[3:26 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Waving goodbye to Valerie, Ryunoske continued to smoke by herself. She leaned against her bike, now intrigued with actually studying her surroundings. She told Valerie that there were some people who caught her attention, which wasn't entirely true. There were maybe one or two that actually interested her, and one of them was just getting done getting decked in the face. She watched as a glass tinted individual flicked off a man with wings, quietly watching the situation for a few moments before tossing her cigar aside. Stomping out the flame, Ryunoske came up from behind Peregrine with a small smirk and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Smooth moves there, buddy. Instead of harassing some ladies for their time, how about you spend some of yours with me instead?" Ryunoske asked him with a smile, holding the other man close to her. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:32 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

It didn't matter to Peregrine that he got punched in the face because he got the last laugh - he'd even have a bruise to show for it. He brushed himself off - and that was why he didn't notice Ryunoske approaching him from behind until her arm settled on his shoulders. A good decade of fighting the common instinct to flinch away worked in his favour as he smirked and leaned into the embrace to catch the eye of whoever was being so handsy. This, he could work with.

"Smooth moves yourself," he replied, raising an eyebrow. "And who just might you be, to touch an angel like this? And without hesitation too, mm?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:43 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu couldn't help but let out a warm chuckle as she looked down at Peregrine. Being 6'5 had its perks, like always being able to see everything a person had to offer from the onset. "An angel, hm? How unlucky. I usually catch gods with these hands," she smirked, as if to challenge Peregrine.

"You can call me Ryu. I'm not an angel, but I'm sure I'll be a lot more fun to hang out with than some stragglers who don't even want to talk to you, Mr. Angel. How far you must of fallen to end up here. I'm interested in hearing your tale." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:51 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine twisted around to face Ryu and put a hand on her chest. "Well, not an angel, dear, the angel." Now that they weren't against her, he let them spread out again, large enough to just reach her height. "One of a kind but certainly not biblically accurate." He smiled up at her as he continued to flourish his wings.

"These poor nobodies don't seem to appreciate what they're getting." He faked a sigh that didn't try to sound real. "Ryu, mm? Well, I suppose you could call me Peregrine Marvell - because I am quite the marvel, aren't I?" For now, he'd ignore the second part of her sentence, continuing with his performance. "But 'Angel' suits me much better, no?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:09 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

The first thing Peregrine would of noticed when he put his hand on Ryu's chest, was just how firm it is. Muscle on muscle underneath the suit she was wearing. She looked at the wings with interest, considering grabbing them with her bare hands. "Peregrine..? Like the bird?" She snickered. "How cute. Perfect for a man with a face like yours," Ryu hummed, answering his questions with a smirk. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:14 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine quirked a brow at Ryu - at the firmness, at her eyes on the wings (that he was used to of course) and at her snicker. He smirked and shook his head, though his head barely actually moved. "Yes, isn't it such a cruel joke on my parents' behalf? They attempted to reject divinity." He chuckled back. "Like I said, I think a name like the Angel suits me far better."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:29 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

nsfw ref/

"I think I'll be calling you 'Pere'," Ryunoske hummed with a grin. Putting 'the' in front of someone's name was just obnoxious. She put her hands into her pant pocket and cocked her head towards Peregrine. "Are you going to keep your hand on my chest? You're free to feel around. I don't mind, but at least take me out to dinner first," she joked. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:36 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Pere works," he leaned forward. Peregrine glanced down at his hand, the middle of his palm lifting slightly at first but then pressing down with a little more force. He chuckled as he hummed, appreciating the muscle. "Well, if you don't mind, I think my hand is rather comfortable. You're welcome to feel around too, dear, I understand that it's very difficult to resist the Angel." (nsfw ref as well)

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:47 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske couldn't help but laugh once more. She loved it when a man was a bit of a loser. Only a dumbass goes around calling themselves something like 'The Angel'. Ryu took Peregrine's offer and raised her hand to grab one of Peregrine's wings. She gave it a good couple of squeezes, humming as he looked it over.

"Were you born with these? I bet you were a whole pain in the ass to give birth to. Literally," she snickered. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:57 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Born and raised," he answered simply, hardly batting an eye as she grabbed his wing. It was indeed massive but the white feathers were soft to the touch. Most of them had silver tips but the ones on the edges of his wings were instead tipped in gold, glittering even in the small light the dock lampposts offered. A few feathers were missing, leaving some patches in the wing but at first glance it was hardly noticeable. "Though of course they were far smaller. At least I presume so, I don't remember, of course, and there's no photographs." He chuckled. "I was a twin, so I'm sure my mother, whoever she was, had more on her mind than just my wings."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[5:28 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske let Peregrine talk, continuing to mess with his wings as he did so. She had to admit, they were pretty cool, at the very least. "Hmm, a twin, huh? Your poor mother," Ryunoske joked with a small laugh as she finally let his wing go. "Does your sibling have similar wings to yours? Wouldn't that make you two the Angels?" She asked with a raised brow. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:34 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine laughed. "No, no, she had a power much more hidden. No wings for her. She could create spikes, that sort of thing, nothing that manifested on her body. Much more dangerous for the doctors." He raised an eyebrow once she let his wing ago, ruffling it as if to set the feathers straight again. "There's only one Angel, dear, and you're looking at him."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[5:43 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Huh... A pair of twins with two very different powers. How interesting. "Spikes, hm? I find that rather random when in consideration with what you were born with," she commented. "Did neither of your parents have wings? I think that would still constitute them to 'Angel' status. I wouldn't know, though. I'm an atheist," Ryu smiled. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:57 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Well considering they gave us up, I sincerely doubt that they had wings as well." Peregrine smirked at her smile. "Another atheist, I see. It'd rather lessen my impact if there was a whole army of angels up there, wouldn't it?" He gently patted her chest before finally retracting his hand, tilting his head at her.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:01 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Oh, so you're an orphan. That explains a lot." Ryunoske didn't bother to elaborate on that one.

"You're an athiest who goes around calling himself Angel.. I love that, actually. It's funny," she chuckled. "I think whoever these god people are here, they're gonna be just a tad bit upset you're 'appropriating' their religion. Playing a dangerous game with that title of yours, Pere." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:11 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Actually, we were adopted," he replied coolly. "Someone saw me and decided we were worth picking up. Story of my life, actually." Peregrine continued to tilt his head slightly, as if to investigate Ryu for something. "Or maybe they'll be so enamoured by an angel in the flesh that they'll be rather fond of me." He pressed his hand to his own chest this time. "Most people are enamoured by me, dear."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:17 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

There was genuine surprise on Ryunoske's face when Peregrine revealed that bit of information. "Really..? Well, if that's the case, I suppose your parents must just love their darling little angel then?" She smiled in return. Was it sarcasm or was it genuine? Who knows. Maybe a bit of both.

"If you're gonna use pet names, I prefer the term 'handsome'," Ryunoske commented. "And whether or not these host people will be enamoured.. I'll give you a 50/50 chance. I'm quite curious to see how deep these people are in their religious roots. Many fanatics take offense to quite literally everything." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:23 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh maybe they do, I wouldn't know, I left ten years ago." Peregrine waved his other hand dismissively. "I think my sister was the favourite anyway, she had more use." He grinned slyly, like it was all some joke and not hints at deeply embedded trauma. πŸ‘ "Doesn't really matter to me, I've got plenty of love to go around."

He nodded to the side to show he considered it. "Funny that, I also prefer the term 'handsome'. I suppose we're matching." At the comment about fanatics, Peregrine rolled his eyes. "I'm sure I'll be able to sway them, handsome. Don't I just ooze charm?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:51 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"More use?" Ryunoske decided to pry. She was always in the mood for a good tea session. The yakuza member also wanted to comment that maybe the reason Peregrine goes around looking for affection was because he grew up with a lack of genuine empathy, but she decided this was probably not the time for that conversation.

She put her arm around Peregrine's shoulders once more, humming with a small smile. "Charm? Eh, that's debatable. I would put you more under the category of 'wow I feel a little sorry for the little guy' territory." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:10 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"They wanted us to be superheroes or something, and there's not much you can do with a pair of wings," Peregrine said, happy to indulge in a tea session. It wasn't like he had huge stakes in this (a lie). "A glorified taxi service just isn't the place for an angel like myself so when the opportunity arose, I removed myself from the situation." His sly grin simmered down into a smile.

"I'm certainly not little." Peregrine decided not to wink. (nsfw joke) "Whether people pity me or not, I still get what I want, and that's all charm is for."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:33 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

cont of nsfw joke lol/

"...Superheros?" Ryunoske repeated with a raised brow. Was Pere being legit or was he just joking around? It was hard to tell with his goofy attitude. Ryu then smirked a little in response to his comment. "Oh, trust me, I'm not either," she simply replied back. "But let's leave that kind of discussion for another time. I'm more interested in hearing about this superhero taxi service." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:26 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine fake-groaned. "Oh it's incredibly boring, handsome, that's why I left." He paused, then chuckled. "And because my sister died but well, isn't that just the way the cookie crumbles?" Peregrine... shrugged. "She had the violent powers, I had the pretty powers, we didn't even get out into the field much because our parents had enough sense to wait until we were adults for the 'big stuff'. Turns out the little stuff can be just as deadly, mm?" His voice was so casual, smooth and completely the wrong tone for this conversation. "Incredibly boring, no?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:07 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

From the way Peregrine spoke, Ryunoske was already able to piece together that something must of happened to his sister. Now that he confirmed that she was dead, Ryu could only feel a bit more sorry for him. "Nah, that fucking sucks, Pere. I love my sisters, even if we have dangerous jobs, I'd still be upset," she replied with a shake of her head. "But, if you find that all very boring, I guess you've already removed your feelings from the situation. I understand. That kinda stuff can be rough."

Ryu patted Peregrine's shoulder, as if to show him some form of compassion. "And I get that tooβ€”Small things that you don't really think about can really fuck you over sometimes. Life really can be wild about that stuff." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:14 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

As she patted his shoulder, Peregrine only chuckled more. "Oh please, handsome, spare your apologies. I've had plenty of time to move on, she died ten years ago." He patted her hand and gently pushed it off his shoulder. "What's life without a little loss? And besides, we weren't as close as she'd have liked us to be, bless her cotton socks, she tried."

Usually when he spoke about this sort of thing, he'd be holding a glass of something, and especially now he was aware of its absence. "Really she was just a reason for me to leave and never look back." He grinned from one corner of his mouth.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:19 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske hummed as she looked over Peregrine, retracting her hand as he brushed it off. Was she gonna pry..? Mm, she wanted to pry, but should she? Ehhh, what the hell, she's already been prying, so why not. "That so?" She questioned, not really prying, but giving Peregrine an option of escape if he didn't want to talk more about it.

"So then, Pere, what exactly have you been up to now that you're on your own? No superhero stuff, no family, just yourself." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:05 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine's grin only grew. "Oh not exactly on my own. I've been mingling. Partying, really. I've made my place outside of my poor family." He brushed his shoulder as if to bat invisible hair off it. "Rich people, famous people, I've joined that crowd now and I rather belong there." His hand brushing his shoulder reached to his wings, running along the golden edges. "I've been up to quite a lot since I met my dear friend Otto Beak," he said his name with emphasis, and a tone that wavered from endeared to bitter. "He helped me leave my old home and find my new one." This grin of Peregrine's was small, uncharacteristically quiet.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:59 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Oooh. So you're a sugar baby, essentially," Ryunoske hummed. "That's fine. I've had my fair share of sugar babies too. They're all pretty nice. Is this Otto Beak guy also a bird..? Beak sorta has that ring to it," she asked with a chuckle. It wasn't lost on Ryu the slight change in tone with Peregrine spoke of his 'friend', but it wasn't like her to not joke about something serious. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:00 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Well, I'm their angel, really," Peregrine lightly corrected. "And if you like, I could be your angel too. No one can resist." He thought of Glass. "...very few can resist."

"Otto Beak is a perfectly normal famous actor. No wings, just a name that suited me rather well." Peregrine grinned. "Back when he found me I wasn't the Angel but he made me so. So perhaps I owed him." He shrugged lightly. "You should really talk about yourself, handsome, as much as I love to talk about myself."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:22 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Nsfw ref/

"Sorry, I don't date men," Ryunoske immediately denied Peregrine. "If you just want to have some fun, that's a different story, but I won't spend any money on you. Sorry, babe," she smiled.

Ryu couldn't help but laugh some as Peregrine finished talking. "I find it quite more fun to listen to others. It's much more interesting that way," she replied. "This Beak guy made you who you are, huh? Sounds a little odd to me, but hey, every pimp has their one really talented employee." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:28 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh please, all I ever ask for is fun." (nsfw ref again) Peregrine chuckled slyly, pressing his hand against her chest again. "Technically I'm dating Otto again but well, we're open. He understands everyone wants a piece. It's more a claim than anything."

Peregrine tilted his head and sucked his cheeks in quiet thought. "Are you quite sure? I'd hate to be rude, handsome." He didn't really care, but he had to put up some level of pretence. "And I wouldn't call Otto a pimp, really."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:36 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Nsfw ment... these two πŸ’€/

Ryunoske raised a brow, curiously smiling at Peregrine. "Ah, I see. Well, I'm not one to pass on pegging if you're into that. You seem like the kind of guy who's into anything, actually. So, I don't know why I even doubted you," she snickered.

"A pimp in the sense of he lets his man run around with others, but at the end of the day, you're still his bitch," Ryu elaborated. "If there's anything you want to know, you are more than free to ask." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:40 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Richer people have asked me for stranger things," Peregrine said with a wink, really pressing his hand down now. "I find the fun in anything." (nsfw)

Peregrine raised an eyebrow. "I suppose. He just likes to share, Otto isn't a hoarder. And he's been able to have me for a good few of the last ten years so he's had his fill." (more nsfw) Then he tapped his chin. "Well, handsome, I don't quite know what to ask. You've given nothing away."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:59 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Do I even need to mention it/

Ryunoske chuckled at that, not minding Peregrine being so handy. "The rich always have the weirdest kinks. They have money to fulfill everything, now they just need something to fill the empty holes inside of them," she hummed.

"Oh, don't tell me he's getting bored of you? That's always the hardest part of being a sugar baby," Ryu feigned concern, then smirked a bit. "Isn't that the hottest part to a man though? The mystery surrounding him? His cold and distant past he doesn't share?" She joked. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:06 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine's chuckle almost sounded melodic at this point. "And what better than the one and only Angel to help them there. I'm a luxury, far better than money." (we already know)

"No one gets bored of me, handsome, I get bored of them. Then they coax me back in." He smirked. "And perhaps... but I've said plenty about myself and I'm still hot, aren't I?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[5:40 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunsoke ran a hand through her hair, a few loose strands falling back on her forehead as she smirked at Peregrine. "That so? Well, I'll let you believe that then, Pere. If you don't want to ask anything, then I suppose I shall forever be a mystery to you~" She coaxed. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[2:00 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Well you've given me nothing to ask, handsome, so what's a poor angel to do but to simply not care?" Peregrine smirked. "I quite like talking about myself. Don't you feel the same?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:50 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske chuckled and playfully booped Peregrine on the nose. "What's the point of being a man of mystery if all you do is talk about yourself?" She asked back, smirking a bit. "If you have no questions, then I have no answers. It's as simple as that, babe." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:04 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Babe, hm? And after I told you I have a boyfriend, shame on you," Peregrine teased. "And I'm no man, and certainly not a man of mystery. I'm an angel, remember." He leaned in slightly, and his face nearly grazed her chest while he matched her smirk. "I play by different rules."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:18 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu couldn't help but laugh. Without hesitation, Ryunoske wrapped her arm around Peregrine once more and practically pushed him up against her chest. It was nice and firm. "You may not be a man of mystery, but that doesn't mean I'm not," she smirked.

"There are no rules when it comes to having fun." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:26 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine did not complain, instead seeming comfortable. Maybe used to it. "And you like that? Being a man of mystery?" He chuckled lowly. "And no, that's true, but I quite enjoy my little rules."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:34 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Well, it's all part of the allure, is it not?" Ryunoske laughed. "So dark and mysterious. There must be something so interesting about him. I can be the one to change him. Try it some time. People who see themselves as moral helpers will fall for it everytime. It's rather humorous," she smiled.

"Oh? And what sort of rules should I know of, babe?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:46 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"I've already been changed for the better. My appeal is that I'm divine. It's a simple enough premise, isn't it? People want God, I'm something close to it." His grin was smarmy, self-satisfied, and he held his chin up high. "And we're getting that now with this little tournament. 'Hand of God'. Exciting, isn't it?" Peregrine tilted his head. "It's the same as me. Aren't I quite exciting?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:57 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Hmm.. is that so?" Ryunoske simply replied. She wasn't interested in godly things, so Peregrine's whole act was a bit worthless to her. "Well, I definitely wouldn't say you're boring, Pere. Whoever this Hand of God person is, hopefully you'll fit right in with them. The worst that could happen is that they find your being completely opposite of their belief." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[10:58 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"God forbid I ever be boring," he sighed, a level of drama and a level of relief. "I'm very flexible, so I'm sure that I'll work out how to fit in with them.Something about me charms everyone." Peregrine's grin could only grow in its satisfaction. "Even if they claim to hate me, there's just something about me."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:59 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunsoke laughed and poked Peregrine's cheek. "I see. Well, if things don't go well with them, you're always free to come cry on my shoulder. Or my chest, I suppose. That's closer," she laughed. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:02 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh trust me, I don't cry to get my feelings out, I grew out of that habit." Peregrine waved his hand, then patted the back of it against her chest. "Much closer," he mused.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:22 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Crying is quite the healthy mechanism actually, Pere," Ryu commented. "Statistically, men tend to act out more in rage because the outlet of crying is seen as weak, when in reality, it is simply human nature. Don't be ashamed to cry, is the bottom line."

She then patted the top of Pere's head. "Well, my chest will always be here for ya then. I've got enough muscle to spare." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:25 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Luckily for me, I'm not man. Human, that is. I'm something much better, not to he dragged down by such little things." From how he waved his hand, Peregrine was playing the notion up - but from what level, was the mystery. "Human nature doesn't affect me, handsome."

He chuckled at her. "Oh, don't you?" Then he stood a little but straighter, no one so close to leaning.

[6:25 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania (sent early soz)

[6:32 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Perhaps not, but even angels have to cry every once in a while, don't they?" She asked back with a small smile. No joke or punchline. Just a genuine comment from Ryunoske.

"Would you like to see?" She asked Peregrine. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:34 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Clearly you don't know very much about angels." Peregrine chuckled wryly. "If you believe that, at least. I'll be happy to... educate you." (nsfw implication ofc)

He raised his eyebrow and tilted his head, then slightly nodded it forward. He was intrigued, to say the least, by the offer.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:47 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

non-sexual nudity+nsfw references. I am sorry for them/

Ryunoske let out a warm chuckle, finally releasing Peregrine from her hold. "Oh, I don't know who would be the one educating who," she smirked as she began to take off her suit jacket. She tossed her jacket onto the handle of her bike before working on her button up. Even before removing her top, Peregrine would be able to see the faint resemblance of tattoo ink on her wrist and neck, which her blue collared shirt wasn't able to hide now that her jacket was off. It didn't take long for her to unbutton her shirt, revealing an array of colorful and intricate designs on her chest and arms.

Speaking of her arms and chest, however, Ryunoske's were very well built. She easily weighed in about 210lbs, so you can imagine just how much of that was pure muscle. Her tattoos covered everything, but very nicely defined all the right places on the top half of her body. "I hope they don't have a rule against tattoos at this church event. It'll be hard for me to walk around." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:58 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"On topic of angels, I would certainly be doing a lot of teaching. Perhaps one could say preaching. (we already know it's nsfw) As Ryunoske took off her jacket and began to work on removing her top, Peregrine watched with quiet fascination. Not out of real desire, more out of interest - he'd been promised something and here it was, delivered. His turn to ogle something. Somebody. Usually it didn't work this way round.

But Ryunoske was plenty fine to appreciate, he found. His hand didn't hesitate to brush the side of her shirt out of the way of the tattoos, though the gesture was more to appreciate the artistry than anything intimate. Then Peregrine blinked and his smile and eyes shifted to make the gesture seem intimate. (nsfw thoughts again kinda) "Oh, they best not. And if they do, perhaps you'll change their minds."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:04 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

you already know/

"I think I will be the one having you sing to the choir, Pere. I'm not religious, but perhaps you will be after my work with you," she chuckled. As Peregrine examined and touched her skin, Ryunoske simply stood, relaxed and poised.

"My family is still banned from most bathhouses because of our tattoos. I wouldn't be surprised if we are also barred from places at this church," she shrugged. "That's fine. I'm used to people ogling in disgust." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:35 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"That's a tall task, handsome, and I've met so many people who have promised me lots of things. Are you quite sure you're up for it?" His hand continued to run across her body, admiring the tattoos and the canvas they were set upon. (yeah these guys won't quit) "It shouldn't be seen with disgust, handsome. And if I'm the one saying that-" Peregrine lifted his shoulders, ruffled his wings and generally flourished himself. "-then you know it's true, don't you? Hundreds of people have been choosing me for ten years, that certainly means something." (nsfw but also implication of grooming)

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:55 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Are you certain you're up to it?" Ryu chuckled. "I work hard and play hard. It'll be harder on you, I assure you."

Though, at Peregrine's next statement, Ryunoske raised a brow. "...How old are you again, Pere?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:59 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"I'm always up for it, I've had plenty of time to get used to everything. And trust me, handsome - I love harder." (jesus shit pere nsfw)

Another raised eyebrow. "Oh, now you ask," he said through a chuckle. "I'm 25, and I look rather good for my age."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:06 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Then perhaps the choir will be pleased to hear you later on~" He winked at Peregrine before her smile faded a bit.

"25... Were you 15 when this Beak guy got you?" Ryu asked. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:10 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

grooming implications

Peregrine's smile stayed stuck to his face, perhaps held there. "I ran away when I was 15. I met Otto about a year before, at some silly little gala my family had to attend before my sister decided to kick the bucket." His mouth barely moved from its smile. "But 15 is when he picked me up as a stray, yes." He waved his hand dismissively. "We didn't date until I was 19 anyway so he knew the line."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:18 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

For once on the dock, Ryunoske's smile completely faded from her expression. She looked rather serious. "..That so?" Ryunoske asked, his brows pinching for just a moment.

"...19 or not, it is still strange. How much older is Beak?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:25 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine continued to smile - better put, his smile persisted. "That is so." Then he sighed and shook his head. "Well, he's no spring chicken, but he's not old if that's what you're implying. Mid-thirties, not quite forty. He's developed a good... well, he's been in quite a few films, is all I'll say. You need a good few years to focus on your career before you start toying with angels." His smile still hardly moved, not even to grow.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:04 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"So he was at least twenty five when he met you," Ryu said with a narrowed look. "...Look, Pere, I know we were joking and having fun not even ten seconds ago... But this is rather a serious revelation," she said, frowning a bit deeper.

"I can ignore a lot of things... But this isn't something to be casual about. That Beak guy is a fucking creep. And I don't say that lightly."

(sorry sent early lol) @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:16 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

grooming, self/victim blaming

Peregrine looked down at the ground with a smug, comfortable look in his eye, almost infuriating, and finally his smile cracked open so he could laugh. "Oh come now, you hardly know him. I've known him for far longer and trust me when I say I wouldn't be here without him." He rolled his eyes as Ryu continued. "I understand, these things seem so strange from an outside perspective but within my circles, it's so much more complex. If I hated it so much, I'd leave, but I didn't, so clearly I don't. Unless you count tonight but this is a fun new opportunity, not a cry for help."

Then he sighed with another quiet chuckle. "Anyway, if it helps you sleep at night, I only started dating him as a favour. I wasn't really in love with him, but he'd done so much for me. He didn't want much, just to say that I was his and that's not a lot. Like I said, everyone wants a piece of the Angel. Otto just wants a larger chunk."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:32 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske listened to Peregrine's explanation, but she knew for the most part, it was all bullshit from Beak's mouth. Or at least, a twisted version Peregrine made himself believe. "You're not just a piece of meat to be passed around, Peregrine," Ryunoske said firmly.

"It's fine to take multiple people to bed without commitment. Hell, it doesn't even matter if you do. But you were a child, Peregrine. Impressionable, and needed guidance. Beak took advantage of youβ€”is taking advantage of you. I don't even necessarily care that you don't love him. He used a child's helpless situation for himself. That's fucked up beyond words. Circles don't justify monsters. I would know." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:10 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

more self/victim blaming

Peregrine only laughed more at Ryunoske, and how she spoke. "I never said I was a piece of meat, darling, and I'm certainly not." Then his voice lowered, firm as her voice, almost mocking her but still sounding serious. "I'm the Angel. Like I said, different rules."

The tone easily left as he sighed and rolled his eyes. "'Advantage', please, if anything I took advantage of his money and his friends. He calls me an investment, I say I was quite the money drain." Peregrine laughed again, and the smile forcibly grew. "You make it sound worse than it is, handsome. You sound just like my fiancΓ©e."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:08 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"You may not say it, but you and your little friends definitely think it," Ryunoske huffed, shaking her head as she spoke. She looked Peregrine dead in the eyes, "Pretend all you like that you are above the situation. If it helps you sleep at night, then fine."

Ryu then raised a brow, cocking her head to the side. "Fiancée? For love or for something else?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:17 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"It's easy for me to be above the situation. Or anything, for that matter. I can fly." Peregrine's laugh was a small chuckle as he spread his wings out for emphasis.

Did his smile perhaps falter slightly? He twisted his head away for a second, looking out to the water. "It was for love, handsome. Is that surprising?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:31 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu didn't bother to comment further on Peregrine's attitude of being above his own trauma. Lots of people pretend like hurtful things don't have an impact on them. That was a therapists job to help him with, not hers.

It wasn't lost on Ryunoske when Peregrine turned away, and she put a hand on her waist. "Yes, actually. What's your fiancée like? Is their name Talon?" She lightly joked, but her expression remained neutral. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:33 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine turned back to her with a small smile. "Libbi. Libbi Roman, that was her name." The smile twisted to a smirk. "Proud of me for breaking that little trend?" As he chuckled, his gaze swapped between Ryu's face, then the floor of the docks, then the sea, then back to her.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:49 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Libbi Roman..? How did you two meet?" Ryunoske asked, hoping this wasn't another 15-25 situation. Considering Peregrine said Libbi said the same things she did, Ryu had some more hope for this one.

"I assume she must be pretty special to you if you are marrying her out of love." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:55 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine might have been able to tell what she hoped because he led with, "She was an actress, and we were both 21-ish. We met at one of the more relaxed parties and well, if Otto knew how quickly we hit it off, he'd be jealous." He chuckled. "She said much the same about Otto and even though it's demonstrably false, I decided that she was worth leaving him for. So I did."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:02 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske hummed as she listened to Peregrine. Another actress, huh? "I see... Well, if you find yourself happy with her, then I suppose I can only give you my blessing.. Though, I also assume she must be okay with you running around with Beak and others, considering you were hitting on everyone you came across here." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:12 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh she's not around anymore. Past tense, remember." Peregrine chuckled, his voice impossibly calm. "She disappeared, hm, not quite a year ago. So I'm considered free again."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:20 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunsoke blinked a couple of times as she stared at Peregrine. "....."

She put a hand to her chin, then back on her hip, and then looked at Peregrine. "Oh. How unfortunate. What sort of circumstances surrounded her disappearance? Was.. anything strange going on with her? Are you not.. looking for her?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:27 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine stared back. Still smiling. "Nothing too strange, nothing unordinary. It was a while ago, forgive me for not remembering all the details. And well, I did, Otto hired private investigators for me even though they never got on. But the world's moved on and thus so must I." Peregrine chuckled and added, "The magazines stopped talking about it months ago."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:09 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Huh. That wasn't suspicious at all or anything. ".....I see," Ryu nodded. "Then that leaves you right back at square one with Beak. You don't find that a little odd? Concerning, even? That a person you were going to marry suddenly disappears and Beak's offer of help never comes through?" She questioned. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:22 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine raised an eyebrow, stepped closer to Ryu and put his arm over her shoulder. "He gave me space, I'm the one who wandered over to him. Force of habit, I suppose." He shook his head gently. "My my, you are quite suspicious of people, aren't you?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[11:06 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"I am, actually." Ryunoske didn't bother hiding that fact. "If she had not disapeared, would you still be with her rather than Beak? It sounds to me you only went back to him because you ended up in the same kind of situation when your sister died," she said with a narrowed look. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[11:20 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Of course I'd choose Libbi over Otto, I simply love her more." Peregrine rolled his eyes, settling into Ryunoske's shoulder, his hand tightening to steady him better. "And come now, handsome, I have free will, even if habit dictates choice. Besides, like I said, I've moved on."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[11:52 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Once again, Ryunoske looked Peregrine in the eyes. "Have you?" @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[11:53 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine stared right back. He was smiling but it didn't quite meet his eyes. Had it ever? "Of course."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[12:27 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske continued to stare at Peregrine for a few seconds, until finally turning away. She didn't say anything as she slid herself away from Peregrine, and put her shirt and jacket over her shoulder.

"This event is going to reward the winner riches and a wish. Hypothetically, if you were to win, what would you wish for, Pere?" Ryu suddenly changed the topic. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[12:33 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine shifted his arm off her shoulder and gave her some room to properly dress, brushing his hands against his feathers for something to do. "I should have offered to match," he said, an almost cooing tone to his voice. Then he tilted his head. "Mm, I haven't considered that very much. I have all the wealth of the people who surround me. As for a wish... well, what could an angel want?" He had to be toying with her now. "What would you wish for, handsome? Perhaps a pretty angel girl to replace me when we part ways?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[12:58 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske didn't bother putting her top back on, finding it rather pointless until the event started. Even in the winter, she wasn't very cold. "I have no need for more women in my life. Like yourself, the spectrum of people come and go. If I could wish for anything, I think I would wish for a better life for my sisters, but I doubt a church would be able to do such a thing," Ryunoske answered.

"I am sure there is something you wish for as well, but I am not going to force you to tell me." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[2:12 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Anything I could want is beyond any church's capabilities." Peregrine smiled slightly. "Really though, there isn't much I desire that I can't already have. I'm only here for the experience. And the people, of course." He winked, his chuckle sliding to a hum. His hand paused against a silver-tipped feather, then raised to a gold-tipped one instead, plucking it as he grit his teeth, before handing it to Ryunoske. "A souvenir. I'd hate for you to forget me too quickly, handsome."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:16 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske turned to face Peregrine as he handed her a feather, raising a brow as he did so. She didn't reach to take it and she stared at the man. "I don't take favors from men," she simply stated. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:19 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Oh? Breaking my dear little angel heart?" Peregrine stepped closer. "And after I've told you the mournful tale of how my heart has been broken before?" He smirked, twirling the end of the feather between his fingers as he slowly held it out closer to her. "Not many get the gold, handsome."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:39 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Handing out pieces of yourself won't bring you the closure you wish to gain from others," Ryunoske commented and once again, refused to take the feather.

"I recommend you save your feathers for someone who will actually care for them. If you keep plucking them out, you'll be calling yourself Lucifer soon enough." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:44 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"You think psychoanalysis is going to work on me, darling?" Peregrine chuckled. "They grow back anyway, there's no harm in it. It's haute a pretty little souvenir to remind you of tonight. You'll probably want to remember me."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:02 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"You wouldn't be so insistent I take it if you weren't obsessed with finding your self worth in others," Ryunoske replied with a faint, almost condescending smile.

"It's not a psychoanalysis. It's simply fact, babe." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[6:15 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine tilted his head with an amused smirk. "Oh, is that what you think is going on? Well you'll be disappointed to hear that I'm simply just a generous angel. Most people don't even have to be offered, they simply pluck the feather themselves." He chuckled lowly and tucked the feather into a pocket on Ryu. "As for fact... well, I sincerely doubt someone can comprehend the Angel so quickly."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:22 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske looked down at the feather he put into her pocket and she smirked a bit. Without saying a word to Peregrine, Ryunoske took the feather out and promptly discarded it into the near by waters of the ocean.

"I told ya, babe. I don't take favors from men. Angel or not." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[11:40 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"It's such a shame someone already did that," Peregrine said. He fake-sighed, then crossed one arm over his chest to lean his other arm on it to prop his chin on his hand. Peregrine fake-pouted, his fingers tapping his cheek. "All that fuss and you're not even original. Such a shame."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:04 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"The point isn't to be original, babe. It's to let you know I'm only into women," Ryunoske chuckled. "Perhaps you should try establishing your own boundaries. I understand that concept is probably new to you, but it may help you. Who knows." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:07 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"And I'm not into you, so you really didn't have to make a show and dance of it all." He chuckled as well. "And I have perfect boundaries, handsome. You just don't like how willing I am."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:17 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"If you thought that was a show and dance, then you obviously have never been given a proper performance before," Ryunoske chuckled once again. "I never said I don't like your willingness. I simply think you're a bit stupid for it. Which is fine. All men, Angel or not, should be a little dumb." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:21 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"It was a show and dance for normal people. I perform every night." Peregrine winked. "If I was entirely stupid or extremely intelligent, I wouldn't be here. I've just found the perfect balance of what people enjoy, handsome. Can you blame me for using that?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:26 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Smoking cw/

"Oh? So are you saying you're a normal person now?" Ryu teased with a grin. She pulled out another cigar from her pocket, lighting it before offering one to Peregrine. "You're free to do whatever you want, babe. Be as stupid as you like." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:28 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

(smoking continued)

"Nope, you're the normal person here. I'm still the Angel." Peregrine smirked back, his eyes narrowed. When Ryu offered the cigar, he gave a curt nod and did in fact take one. "I never quite asked your permission, did I?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:31 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske laughed and she lit Peregrine's cigar after he took it. Taking a whiff, the smoke that came out of her mouth was red and green in color. "I'm fine with being a normal person. What's the point of being special?" She hummed with a smile. "Perhaps not, but don't you just love it when people reaffirm you?" Ryu taunted. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:36 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine also smoking his cigar. Slay. He eyed the smoke on hers but didn't comment on it. "What's the point of not being special?" He countered with a small hum. "Just an average person, with no reason for anyone to care about you. Everyone's raised to think they're unique but really... you aren't." He shrugged. "Only when it's the right people, darling. I'm not sure you meet that criteria anymore."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:06 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske grinned, tapping a bit of the ashes off her cigar against a nearby wooden pole. "Because when you're normal, you simply don't need to be special. Who needs reasons to love someone? It sounds like a pain in the ass to always be held up to a standard. When you're at the top, you'll always be one step from falling to the bottom. When you're already at the bottom, who cares?" She chuckled.

The smoke around her wavered in an odd shape. Despite being nothing but ash, the smoke didn't seem to disappear, only circulate around her. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:08 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"It's a good thing I can fly," Peregrine replied, quietly watching her. "Sounds to me that you're just jealous I suit the pedestal so well." His eyes watched the smoke, but he looked away before it became too noticeable that he was in fact staring. "At least I'm being held up. You're just left to be trampled on..."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:12 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"And it sounds to me like you're jealous I'm so secure with being a bottom feeder," she hummed with a smile. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:13 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Why would I be jealous of someone who still cares about their family? Sounds like your sisters are dragging you down. Mine understood what she needed to do to get out of my way..." He then chuckled lowly, holding back something else.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[4:17 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Because unlike you, it's a family that actually loves me dragging me down. You on the other hand..." She let out a grumble of a laugh. Ryu didn't elaborate, but Peregrine would of understood what she mean from context clues. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[4:19 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

death tw

Peregrine laughed. "If they loved you, they'd let you go. Kiki wanted to love me but I knew how it worked." He tapped the ashes off his cigar as well, too close to Ryunoske, and he smiled to himself. |"Perhaps the best thing they could do for you is to die as well."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[5:00 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"If it helps you sleep at night that the only reason people leave or die around you is because they love you, then so be it," Ryunoske shrugged. "I'm fine with my 'pathetic' and 'normal' family relying on me and telling me they love me normally." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:04 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine ran a hand through his hair with a smug laugh. "You're the one calling them pathetic, not me. Pathetically normal." He hummed, staring at his cigar before looking over to Ryu and dropping it in the water, where the feather had once been before the water moved it. "Pollution all right with you?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[5:31 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Pathetically normal fits them quite well," she laughed a bit before taking another whiff. Ryu watched for a moment as Peregrine tosses his cigar, before giving him a shrug. "We'll all die because of pollution at some point. I don't really care about one more cigar," she replied. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:40 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine sighed and rolled his eyes. "Aren't you quite the nihilist, then?" He chuckled and leaned on her shoulder. "Though you don't quite look like a save-the-turtles type, handsome."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:18 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Not a nihilist, more so realistic," Ryunoske replied, blowing out more red-green smoke from her mouth. "At the rate people destroy the earth, we'll all be gone soon enough. The turtles will be gone too," she shrugged. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:21 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Speak for yourself, Santa." Peregrine smirked at his own dumb joke, wafted his hand through the smoke and rested his head on her chest again.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:39 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

As Peregrine's hand went through the smoke, he would be able to tell the smoke somehow seemed hotter and thicker than what normal smoke should be. "Even if you are to die later, you will still eventually die. Even beings who we see as immortal, fade eventually," Ryunoske commented. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:45 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine rolled his eyes. "You're still talking?" Though he definitely noticed that the smoke was hotter and thicker, he didn't mention it and barely paid it any mind. "You have plenty to say, don't you?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[11:57 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Do you still have ears?" She asked back with a laugh. Ryunoske pause to smoke, but grinned at Peregrine's question. "Only enough for my company. I get it when someone doesn't want to talkβ€”you on the other hand.." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:15 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"You're quite audacious to believe you haven't quite lost your appeal," Peregrine hummed. "Am I even going to get anything out of talking to you? Other than silly lectures and wasted feathers."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:52 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:


"My appeal? And just was that, hm?" Ryu asked with a snarky tone and smile. It was obvious she was toying around with Peregrine at this point. "I never offered to give you anything other than my company and a cigarette. Unless you somehow expect for others to turn a blind eye to me pegging you on the side, I doubt I have more to offer you at the moment."@soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:25 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine smirked back. "Well, you were an interesting conversation, handsome, but now all you can offer me - until we get somewhere private~-" He added with a wink. "- is indeed a cigarette. And as nice it was to indulge in old habits, I've been trying to quit smoking." However, he stayed leant against her side, one wing outstretched behind her, the other folded on his back. "And you're hardly interesting conversation anymore. Not breaking any records any time soon, sweetheart."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[10:18 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske raised a brow, interested by Peregrine's statement. "Quit, huh? Worried about your health? That's a little surprising to me," she chuckled. She blew out more smoke to the side, humming with a small smile. "There's no need to break records when you're normal, remember?" Ryu replied.

"If I'm starting to bore you, you're more than welcomed to get off my shoulder, babe." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[11:33 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"It's quite the oxymoron, an angel who smokes, isn't it?" His smirk only growing, when Ryu suggested that he could get off her shoulder, he only leaned further onto it. "I'm quite comfortable, I'm afraid. This is all you're good for currently, handsome. A living post." Peregrine chuckled. "Normal... what a disgusting word."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[11:47 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"If being an angel is all that special as you claim, then smoking shouldn't be anything that goes against that image," she smiled, flicking some of her ashes on the dock. As Peregrine leaned more onto her, Ryunoske playfully rolled her eyes.

"If a normal living post is enough to keep you interested, then perhaps your bar for an 'interesting conversation' is lower than you may think, babe." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[11:59 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"I'm not having a conversation with you, handsome, I'm leaning on you. That's really all you're worth right now." Peregrine brushed off her shoulder and then settled back against her. World's most annoying man. "Social smoking is more my style, anyway," he hummed to himself before leaning closer to her and plucking the cigar from her fingers with a smarmy little grin.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[3:21 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Drugs cw/

"Oh, we're not? You must be talking to yourself then if we're not having a conversation," she chuckled, red and green smoke escaping the edges of her lips as she did so. "If you want weed sometime, just hit me up. I'll even give it to you at a discount price. I assume that's what you mean by socially smoking," Ryu smiled, even as Peregrine took the cigar from her fingers. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[3:38 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

(drugs + smoking cw continued)

Peregrine didn't give her the satisfaction of responding to the first part but his grin could only grow at the next comment. "Of course I've dabbled in that, all sorts of little things over the years and besides, who am I to turn down a discount on fun. I should have my allowances, if you take card that is," he joked, beginning to smoke the stolen cigar himself.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:52 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

NSFW ref/

"We take payment in everything from goods to favors," Ryu smiled. "If you catch my drift, that is" she added with a small laugh. She watched as Peregrine smoked and any smoke that he released, would hang around them in an almost halo-istic manner.

Ryunoske looked over towards some of the newcomers on the dock, her gaze not lingering too long on any of them. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[2:07 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

(more nsfw)

"What a relief I'm very good at favours," he chuckled, watching the smoke loop around them. "I'm assuming you have something to do with this," Peregrine continued, pointing a lazy finger at the halo of smoke. "Is this all you have to offer, handsome? I really don't see the point of being here if that's all you can do."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[12:22 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"And any normal bird can fly, babe," Ryu made sure to emphasize. The smoke moved and blew directly into Peregrine's face before dispersing. "I told you before, that a man is only interesting as long as he's a mystery. Don't be too relaxed about the things you can only see," she smiled. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[5:24 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"I'm not a bird, handsome, I'm an angel-" Peregrine tried to say but coughed at the smoke moved into his face, trying to waft it away. "Very- very funny," he muttered with a more delicate chuckle. "Mm, you love to hide things, don't you? Either you're hiding something very precious or you're trying to disguise that there's nothing interesting whatsoever."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[6:57 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske threw a smirk at Peregrine and plucked her cigarette back from him. Taking a whiff, she simply gave him a shrug. "You tell me, handsome," he replied, nonchalant. It didn't seem like Ryunoske was going to truly answer Peregrine's pestering. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[7:01 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

Peregrine sighed as she took back the cigarette, staring at her with a small pout. "Tsk... stealing from an angel. Mm. I'm of the belief that you're trying to disguise your complete and utter boringness. Anyone with a truly interesting story wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut for long." He flourished by putting his hand under his chin with a wink and small smile. "Only painfully average people have to hide behind mystery."

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[7:18 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:


Ryunoske chuckled as she listened to Peregrine and tapped more ashes off the butt of her cigarette. "Then I suppose you've been talking to an average person this entire time. What a shame. The poor, high class angel, rummaging around in the dirt where us normal folk reside," she smiled. "I guess you'll just never know anything about me besides my bedroom skills."@soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:09 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Well, I have to make due. That stranger with the blood thing has been pretty popular and I haven't been able to get a word in edgeways. So I've had to make due with you." He patted her shoulder with a small hum. "Charity work, really, even an angel like me has to take part in that." Peregrine finally straightened away from her with a little smug looks. "Sweetheart, the bedroom is all we want from one another, no? Making sure we're on the same page here. That's all I want at least, that's why I'm putting up with you." (nsfw)

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:44 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu hummed a bit as he glanced over to the person Peregrine was most likely referring to. Everything regarding them and the people they interacted with was all quite strange, yes, but not particularly interestingβ€”At least to Ryunoske. She looked back at Peregrine with a side eye, smirking just a bit. "I thought I've made it clear that me fucking you is more of a favor than me liking you, babe. I don't date men." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:49 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"I never said we liked each other." Peregrine laughed into the back of his hand, gazing up at her with mockingly seductive eyes. "Just what we could give one another." (nsfw again) He looked around the docks, pretending to really care about finding someone else to talk to.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[8:55 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

"Then I suppose we're on the same page, Pere," Ryunoske said as she took one last smoke from her cigar, before tossing it on the ground and smudging the flame out with her foot. "Trying to find someone who will put up with your presence like myself?" She teased with a knowing smile. @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[9:07 PM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"That wasn't difficult, was it, to agree with me?" Peregrine cooed mockingly, leaning forward but quickly standing straight again. "Could have done with some of that agreement when I was discussing my dear boyfriend." He gently shook his head with a small smirk. "And so what if I am? You wouldn't complain, would you?"

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:12 PM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryu blew some smoke at Peregrine's face once again at his question. "I don't really do the whole 'respecting boyfriends' thing. Maybe if you chose a better one, I would of been a little more happy to pretend like I agreed with you," she feigned a smile. She then let out a small laugh.

"No. I just wanted to tell you good luck on doing so. You're going to need it." @soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻

[8:52 AM]soul | peregrine 🎭 + ekmeros 🎻:

"Respecting boyfriends and keeping your mouth shut are too different things, handsome." Peregrine tapped the bottom of her chin with a small smirk. "And I won't need luck, I'm the Angel. There's always someone looking out for me." He winked, backed away with a small bow and then fully turned and walked away from Ryunoske. Rude.

@Aj | Ryunoske+Titania

[9:39 AM]Aj | Ryunoske+Titania:

Ryunoske playfully rolled her eyes as she watched Peregrine leaved. Well, that guy has issues. She could make them worse, perhaps. Until then, she simply continued to stand alone by her bike.