[10:32 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

@Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline (heehee)

[10:32 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:


[10:35 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

Roy had rushed into the dining hall, trying to get away from the chill. He found a table and got himself a rather simple breakfast. He made sure to grab any fruit they had, though. He sat alone with his leg bouncing underneath the table.


[10:37 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Shortly after he had entered, Madeline did as well. She had brought in a plate of food from the kitchen, entirely consisting of fruits and vegetables, with one piece of plain toast.

"May I sit with you?" Madeline asked as she approached Roy's table. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[10:40 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He was rather deep in thought, chewing an apple much more than necessary. He barely registered Madeline approaching, once she spoke up he startled and about choked on his food. “Gh- h-ha! Jeez, I didn’t see you there!” He cleared his throat and looked embarrassed. “S-sorry about that. Ha, go ahead!”


[10:42 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline blinked and took a small step back.

".. Are you okay..? If you need me to do the heimlich maneuver I'll need to go get someone else-" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[10:45 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He waved his hands around, in a ‘no need to worry’ kind of way. “I’m fine now- you just- ha, I didn’t see you was all. You spooked me, don’t worry it none, I’m fine.” He gave her an easygoing smile.


[10:46 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. I tend to have the effect on people.." Madeline mumbled and nudged the chair out with her foot. She sat down and placed her plate in front of her. "Besides me nearly killing you, how has your morning been?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[10:52 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He gave her a sympathetic look. “Really, don’t worry about it! Ah, my mornin’ was fine, I’m sad that Taisto lost his fight, though. I woulda liked to talk to him more, real nice fellow.” For a moment he had a hard look, realizing he wasn’t sure if Taisto.. was a fellow? He probably should have asked… Before he snapped out of the thought and forced a little laugh. “Ah, but I can hardly talk about myself if I don’t know you! I’m Roy, what’s your name?”


[10:55 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Mm.. Yes, if only you could talk to them more. If you still want to talk to him, you have a few hours before he gets on the boat to go back. I would say you should say what you want to say before he leaves." Madeline picked at the fruit with her fork, not making eye contact. "I'm Madeline, a guard here. I'm kind of off official duty for.. Um, up until I'm better, I think. It's too risky to send me out right now." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[10:59 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Oh, well, I mean I don’t have anything particular to talk to… him about. I wouldn’t wanna take up- y’know I’m sure there’s others with more important things to say.” He fidgeted a bit. He cocked his head at Madeline’s words. “Oh? Did you get hurt or something?”


[11:02 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. I hurt someone yesterday.. And my powers are still too reactive to be used without supervision from Petrai or Albanes or Yeonaixho.." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[11:08 AM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

The pang of sympathy he felt hit a little too close to home. “…I.. ha. I understand that. I’m- I’m like that too.” His voice was quiet and sad.


[12:26 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. You can't be any worse than me. If you had injured someone like I had I think I would have heard news about another rowdy guest or you'd be- going home as well." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[12:33 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

A horrible and bitter part screams You weren’t punished. You hurt them and you got off scot free. You don’t deserve-

Roy let’s out a deep sigh. “I understand bein’ unable to control your powers, and hurting people- people you care about, because of them.” …honestly he was surprised no one had came to punish him for that whole mess.


[1:35 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Mmm.." Madeline put her fork down and reached up to the right side of her neck, scratching at it a little. A few faint scars in a lightning pattern seemed to be stretched up that side from beneath her shirt.

"You have lightning powers, right? Roy Davenport- with the lightning powers.. I've been trying to remember everyone. You had some problems with Roque before she was sent home." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[1:42 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He blinked a bit, thrown off by the change in topic. “Yeah, I have lightning powers. Um. Yeah, Roque was… not the best roommate. Mm, she attacked some staff members before she left, yeah?”


[1:45 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Petrai, yes. Probably the worst person she could have picked a fight with." Madeline sighed. That whole thing was a mess. "Roque was no match for Petrai, obviously. The second she tried to attack her it was already over."

Not really true at all. But best to make Roy think Petrai was stronger and smarter than Roque was. Maybe he'd be less likely to try the same thing.

"Sorry you got stuck as her roommate. I heard about that.. Weird blood on the floor thing she did. And her and Ryunoske, but I think they did that in Ryunoske's room." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[1:59 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Oh jeez, well at least she wasn’t hurt too bad? Roque did some nasty things to one of my friends, I’m… I’m glad she left.” He looked confused when he mentioned that. “…? Sorry, I don’t think I know.. whatever you’re talking about. Um… do I wanna know, or…?” He doesn’t recognize the other name, he really had no idea what she could be talking about.


[2:01 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Um.." Madeline's face went a bit red as she crinkled her nose in disgust. ".. Ryunoske and Roque engaged in.. Uh.. Adult activities in Ryunoske's room. They insist that they're married so it's okay but even if they actually are its still against the rules for the guests here-" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:08 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He frowned a little but didn’t seem as upset as Madeline was. “Oh. Huh. Y’know that’s not nearly as awful as I thought it’d be. I mean, yeah against the rules and all but… not the worst thing she coulda done I guess.. thought that Petrai sees… everything don’t she. Ugh.” His face now matched Madeline’s.


[2:09 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Yes, that is part of the.. Issue.." Madeline cleared her throat. "Anyway. Are you having problems with anyone else? Like.. Peregrine?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:17 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

That’s so… invasive. Though, he’s sure that it must be out of Petrai’s control what she sees, because surely she would prefer not to witness that. And if she did then- ugh. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thought.

“Hmm? Peregrine.. like the bird? I, ah, no. I dont think I’ve met ‘em yet.”


[2:19 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Yes, he is named after the bird... I think." Madeline sighed. Dang, clearly Roy would have had more negative things to say if he had met him. "Is everyone else seeming to be getting along?" @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:22 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Hm. Is he a bird? Mm, not important- ah, I think so? I haven’t had any problems really…” He thought for a moment and then looked worried. “Ah, well… do you know a lady named Hannah?”


[2:24 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I know of her. I haven't heard anything about her causing problems- besides refusing to cover up on the boat. It seems the cold here has taken care of that problem now." Madeline said. "If I remember right, her full name is Hannah Moines, and she has.. Shark... abilities..? Oh- she is your opponent, as well. I can't give you too much more information than that, it would be unfair." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:31 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He very suddenly had a dawning look of horror on his face. “S-she’s- I’m fightin’ her?” Well shit! Whatever the hell her problem with him was he better clear up quick. Fighting her when she seems to hate him so much sounds… awful. He let out a nervous wheezey laugh. “Great! Just- just my luck…”


[2:33 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Do you know her? Or are you scared of sharks..? That's a pretty extreme reaction for hearing you're fighting someone we've not had any major problems with.." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:39 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

More nervous laughter. “Mm, both actually, haha… she- she don’t like me much, I don’t know what I did though… she insists I did something though…”


[2:41 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"She doesn't like you, but you don't know why..? That's strange.. Are you maybe from the same town..? Maybe you interacted with her without knowing? Like-... Hm. Automobiles. I have heard some people do 'hit and runs'. Both parties proably don't know each other in that case." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:45 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

He shook his head. “N-no. I’m from a tiny place, hell, there’s less people back home than there are on this island right now. I’d recognize her if she was… and- and I don’t know what I did and she didn’t wanna tell me… mm, maybe I should ask again.” He had started running his hands through his hair, static lifting some pieces. He went back to picking at his breakfast, trying to eat as much as he could before his nerves took away his appetite.


[2:52 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Wow. Yeah, that is a tiny place. She must be from somewhere else.." Madeline said. Most of her perception of places people lived at was just this island, so it was hard to imagine the concept of 'a town over' for her. If Hannah wasn't from his specific town, well, she might as well have lived on a different continent.

"I see.. I could ask another guard to escort you to talk to her if you want, if you're worried she'll attack you. I'm not the best pick for that." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[2:56 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Mm, no, it’s.. it’s not that I’m worried she’ll attack me, I mean, that’s gonna happen eventually, right? It’s more that… I don’t think she wants to tell me, because she thinks I should know? But I don’t, and- and if she won’t tell me I can’t fix whatever I did to hurt her.”


[3:02 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. So is your plan to ask someone else about it..? I doubt she told anyone else but refused to tell you." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[3:32 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“I.. I don’t know. I mean, she seemed real pissed about it, whatever it is… she’s gotta have complained to somebody, right?”


[3:37 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"If she complained to any of the staff I didn't hear about it. I haven't heard anything about her." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:29 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Hmm, well maybe to the other contestants…? Mm… maybe she’s talked to few people I know.”


[4:30 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Maybe. I don't know much about how to help you there. I can tell you if I hear she's causing any problems if you want, though." Madeline nodded. @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[4:46 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Nah it’s alright, I’m pretty sure her beef is just with me, honestly… hm.” He had finished what he was willing to eat and now he was mulling over what he should do. He should probably take care of this whole thing as soon as he can.


[4:47 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Hopefully you can figure it out before your fight. Unnecessary violence is always.. Unappreciated." @Sauce | Roy 🌩

[5:55 PM]Sauce | Roy 🌩:

“Yeah… I think. I’m gonna go try to take care of it now. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast Madeline. Good… good luck with everything.” He gave her a smile and headed out to look for his friends.


[6:00 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Oh.. Okay, good luck with that, too. I hope you can find out why she's so mad." Madeline nodded. @Sauce | Roy 🌩