post melt staff meeting

[1:39 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Yeonaixho and Petrai gathered the temple staff in the hall of the dedicant quarters. It was a tight fit with everyone there, but they managed it. A few staff members brought out their desk chairs, others lingered in their rooms with the doors open. Yeonaixho stood in the center of the hall, bracing himself on the back of a desk chair. Petrai sat in the chair, cold and neutral as always.

“Is everyone here?” Yeonaixho called out.

“Everyone but Teya and Astrid,” Fio replied from where she and Luuk were sitting. “They’re still with the prisoners.”

“Ehhh….” Yeonaixho thought, then sighed. “Good enough, I suppose. Eli, you’ll have to make sure they’re informed of all this sometime later. Preferably away from the prisoners. Now, onto business.”

The hall fell into a quiet hush. Yeonaixho cleared his throat. “Now, as some of you already know, I was victim to an asassination attempt this afternoon.”

The hush of the room was broken into frantic whispers. Yeonaixho let it go on for a moment, before raising a silencing hand. “Of course, I survived. My divinity once again protected me from the cold hands of death, and my body regenerated. Now, you are of course wondering who did this to me. It was Madeline- blinded by her powers and misguided rage. Please understand that this violent mishap was caused only by Madeline’s powers, and that those powers have now been removed by my hand. The question of what will become of Madeline is still at hand, though we wait for her recovery to make a firm decision.”

He sighed. “This event of my near-death and resurrection was witnessed, unfortunately, by one of our guests. If this was not catastrophic enough, the particular guest is rather partial to gossip. As we speak, Peregrine Marvell is no doubt already spreading blasphemous rumors and lies about Madeline, myself, and this church as a whole. Understand that the truth I am giving you now is the only truth of the matter. If a guest asks you about what has happened, you are to explain it to them exactly as I have explained it to you. If a guest confronts you with the rumors Peregrine has spread, you are to refute them and explain to them the truth. If something a guest tells you seems doubtful, ask them where they heard such information. If the answer is ‘from Peregrine’, it is always a lie.”

[1:40 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

“Continuing, on the subject of lies, one of our prisoners has also resorted to spreading falsities in desperate attempts to sow dissent. Roque Rayes has started to claim that Petrai Alphanzeyouri, our very own Second, is a member of the heretical Corvifolk tribes of the North Loucari. Obviously,” Yeonaixho paused for emphasis, moving his hand to Petrai’s shoulder. “This is a ridiculous lie. Petrai is human. Please, I implore each of you, if Roque tells you Petrai is winged, know it is nothing but a cruel, mean-spirited jab. She means nothing but to cause dissent among our ranks. The best way to combat this is to simply not listen to her.” Petrai visibly stiffened, but said nothing.

“Because of these incidents and others, I would like to restate our policy of nonviolence, except in serious cases of threat. If an issue can be solved nonviolently, it should be solved nonviolently. No show of force is necessary to defend the tenants of our religion. Only if a guest or prisoner threatens physical, possible violence on you or another person here, or if they physically attack you or another person here, are you to intervene.” Yeonaixho reminded. “Furthermore, recent events have made it clear to me that we need to accelerate our plans regarding this tournament. With the growing dissent among guests and prisoners, we need to maximize the amount of time we have.”

“And will you tell them what you intend to do?” Zeydein interrupted, spiteful and indignant. “Or are you too afraid that everyone will turn on you when they learn you wish to commit the ultimate-”

“Zeydein.” Yeonaixho interrupted, his voice forcibly calmed. “We have gone over this. Either keep silent about what little classified information you know, or leave this church entirely. I will not tolerate such clear attempts to disrupt my power.”

Zeydein scoffed, and crossed his arms, but did not look away from Yeonaixho. “And will you tell them?”

“Zeydein.” Yeonaixho restated, colder this time.

“They deserve to know. They should know what you use them for.” Zeydein spat. “Or will you lie to them til it’s done? Do you wish you’d done that with me?”

Yeonaixho sighed. “Desmondus, deal with him.”

Desmondus nodded swiftly, and drew his rapier on Zeydein. The dedicant scowled, and raised his fists, armored with his brass knuckles, but backed down when Desmondus raised the tip of his rapier to his neck. As he was escorted away, Zeydein scowled at the crowd. “You’ll all regret this, someday. And I’ll be laughing when you do.”

As the two men left, Yeonaixho sighed. “Well. Now that that’s taken care of… I don’t actually believe we have much else to cover. Petrai, do we have anything else to cover?”

“We do not.” Petrai answered simply.

“Good. Good.” Yeonaixho clasped his reminders. “So, just a quick recap- rumors circulating around, don’t believe them, ease a bit on the violence, and…. Ah, yes. Expedited plans. That should be all. Return to your posts, and blessings upon you all.”

With that final benediction, the guards and dedicants began to leave back to their posts.


fioluuk bully madeline

[1:58 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline had stood in the very back of the group, clearly trying to keep her distance while still listening. She was leaning against the wall and trying to keep her eyes open. It was a bit hard for her to hear with how far away she was, but she heard all the main pieces of information.

She heard Yeonaixho discussing her crime, and the reaction was what she expected. Maybe a bit better, there were no vocal chants about banishing her from the island or getting revenge. She had been genuinely worried about that, and if anyone beside Yeonaixho or Petrai had been talking about it, she wouldn't be surprised if the reaction was worse. Regardless, during the commotion she turned her head down toward the ground, not wanting to see if anyone was staring back at her.

At him mentioning the wing situation, she frowned, still looking at the ground. She didn't think that Yeonaixho would even talk about it- it was.. Risky. Even if you're bringing it up to deny it, it's getting the idea into people's heads. Makes them question things.

... But this also made her worry. She had already spilled this information to Albanes in a worse way- and now Albanes would know that Roque was saying it too. Would she think that Madeline had heard it from Roque and repeated it..? Or.. Worse, she told Roque about it herself? It was such a specific accusation, surely Madeline and Roque could not have made it up simultaneously.

She moved her head back up as Zeydein spoke up, frowning even deeper. Madeline had heard the briefest of his plans from Albanes.. And she could understand where Zeydein was coming from- but she knew much better than to speak up. She was basically still holding on to her position here by a thread that was on fire. Any talking back or accusations would.. Not end in good things for her.

But the meeting was over now, so the best thing she could do now was.. Try to convince everyone she had turned a new leaf.

Even though she really didn't feel that different.

She looked at the people who were filing out, and she settled on Luuk. Why not start out with the one who hated her the most..? It could only get better if she still couldn't get along with him..

"Luuk." Madeline said and forced a smile on to her face. She leaned away from the wall and stumbled a step toward him. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:02 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Luuk was talking with Fio on the edge of the dispersing crowd, not yet leaving. Fio noticed Madeline approaching before Luuk did, and notified him of her by tapping him on the shoulder and whispering something.

Luuk looked up to Madeline. "Oh. Hello, Madeline. Can I assist you?" Fio remained at his side. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:12 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Good question. She wasn't good at small-talk. Especially to anyone but Albanes.

"Um.. How is the wedding planning going..?" Madeline asked, trying to keep herself stable on her feet without the support of the wall. @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:13 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"It's... going well." Luuk replied awkwardly. He put his hands over his chair's wheels, indicating he was ready to leave at any moment. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:17 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Madeline saw that movement, and tried her best to keep her smile.

"Good- that's good. I have a lot of free time now while everything is getting figured out, so.. If you need any help, I'd be more than happy to." @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:19 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"I doubt you'd be very helpful." Luuk commented.

"Luuk!" Fio frowned disappointedly.

"What? I'm just saying the truth! She wouldn't be very helpful!"

Fio scoffed. "Madeline, if we need help, we'll definitely ask you. Maybe once we're more out of the decisions stage and more into the setting-things-up stage." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:24 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"..." Madeline's smiled faltered. Man, he really didn't like her. Why..? "Um.. Yeonaixho might be helping me to get my other arm and eye back soon and- and then I can be more useful.. s-so.."

She sighed, holding her arm across her stomach and looking away.

"S-sorry for.. Whatever I did to make you-" That sounded accusatory, didn't it? ".. Upsetting you. I'm trying to- I am better now that my powers are gone." @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:26 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

Luuk sighed, and pressed a hand to his temple. "Well, at least Yeonaixho won't be devoting unnecessary resources to you anymore. That's good news."

"Haha, yeah." Fio laughed awkwardly, interrupting her fiancée. "What I think Luuk means to say is that we're both really happy you're better now." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:30 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

".. Thank you, Fio. I do feel much better now." Madeline said. "And.. Luuk.. You don't have to like me, I don't expect to have anyone like me, but.. Could you at least tell me what I did to make you so upset in the first place..? Is it because you think I wasn't worth Yeonaixho's efforts..?" @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:33 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"It's exactly because you aren't worth his efforts. I get it, that he's got a soft heart for every charity case that comes his way but he needs to be rational about these things. He should've known from the start he wasn't going to be able to fix you, yet here we are almost fifteen years later, and he's still devoting resources to you. Resources that could be used on people who'd actually deserve them, who'd appreciate them."

"Luuk." Fio interrupted his angry rambling. "That's enough, don't you think?"

Luuk took in a heavy breath, but didn't say anything else. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[2:39 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I-I do appreciate them- and-.. I think anyone would deserve the chances I was given. I-i was a child when I got here, if anyone could be helped, it was me.. I don't think Yeonaixho would have the heart to send a child away, not to mention one that clearly had no where to go back to.. I-i would be dead if he turned me away, and for that, I am forever indebted to him." Madeline said and took a deep breath. "I didn't choose to be this way. I didn't want it. I've hated myself forever, and now that my powers are gone, I can finally be less of a burden. I'm- a success story, I'm sure Yeonaixho will be proud of what he's done once he sees that I really did change. He fixed me." @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[2:48 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Just because it worked now after fifteen years doesn't mean it was worth it." Luuk spat. "It doesn't negate the fact he was diverting resources away from others. It doesn't change the fact that while he was trying to save you, he could've been fixing me."

"Luuk, stop." Fio interrupted. She bent down to his side. "Take some breaths with me, dear. What's passed is past. We live in the present now. We can't worry about what's gone by."

As Luuk calmed down, Fio turned to Madeline. "I think it's best if we leave now." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[3:00 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Oh, so it was personal. Did she really take up that much of Yeonaixho's time that he couldn't be helping Luuk as well..?

".. I'm sorry, Luuk. I didn't- I didn't mean to do that." Madeline frowned. "I hope now that I'm done, he can focus more of his attention on you after this event is over. You deserve it."

She sighed and shifted on her feet again.

"I'll try to stay out of your way, then. Have a good rest of the night." @innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄)

[3:02 PM]innsjo (glass🎸+ darcy🖋+ npcs❄):

"Thank you. You too." Fio answered for Luuk and joined him as he left the hall. Luuk didn't answer. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[3:07 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Well. That probably went about as badly as it could have. Nowhere to go here but up.

She fought the urge to scan the exiting crowd for Albanes. That couldn't happen. Not today, at least. Not until Yeonaixho or Petrai gave her the go ahead.

... But she didn't know who else she could talk to. She didn't know what to talk about to anyone else. And she was just as sure that no one wanted to talk to her. At best she would be a minor nuisance, and worst, outright hated like Luuk said.

... Was that a common thought for the other church members? That she was a waste of resources..?

It would probably just.. be better to return to her room where she could rest and not bother anyone else.