grumpily. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[7:56 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi's ears perked at his tone and she looked at him.

"You doing okay?"

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:56 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I'm fine." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[11:03 PM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

Guess who's sitting here too btw? Yuga! He decided to see the mass today, and is sitting alone and seems nervous and lost. He's listening to Yeonaixho, but also observing what everyone else is doing, so he can imitate them and not do something wrong. Hopefully.

[6:35 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"I guess fine is better than bad, but I hope your day gets better" she replied.

"I guess it is just like that sometimes though, the day's just feeling off for some reason. Like you're all ready for something to go wrong." They pondered.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[7:52 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein let out another tired sigh, and said, "Thank you." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[10:07 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

It was at that moment Isi spotted Yuga, not knowing whether or not he had spotted them yet as well. "Oh! my friend is here too" She told Zeydein.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[10:07 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Wonderful. Perhaps you can speak to them." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[10:10 AM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

Yuga's ear twitched and turned towards Isi's voice, and soon he glanced that way. He seemed mildly surprised to see them there, and didn't look their way for long. He blinked and watched Yeonaixho speak for a while, before looking towards Isi again. He didn't dare to move from his seat or do much else, not to disturb the mass. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[12:57 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

As mass comes to a close, Yeonaixho, Petrai, and most of the rest of the island staff make their leave from the chapel...

[1:16 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"well you could meet him too- he's very cool"

Isi managed to stay fairly silent for the rest of mass, but did make the occasional comment to Zeydein whether he wanted it or not. As they noticed people starting to file out, they gave a little wave to Yuga.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[2:33 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein watched as the other staff left the chapel, but remained there. He wasn't particularly interested in watching the fight. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[10:27 PM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

As people left the chapel, Yuga carefully stood up, and turned to see if Isi was still there. He saw then waving, and gave a wave back with a small smile. He moved to go and sit next to Isi.

"Hello", he said. His voice was still a little down and scratchy, but at least he could talk now! He looked at Zeydein and waved a little. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[6:58 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"you got your voice back!" They replied excitedly. "Feeling better?"

She turned to Zeydein. "He was sick for a little- couldn't talk much"

@Twig | Taisto + Yuga @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[8:02 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I heard from the other dedicants." Zeydein replied disinterestedly. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[8:05 AM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

"Yes. I feel better", Yuga smiled to Isi. "Who is this?" he asked her, glancing at Zeydein. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[9:04 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"actually I'm not sure. What's your name?" She asked Zeydein. Since he was sticking around for some reason, he must still want to talk, definitely.

@Twig | Taisto + Yuga @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[9:06 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein sighed. "My Name is Zeydein Irhranidra." @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[9:12 AM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

Yuga bowed his head slightly.

"I'm Yuga Cinderfield, nice to meet you. Thank you for your hospitality", he said, figuring Zeydein was part of the people taking care of their well-being on the island. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[2:34 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"I'm Isi" they nodded. "Zeydein is a neat name, I guess most people I've met here have cool ones though" Isi pondered. They looked at Yuga. "Zeydein was helping me figure out mass, it was nice."

@Twig | Taisto + Yuga @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:35 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Zeydein said, in a tone that indicated it wasn't. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[5:53 AM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

Yuga nodded to both Zeydein and Isi.

"That's nice. I just tried to look what other people did so I wouldn't do anything wrong. It was interesting. Different from home." He said to the both of them. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[1:04 PM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

Isi took note of Zeydeins tone, but again, if Zeydein wasn't leaving, she would keep talking.

"I was just looking for reassurance I guess? I'm not looking forward to my fight" she explained. "I think mass is supposed to calm people so I thought I'd give it a go"

@Twig | Taisto + Yuga @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[1:27 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Zeydein didn't reply, and instead let the two children talk amongst themselves. Less attention on him, the better. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga

[1:30 PM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

Yuga nodded. In a way the mass had been calming, but since Yuga was so focused on behaving well and nervous of everything, he hadn't been fully able to experience it.

"Yes, the fights... Who are you fighting?" @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

[11:33 AM]sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁:

"Enya. I met her, shes nice- I think her powers have something to do with heat. I don't really like fighting, but I think I could still win." She told Yuga.

Isi looked at Zeydein. "How many of the other fighters have you met?"

@Twig | Taisto + Yuga @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[11:37 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I've met a few." Zeydein replied flatly. @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁 @Twig | Taisto + Yuga (no worries)

[11:39 AM]Twig | Taisto + Yuga:

"Oo.. I don't know her. Good luck. I hope you win", Yuga replied Isi.

Then, he turned to look at Zeydein as well, and his ears slightly turned back and lowered. He could tell the man wasn't in the best mood, and was unsure if he wanted to have a conversation with the two... but intel on the other contestants would be appreciated, so he stared at Zeydein with curious eyes anyway.

"Who?" he asked the man.

@innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄) @sketti | Eben 🕶 + Isi 🍁

set me free, my honeybee

[10:13 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

[MAJOR TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: death, suicide, gore, cannibalism. read with caution]

After the work had been done, and all the remainder had been laid to rest, Jymaiyri brought Yeonaixho into the chapel.

The island was silent and still in the absence of death. Yeonaixho had laid down the bodies of his most loyal devotees, he’d returned the corpses of his resurrected to their rightful graves. All that remained was the two of them, walking alive in a world of death. It would not be so for long. Soon, all would return.

They’d bared themselves of anything but the clothes on their back, and each a singular carried item. They’d dressed each other in funeral whites, thin linens that did little to protect from the cold. He carried his cane, cradled it tender in his palm. She held a knife, a steel blade as long as her forearm, its gilt pommel encrusted with pearl. Fine, sacrificial things, suitable offerings to God, if their bodies were not enough.

It would be enough, though. It would be delicious, to die.

The chapel seemed the right place to do it. It was the only place- where this all began, so too would it end. Yeonaixho did not let his hand leave Jymaiyri’s as they walked barefoot over the chapel threshold, into the sanctum. He did not say a word, and neither did she. There was little left to be said, and they wanted to save it. Saving it would make it all more precious.

She laid him out before the altar, as gently as she could, guiding where he rested his legs, and how to place his hands over his stomach- perfect and still, already corpselike. He had done this to her, before, in those somber waking days. Gently, Jymaiyri lowered his head down onto the hard, stage-like floor. She caressed his cheek, brushed his hair away. “I always hated how you let your hair get in your face,” She mused, “I always wanted to see you.”

“Well.” Yeonaixho felt his own voice like a gentle rumble in the back of his throat. “Now’s your chance.”

Jymaiyri laughed- he’d missed that sound so much, her laugh- and leaned down close over him. She pressed her hand to his chest. “It’s not too late to change our minds about this. Are you certain?”

He ran his hand through her hair- he needed to feel her tangibly. “Love, all I’ve ever wanted is to die in your arms. You’re granting me a mercy.”

“I know.” She said, and kissed him- gently this time, softly. Yeonaixho knew all the different ways Jymaiyri kissed him. He knew this one well. “I love you. I’d follow you anywhere.”

“Anywhere you would go, I’d follow.” He echoed. It had been part of their vows- those first vows they’d made to each other, that lifetime ago. They’d been little more than frightened children then, yet it still meant as much now as it did then.

Though Yeonaixho wished she wouldn’t have to, Jymaiyri pulled away from him. Only briefly, and she kept her hand over him. “Well, I guess we should get this over with.” She sighed. She was distant, as she always was when she was thinking.

“Don’t hesitate, please.” Yeonaixho put his hands over hers, hoping it would reassure her. “For me, at least, don’t hesitate. Be gentle, but be firm. That’s all I ask.”

“For you, love-” Her smile could be heard in her voice. She intertwined her fingers with Yeonaixho, and drew his hands back to his stomach. “- I will always be gentle.”

He rested easy, letting himself fall backwards. “Soon, we will be the same dust,”

Jymaiyri completed the couplet effortlessly. “Soon, we’ll rest forever.”

[10:13 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

She did not waste time in her practice. They had planned this all out before, in words and pantomimed action, so that neither would fear it. This was not a time for fear. This was a time for love, love that persists like the last rays of the falling sun, before simmering out completely, finally. Jymaiyri picked up her blade, held it firm in her hand, and first cut away his clothes. The cold air stung his bare body, but he didn’t mind. Jymaiyri’s hands over him were warm. They were warm, now, and they were taking care of him.

He slowed his breathing as much as he could as she cut into him- just as they’d rehearsed, she made precise, near surgical incisions, digging in just as much as she needed to. She’d done this before, just not on him. If she hesitated, she didn’t show it. She opened him up, she laid him bare.

Yeonaixho had long ago ceased to feel mortal pain. He was not numb to the effects of his lover’s dissection, but it did not pain him the way it should have. He relished, completely aware, as she traced the incisions she’d made over him, open like an autopsy. He could feel his form trying to regenerate, and he quelled that need to be complete. He didn’t need bodily completion, when he was near his love. She completed him, when nothing else could.

Before he lost his will and reformed, Jymaiyri plunged her hand into his chest cavity, wrapping her hands around his heart, despite its still-seizing movement. He bit his tongue as she touched the organ, trying not to wince. It had been so long since he’d felt such electric pain, he savored it. She held him, carefully, tenderly. Just as she had promised, she was gentle with him.

Carefully, Jymaiyri severed the veins and arteries that tethered his heart to what was soon becoming his corpse. Yeonaixho lifted his hand to his mouth and bit into his tender flesh, to keep himself from crying out. Darkness crept into the fragile corners of his mind. He was, finally, letting go.

“I will never forget you, my lilybud” He only managed to whisper, with the last of his effort. He laid his head back. He closed his eyes. He let his breathing fade. “I will love you, always.”

It was, with a sense of grief finally relieved, that Yeonaixho let himself fade into nothing.

[10:15 AM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

As her lover fell into eternal sleep, Jymaiyri raised his severed heart above her, and let the blood drip into her mouth. She swallowed it, and began to cleave the meat into smaller, more edible pieces. This was their arrangement- he would die first, at the mercy of her hand, and she would consume him so that even bodily, they would never part. She fought back an instinctive grimace, and swallowed the meat of her lover’s heart in single bites.

Yeonaixho had died quietly, in the arms of his lover, and now lied supine and sweet. His blood pooled out of him, descending down the steps of the altar in crimson rivulets. Even now, he was beautiful- the tips of his golden locks stained red, the dead peace on his face. God, she couldn’t wait to join him.

For a moment, she endured the still agony of being alone. Yeonaixho had suffered it for twenty years without her, she could suffer it for twenty seconds in his absence. It was only just. And it was horrible. Of course, her love had done what he had, when this was what her absence had felt like.

When Jymaiyri had consumed all of her lover’s heart, she pulled away her own shirt, and felt through her ribs for a wide enough opening. Then, she took the sword into her hands again- both hands placed firmly on the hilt, the blade pointed towards her, and, for the second time, died.

She thrust the blade into her chest, piercing through her heart and lungs. She died, once again, sputtering and coughing and in a great deal of pain, but now, it was her choice. It was her decision. It was all she wanted. Her blood spewed sticky and red onto her hands, but she couldn’t look at it for long. Her vision was fading. She was, very rapidly, running out of time.

While she still had strength to, Jymaiyri wretched the sword from her chest- she would die sooner that way- and discarded it on the floor behind her. She laid on top of Yeonaixho, she let her blood mingle with his, and closed her eyes to her final moments. She, with the last of the control she had over her powers, entangled them in a knot of mold and lichen, a promise not only to Yeonaixho, but to herself.

This was their end. Their perfect unification. As close as one could be to another. She’d breathe her final breath into his lips, as she was always meant to.

And when spring came, they would rot together, till time had eaten the meat from their bones.
