[4:27 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque was entering the grand hall, both to look at the rules list and the fights.. both, she knew, would prove interesting to her.

And depending on who she was fighting, she may need to work out a new strategy to get some blood.

[4:27 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:


[5:27 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The first day and night here were... a bit uneventful, in Ryunoske's opinion. She had come expecting at least a brawl or two before the night's turn in, but all she really got were a few dates planned for the unforseeable forture. Which, weren't necessarily a bad thing, just a bit more in the norm for her.

Walking with her hands shoved into her pocket, a cigar stuck between her lips, and her hair perfectly combed back, Ryu wandered the hall. The announcements piqued her interest, so she wasn't surprised when she saw a familiar face doing the same. "Yo, Roque!" She waved to the woman, a warm smile on her face. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:36 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque turned her head to look back at who was speaking- a momentary view of a not so amused expression laid on her face before she saw that it was Ryunoske. She smiled and tilted her head back.

"Ah, didn't expect to meet you here of all places." Roque chuckled. "You here to look at the fights too?" @ajjjjjjjj

[6:58 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

If Ryu noticed her annoyed look at first, she didn't mention it. Ryunoske strolled on over to Roque's side and casually slipped her arm around Roque's shoulders. "Must be destiny putting us together, hm?" She chuckled softly before looking towards the board a few feet away from them.

"I was curious, yeah. Also curious about these 'rules' these people suddenly have. You look at any of them yet, Roque?" Ryu asked as she started scanning some of the words on the announcement. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:20 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

As Ryunoske put her arm around her, Roque held her hand at her shoulder. She caressed the back of her hand gently.

"Well, I heard about all the rules last night.. already got in trouble for some of them, I think. I'm curious to see if they added anything new to the list of rules after some chaos I may have been a part of last night.." Roque hummed as she scanned over the boards. She skimmed over the names of the other contestants- until she saw hers. "Hmm. Well, that's unfortunate, now ain't it?" @ajjjjjjjj

[7:33 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Ooh, someone went around causing a ruckus after the party, huh? I hope they didn't chew you out too badly. They should make exceptions for people like you," Ryunoske hummed with a slanted smile.

She looked over the names and rules, looking a bit annoyed with both sections. "It truly is. I don't know if I'll be able to go all on out on someone I like. And what's up with these rules too? No smoking or fucking on site? Where else are we supposed to do that?" She huffed. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[4:08 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"They were quite mean to me, honestly.. Not to mention it wasn't even my fault." Roque rolled her eyes, clearly irritated by that whole situation.

"This place is my personal nightmare. These rules are ridiculous.." @ajjjjjjjj

[6:29 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Awh.. I'm sorry, babe. How could they do that to you? I'm sure it wasn't even anything that big of a deal anyways," Ryu mused and gently rubbed Roque's shoulder.

"Agreed. Yknow, if they didn't want us to be doing any of that stuff, they should of told us before we even got on the ship," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Well, I couldn't personally care about stupid rules. I doubt you will either... unless they scared you pretty good last night?" Ryu asked with a teasing smile. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:12 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"It actually was quite a big deal, to me.. My little butler cut my hand off-" She let go of Ryu's hand to look at her nails, which were left unpainted unlike her other hand. "- but luckily, the man in charge was able to regrow it for me.. The senseless violence against me ended up with me being punished and Inu being let off with a warning. They took my precious scythe away, the thing he used to injure me so gravely.. So rude of them, even after I said I'd die if they took it.."

"Usually I don't care for rules.. but I am somewhat worried that if I break any more, in their eyes, that I'll be sent home.. Currently that doesn't seem all that unappealing honestly, but I would like to say my time spent here wasn't in vain.. And I haven't accomplished anything worthwhile yet." @ajjjjjjjj

[7:23 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Huh. Ryunoske looked down at Roque as she spoke, quite interested to know what had happened last night now. She had assumed it was something unserious, considering Roque's tone, but perhaps not..? Hm.

"Poor thing. That must of been awful, and quite unfair to you. It seems like I was right about your little errand boy—He's nothing but trouble and a liability. You can't trust little boys to handle someone like you, babe," she replied. "Hmm.. Well, rules always have their loopholes. I'm sure there will be ways to get around things on technicality," Ryu chuckled with a wink.

"Stick with me, and I'm sure these 'worthwhile' things will come naturally." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[8:35 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"It was soooo traumatic, not to mention the weird ritual the blind guy put me through to keep my body from failing after they stole my scythe. I'm still feeling off about it," Roque huffed. She grinned as Ryu winked. She countered it with one of her own, "Come naturally, hmm? I wouldn't mind if it took a bit of effort.. makes it all feel worth it." @ajjjjjjjj

[9:44 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"They performed a ritural on you..? Damn, I knew this was a church, but didn't think it was one of those kinds of churches. What the hell," Ryu commented with a slanted frown. She kept the information about Roque's sycthe to herself, however, not wanting to mention it just yet.

Ryunoske chuckled a little as Roque returned her wink and she bent down, their noses nearly touching. "Mm, always down for a little bit of a challenge, huh? I can provide that too, if you'd like. It's more fun when you accomplish something more difficult," he smiled. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:53 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Yeah, I had to lay on the floor of this dark room- with only a dinky little mat between me and the cold, hard ground, mind you- and the blind guy put this funny smelling stuff on my face and said some weird things and then weird things happened. But he says I can't die now, not sure how much I believe that. If I were him, I know I wouldn't give that ability to me, I mean, the higher ups hate me here already." Roque shrugged her shoulders, and tilted her head back as Ryu leaned in. "Playing hard to get is always more fun when you know the other person will actually put some effort in. People here don't appreciate me enough to try, so sad.." @ajjjjjjjj

[11:18 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"I mean, if you can't die now, that just means you'll have to make it their problem," Ryu chuckled. "If there's anything I've learned about getting back at people, it's to use what they thought was good against them. Perhaps this means you don't have to do anymore rituals, at least," he shrugged.

Ryu couldn't help but smirk as Roque pulled just the slightest bit away. "I'm always down for some fun. The challenge just makes it more interesting," she chuckled. "For someone like you? Trying is the very least I could offer. I never want a pretty lady to be upset with me." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[11:29 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Ha, I'm not too inclined to fully believe them.. I mean, I couldn't even make myself immortal yet, and I loooooove myself. They hate me, I doubt there's not a caveat to this whole thing." Roque said. She leaned back in to Ryu, raising her finger up just to boop her on the nose. "Do you want to meet a friend of mine? He's pretty cool." @ajjjjjjjj

[12:05 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske hummed, not having anything else to comment about the whole ritual and immortal thing. Whether or not Roque was immortal didn't really deter Ryu's interest, or goal of winning this tournament. She gave Roque a small smile and finally pulled up from her personal space, but still kept her arm around her shoulders.

"Friend? Sure, I don't see why not," she shrugged. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[3:28 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I think you'll love him." Roque giggled as she backed away from Ryu. She held her hands out and blood began to flow out from under her sleeves- the origin point of it not able to be seen.

The blood flowed out in to the vague shape of a person, including some long hair-shaped blood.. The only thing that wasn't blood were two human-looking eyes.. Very human looking. And very much real.

The bloody figure stood there blankly, staring off at nothing and swaying back and forth as blood dripped off of it and on to the ground.

"Isn't he the cutest? His name is Blooxas, but blooxie also works.." Roque held her hands together at her cheek and swooned. "He's my bestest friend." @ajjjjjjjj

[4:17 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Well, when Ryu first agreed to meet Roque's so called 'friend', her expectations were already quite low. She didn't think there would of been anyone here who would fit the bill of a, 'pretty cool friend'--besides herself--so when the blood started pouring, the cogs were already turning in Ryu's head.

She put her hands back into her pockets, whistling an impressed tone when she saw the form. Ryu didn't seem startled by Blooxas, in fact, she was more so curious. "Your best friend, huh? Well, a friend of yours is a friend of mine, babe. What's up, champ?" Ryu asked Blooxas and held a hand out to him. Most people probably would of freaked out seeing such an odd and disgusting creature, but Ryunoske was taking notes. Blood.. huh? That was an ability to take note of. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[4:37 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Did you hear that Blooxas? She's another friend! Isn't that great?" Roque smiled, and put a hand on Blooxas' shoulder. He stood there. "Why don't you say thanks and give a little smile, hmm? That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"... waaaughhhh.." Blooxas managed out. It sounded more like someone's final breath than any kind of word. After he said that, some of the blood on his face pulled back, revealing a set of.. human teeth in his 'mouth', which was contorted in to a 'smile'.

"Ah, there we go! So handsome." Roque smiled. @ajjjjjjjj

[4:48 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu had held her hand out for a shake or something, but if that wasn't something Blooxas was capable of doing, then she simply retracted her hand back. "Nice to meet ya too, buddy. How'd you two meet, Roque? I doubt every blood body comes naturally with a pair of eyes and set of teeth," Ryu asked with a curious smile. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[4:50 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Oh, I just took them from an old pal of mine who wasn't needing them anymore.." Roque smiled and held her hand out instead. Blooxas followed soon after. "I created him to have a place to put those little treasures. For old times sake, yknow?" @ajjjjjjjj

[5:36 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

A living, bloody trophy case, huh? "How interesting," Ryu smiled. "It's impressive the body parts stay intact. Do they not decay wherever you put them in?" She asked as she looked over Blooxas. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[5:41 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I took some special care to preserve my favorite part, his beautiful green eyes.. The rest I.. Took care of, yeah?" Roque covered up her mouth as she laughed. "The teeth and bones and blood weren't too hard to keep as is, though his blood is mixed in with some others.. But all special to me." @ajjjjjjjj

[5:58 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske hummed, loking over Blooxas before turning her attention to Roque. "You saying that makes it sound like this bloke used to be a normal guy. Did you kill him to keep him with you forever?" She asked with a small chuckle. It wasn't a judgmental question, if anything, Ryu was impressed. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:02 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"That's a complicated answer, actually." Roque said, leaning against Blooxas. He was slowly compressing under her weight. "I planned on killing him so I could get rid of him forever because I was annoyed he was still on my mind. And then I did it.. And for once, I think I was having.. uh.. Second thoughts, so.. Midway through disposing of everything I decided to make Blooxas until I can fully make up my mind. I think the guy's soul might still be in there, but I'm not sure. I'm keeping him around until I can maybe bring him back, I guess? I don't even know what I want, if I'm honest.." @ajjjjjjjj

[6:10 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

What a peculiar answer, but hey, Ryu will take it. She blew out some smoke, the green-red color blowing away from Blooxas. "Still hooked on an ex?" Ryunoske teased with a small laugh. "Well, that's fine, babe. We all have second thoughts, especially about the person who always manages to squeeze into your head, no matter how hard you try to move on," she shrugged.

"If you bring him back, what are you gonna say to em? Do you even have an idea of what you'd do?" @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:14 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"You're sooooo understanding, I really appreciate that. Most people would have left by now. By a while ago, actually." Roque said. She looked over at Blooxas' face, tilting her head to the side "And I dunno what I'll do I guess. I haven't had much of a reason to have hope that I can actually do it, I have blood powers not necromancy powers.. It mostly depends on if I can make him forget that I tortured and killed him, I have a feeling he won't like me if he knows that." @ajjjjjjjj

[6:39 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske hummed. "Just a small feeling?" She asked with another small chuckle, like it was a joke Roque just said. "What was your relationship like with Blooxas before he became, well, Blooxas? Must of been rocky, but incredible if you're still hoping you can bring him back," Ryu continued to pry.

"What's so special that he's still the worm in your head?" @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[6:46 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Well before he was Blooxas he was Roxas- see what I did there- and he.." Roque paused, humming in thought. ".. I don't think we were boyfriend-girlfriend or whatever. But we were close. I met him at the boarding school we were both at, a super fancy music school he got in on a scholarship on. We started our own little band and toured for a while.."

".. But then he said he was gonna stop using his powers for me during our shows. And that made me pretty mad- I mean, one little fan complaining meant more to him than me begging him to keep going? It was dumb. Of him. So I left, told him to call me back if he figures out his priorities. But he didn't. He got with two other randos and started a new band without me.."

"I guess I just want to go back to how we used to be at our prime. I was.. A happier person then." @ajjjjjjjj

[7:06 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The smoke coming from Ryu's cigar continued to circle in a slow loop around herself as she listened to Roque, calm and even a bit cautious. Ryunoske only gave small hums or nods to show Roque she was following along before finally speaking again. "Ah.." So that's why Roque was so obsessed with attention. This Roxas guy stopped giving it to her, so she got mad, killed him, but then realized by killing him, she still had no one to give her attention.

"That's rough," Ryu supposed. "Well, even if he still haunts you, you have all the time in the world to think about if you truly want to bring him back or not, and if you do, what you would want to say to him. In the mean time, I'm more than happy to keep you entertained," she offered with a small, yet smug smile. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:23 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Yeah, he's haunting me alright."

'I can't even- THINK STRAIGHT? yeah th- DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.'

Roque huffed, moving some hair out of her face. Maybe her plan wasn't as good as she thought it would be, she quite enjoyed the silence in her mind while it lasted.

"I do have all the time in the world.. And I do have you too now." Not as much as she'd like to have of him, though. She took a step back toward Ryunoske, finally leaning off of Blooxas.

She stepped up to Ryu and leaned her head against her chest, tilting her head so that her cheek was resting against her shirt. She looked up at Ryu and grabbed on to the edges of her suit, pulling them toward her.

"But do you know what would make me really happy right now?" @ajjjjjjjj

[7:33 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu let Roque do as she pleased, comfortable with the close distance and pulling. Some loose blue strands of hair fell out of their neat tuck as Ryu was pulled down, but she simply smirked as she looked at Roque.

"Hmm, I have a few guesses, but please, enlighten me. I'm not one to reject a pretty lady's requests," Ryunoske hummed. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:47 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I'm just so hungry.. Famished, even.." Roque said, pulling on the fabric more. "I would really, really, like some of your blood.. I do not care if it tastes as bad as it smells, it'll satisfy me." @ajjjjjjjj

[8:08 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Out right asking for it, hm?" Ryu teased with a small chuckle. "Well, I don't mind, but I will have to preface it, it probably will taste worse than it smells. I don't want to give the lady something she'll dislike." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[8:11 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:


"I'm sure I've had worse in my mouth before, some people have very questionable hygiene." Roque said, practically tugging on the suit now. "I won't be taken aback." @ajjjjjjjj

[8:31 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

(Very nsfw. no innuendoes here kids)

Ryu couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh trust me, I believe it, but a dirty dick or unwashed ass is different from someone's blood, babe," Ryu hummed. "If you start to feel woozy, you'll have to talk to the very mean church people again, and I'm not sure if either of us want that." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[8:33 PM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I can't get sick from blood, but I'm not so sure about the smoke.. I am sure I could walk it off." Roque assured. She made a pouty face and let go of the shirt. "I feel like you're holding out on me. You don't have to worry, you can't hurt me. No one can." @ajjjjjjjj

[8:45 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

She hummed, looking down at Roque with a curious smile. She had to admit, she wondered if Roque would be able to handle her blood. Not like it was (super) toxic or anything, but it sure had its own way of being unpredictable.

After a moment, Ryu reached her hand up to Roque's chin, slightly tilting it up. "I can give you some, but how about we do it somewhere a bit more private~? After all, the blood tasting is only fun if its accompanied by something more stimulating." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[4:02 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

Roque didn't protest Ryu tilting her head back.

"Ooo, I would have to agree.. Have you thought of any way to do it without getting Petrai on our case? I'd hate for her to barge in halfway through, I can't imagine any more of a bummer." @ajjjjjjjj

[7:27 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Hmm, the only technicality I could really see through the listing was the 'temple grounds' part," Ryunoske said as she let go of Roque's chin.

"The only problem with that, is that it's freezing cold outside. Wouldn't like to freeze our asses out there... but, then again, Petrai would be upset at us all the same, whether we did fucked in the buildings here or outside of them. If you're afraid of the consequences, then I won't force ya, babe," Ryu said with an almost taunting smirk. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[7:36 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I'm not afraid of anything." Roque was quick to say. She tilted her head back down. "I just have a bit of common sense to know that if I get kicked out this early I officially wasted my time." @ajjjjjjjj

[8:06 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske chuckled and simply shrugged her shoulders. "Mm, then I guess we'll have to figure something out first. Don't wanna make the lady uncomfortable, after all," she said as she breathed out more smoke. "My smoke could usually cover us, but it's better in the heat than the cold. I assume your powers are blood related. Can you keep us warm?" She asked. @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[8:32 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"I.. hm. I've never tried that before. I may be able to keep us from getting frostbite, but I doubt it would be pleasant, if you're thinking about going outside-" Roque paused, then huffed. "Actually, I'm grounded as well from going outside so that's not even an option, I suppose.. I could help keep us hot inside for sure I think." @ajjjjjjjj

[8:57 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu raised a brow at that. "You're.. grounded?" She snickered. "Then what can you do, my beloved? It seems I will have to work around your grounds, which I don't mind, but it seems there's more holding you back," she mused.

"It seems our only option is to just.. break the rules~" @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[9:02 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Don't laugh at me." Roque grumbled and shoved her before crossing her arms. "I think inside is our best bet, regardless of me being grounded. I'm willing to try that out." @ajjjjjjjj

[10:01 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Roque's reaction only makes Ryunoske snicker more. "Sorry, I can't help it," she smiled between smoke and laughter. "Well, if that's settled then, should we head on over to my room? I doubt anyone else is in right now." @Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

[10:11 AM]Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline:

"Fine, that works for me." Roque uncrossed her arms and grinned. She turned and began slowly walking away, before breaking in to a sprint. "First one there tops bye!" @ajjjjjjjj

[10:32 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunsoke playfully rolled her eyes as she saw Roque run. She ran after her, but purposefully stayed a few steps behind her.

(Guess we're moving to ⁠ryu-glass-val-kass )@Mads|Roque🩸+Hannah🦈+Madeline

Continued in: ryu glass val kass