• xochtil

    avatar [second wind] | info originally on toyhou.se
    height 5'7
    age 18 [b. 9768 BG]
    ethnicity she/her
    pronouns he/him
    bending she/her
    profession prophet
    life status alive

    Xochitl is a high priestess in the Sun Warrior society and holds the power to see the future.


    Xochitl is the cousin of Teyacapan. She was orphaned in the same battle that killed her cousin, Huitzetecol. Xochitl began training to become a High Priestess at a young age, and in her early teens sacrificed a close companion of hers to a spirit in order to gain the power of foresight. Xochitl has since been scheming in the background of Sun Warrior politics.


    Xochitl was a young woman of Sun Warrior descent. She had a toned figure, brown skin, and black hair often wore in a ponitale.


    Xochitl was outwardly calm, charismatic and friendly, though she was truthfully erratic and anxious due to her visions.



    Xochitl was a skilled firebender and could summon blue flame. She also had the ability to see the future

  • zahrun saeed

    avatar [legend of haruko] | info originally on toyhou.se
    height 5'9
    age 42 [b. 175 AG]
    ethnicity si wong
    pronouns he/him
    bending earth
    profession anarchist
    life status alive

    Zahrun Saeed was a Red Lotus anarchist responsible for murdering Avatar Korra. He is the father of Avatar Hadiyah Saeed.


    Zahrun grew up in an interment camp organized by the Earth Conferacy government. When he was young, he recieved a very striking scar over his face and was sent all the way to the North Pole to recieve treatment. While there, Zahrun met waterbender Arnook Nakasuk, and the two began a red lotus chapter. In between anarchist activities, Zahrun had two children with his wife, Lilavati Saeed. His firstborn, Hadiyah, was the reincarnation of the Avatar he gained infamy for killing.


    Zahrun was a middle-aged man of Si Wong descent. He had a toned, lean build, brown skin, and thick dark hair. His face was marred by a gruesome, large scar running from his eyebrow to his lips.


    Zahrun was jovial, friendly, and enthusiatic, especially around his teammates. Despite this personality, he held a deep-rooted hatred for authority, particularly that which reigned over the Earth Kingdom.



    Zahrun was a skilled earthbender, particulary in a close-quarters style of violent sandbending, as well as an accomplished swordfighter.

  • zhang wumei

    avatar [second wind] | info originally on toyhou.se
    height 5'4
    age 17 [b. 9767 BG]
    ethnicity mountain empire
    pronouns she/her
    bending nonbender
    profession princess
    life status alive

    Wumei is the princess of the Mountain Empire and Jarrah Al-Mutari's betrothed.


    Wumei is the only daugther of Emperor Guozi. Her mother, Lan, died in childbirth. Wumei was raised only to marry for political gain and produce an heir, though she strives to explore the world.


    Wumei is a young woman of Mountain Empire descent. She has pale skin, fair features, and long, black hair.


    Wumei is fierce, determined, and somewhat hot-headed. She is very quick to anger and self-pity, and wears her heart on her sleeve.


    • zhang guozi (father)
    • zhang lan (mother)


    Wumei is an accomplished huntswoman and close-quarters fighter

  • congrats! you have reached the very end of the 'old characters' (characters for projects im not actively working on)! from now on, character info is subject to change as i am still working on the projects these characters are a part of!!

  • yeonaixho sehwolh

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases Juno (albanes), the Great Lifebringer, Reverend Healer, the Hand of Life, Honeybee (jymaiyri)
    pronouns he/him
    age 25,687
    life status immortal
    magehood savant of life
    nationality West Loucari (Sehwolh)
    occupation savant, reverend healer of the United Loucari, wandering healer

    Yeonaixho Sehwohlh was the Savant of Life.

    story role

    Yeonaixho Sehwohl is the Savant of Life, one of five heavenly beings blessed with godhood. In Young Gods, he has just returned from a three-thousand year mourning period after the death of his beloved, Jymairyi ke Naido. Yeonaixho is hesitant to wield the power he knows he posseses, and fears for the coming future.


    Yeonaixho is a very tall, limbre man with long limbs and a lanky frame. He has tanned, olive-toned skin, which is decorated with small scars and freckles. His hair is off-white blonde and wavy, and when unbraided falls to his lower back, though it is often braided. Yeonaixho has downturned eyes of a cloudy, blue-gray color. He has a hooked nose and a long, rectangular face. Yeonaixho often wears loose, modest robes in beige-tones, often with pale blue accents, though his formalwear is often colored gold or yellow.


    Yeonaixho is a kind, gentle soul who's been weathered by the time he's spend acting as a savant. He has long ago dedicated himself to preserving the life of everyone he can, and remains intensely dedicated to that cause, though he struggles with the weight of the grief he carries and the complicated moral decisions he must make. He is not above lying, running away from responsibilities, and in some cases murder, to achieve what he believes is right


    • ilfther hanishadria (former friend)
    • sadihak rouwae (friend)
    • petrai alphanzeyouri (friend)
    • jymaiyri ke naido (lover)
    • darius telvrei (friend with benefits)
    • demikadrae shadyva (mentor)
    • albanes shairoun (mentor)

  • ilfther hanishadria

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases The Dawn Emperor, the Sunbird, the Undying Emperor, the Sun King
    pronouns he/him
    age 25,512
    life status immortal
    magehood savant of creation
    nationality Solar Heart (Malevtra)
    occupation Savant, King, architect

    Ilfther Hanishadria is the Savant of Creation

    story role

    Hanishadria is the Savant of Creation, one of five beings blessed with godhood. Hanishadria works tirelessly to bring divine justice to the world, and rules his mountainous empire with an iron fist. Over the past three-thousand years, Hanishadria has searched tirelessly for any search of Yeonaixho Sehwolh.


    Hanishadria is an average-height man with a stocky, muscular build. He has deep brown, warm-toned skin and sports many scars from his many adventures. Hanishadria's hair is dark brown and kinky, and he almost always wears it in locks. He also has a short, well-trimmed beard. Hanishadria has round eyes of a deep amber color. He has a flat nose, full lips, and a square face. He often wears loose robes in mauve, or a military uniform in a deeper purple color


    Hanishadria is a man defined by his sense of justice. He is kind, loyal, and extremely honest. Everything he does, he does because he believes it to be the right thing to do. He cares greatly for the health of his nation and the wellbeing of his closest friends, though his grand scale of thinking often impedes on his ability to form close connections with those he should be closest to. He can be incredibly rash and brutally honest, and can be upset when other's don't see things the same way he does.


    • yeonaixho sehwolh (friend, lover (one-sided))
    • sadihak rouwae (friend, formerly)
    • jymaiyri ke naido (former friend, enemy)
    • ilfther thoryne & ilfther alkihanidun (father)
    • ilther iryene (coparenting)
    • auglef shirshen (superior)
    • petrai alphanzeyouri (friend)

  • jymaiyri ke naido

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases the Alchemist Supreme, Changemaker Beloved, Lilybud (juno), the Holy Gardner)
    pronouns she/her
    spoiler 22521 at death, 25573 at resurrection
    life status
    spoiler deceased & ascended
    magehood savant of change
    nationality Lunar Isles, Ke Syndako
    occupation savant, archduchess, head of house Naido, botanist

    Jymaiyri Ke Naido was the Savant of change.

    story role

    Jymaiyri Ke Naido was the Savant of Change, one of five heavenly beings blessed with the godhood. Three thousand years ago, Jymaiyri was murdered, something no one thought was possible.


    Unbeknownst to the greater world, Jymaiyri did not simply die. Instead, she underwent a metamorphosis and returned to life as a new, ascended being- closer to a god than a woman.


    Jymaiyri Ke Naido is a tall, lean woman with a think and lanky build. She has broad shoulders and a bony frame. Jymaiyri has light brown, olive-toned skin, and has freckles on her face and shoulders. Her hair is dark brown and slightly wavy, and is cut in a messy bob. She has mono-lidded eyes of a deep greenish-brown color. Her face is heart-shaped, and she has a flat nose. Jymaiyri often wears loose pants and simple tops in green tones. She sometimes wears skirts for formal occasions.

    spoilersPost-ressurection, she sports a deep scar running from her neck to below her stomach.



    Jymaiyri is passionate and spiteful, and entirely dedicates herself to her desire for power. She is profoundly honest, and despises liars and those who betray her. Jymaiyri believes that the ends justify the means in every scenario, including her quest for revenge against those who've wronged her. Jymaiyri is also incredibly brash and confident, and will often flaunt her own strength and intelligence as an 'intimidation tactic'.


    • yeonaixho sehwolh (lover)
    • ilfther hanishadria (sworn enemy)
    • sadihak rouwae (ally, formerly)
    • petrai alphanzeyouri (friends, tense)
    • naiyda ta lloyko (teacher)
    • kyeora ta naido (ancestor)

  • sadihak rouwae

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases The Premier Maskmaker, Snake-Eyed
    pronouns they/them
    age 25343
    life status immortal
    magehood savant of masks
    nationality Jalagone (Rhajuvran)
    occupation savant, actor, musician, dancer

    Sadihak Rouwae is the Savant of Masks

    story role

    Sadihak is the Savant of Masks, one of five heavenly beings blessed with godhood. For the past three-thousand years, and for most of their life beforehand, they have shirked their duties in favor of establishing mortal-led governments and pushing for more progressive politics. Sadihak prefers a life of leisure, luxury and hedonism to one of politics, but that doesn't mean they're above espinoge, or bribery.


    Sadihak is a tall, lean person with defined curves and an hourglass physique. They have clear, brown skin and have no notable scars. Sadihak's hair is jet-black, thick, and straight, and is often worn long and loose over their shoulders but pushed away from their face, or tied up in a bun. They have piercing, dark gray eyes. Sadihak has an aquiline nose and high cheekbones. They often wear tight-fitting clothes, typically in white or light shades of gray and blue, and often adorn themself in jewlery. Of all the Savant, they are almost always the best-dressed.


    Sadihak is deceptive and cunning. They often hide their true intentions and feelings under layers of facade, so it is difficult to tell what they're truly feeling. Despite this, Sadihak holds their grudges and hatred close to their heart, and does not forget or forgive when they think they've been wronged. Sadihak is not fond of publicly ruling as Savant, rather, they prefer to sit on the sidelines and pull the strings of their appointed politicians when necessary.


    • petrai (pining for)
    • iflther hanishadria (false ally)
    • rhukedri shouhai (superior)
    • ilfther alkihanidun (superior, teacher)
    • spoilers
    • jymaiyri ke naido (friend, false ally)
    • yeonaixho sehwohl (former friend, enemy)

  • petrai alphanzeyouri

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases The High Abbess, the Crow Maiden, Our Lady of the Unforgiving Walls, the Abbess of the Gilded Eyes
    pronouns she/her
    age 25,156
    life status immortal
    magehood savant of sight
    nationality Sky Plains (Kadrean)
    occupation savant, high priestess of the gilded eyes, archivist

    Petrai Alphanzeyouri was the Savant of Sight.

    story role

    Petrai Alphanzeyouri is the Savant of Sight, one of five heavenly beings blessed with godhood. Petrai is the leader of the Gilded Eyes, a church wholly dedicated to the Goddess of Sight. She has dedicated herself to her religion since the beginning of her life, and distances herself from the political and worldly affairs of her other Savant.


    Petrai is a short woman with a stocky, petite frame. She has very pale skin, which blushes easily. Her hair is jet-black and curly, and she wears it in a bob cut. Petrai has round eyes, which have a very dark, almost black color. She has a round face and delicate features. Petrai often wears heavy robes and dresses in black, always of a very modest cut. Her formalwear is only distinguished by the addition of more gold accents. Occasionally, she will wear very dark red in casual wear.


    Petrai holds herself to very strict regiments and moral codes, those she has lived with since birth. She does not often display emotion, and attempts to maintain a calm, passive appearance. Petrai prides herself on her steadfastness in her faith, and on her status as an observer of the world. She does everything she can to sever herself from the mortal world, and thus is incredibly lonely, though she'd never admit it.


    • sadihak rouwae (complicated relationship)
    • yeonaixho sehwolh (close friend)
    • jymaiyri ke naido (friends, tense)
    • ilfther hanishadria (friend)
    • ivalt byrenyauro (superior)
    • albanes shairoun (student)

  • albanes shairoun

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases [put these here later]
    pronouns she/her
    age 15
    life status alive
    magehood non-mage
    nationality loucari (Shairoun)
    occupation healing apprentice, teen girl, amateur detective

    Albanes Shairoun is the apprentice of Yeonaixho Sehwolh.

    story role

    Albanes Shairoun was born and raised in the small mountain village of Shairoun, where she met the healer Juno. Albanes travelled with Juno away from Shairoun in search of adventure, truth and magic, only to later find out his true identity as the Savant of Life. Albanes searches for truth and justice in a world of secrets, lies, and grudges.


    Albanes is a short girl with a stocky, somewhat-muscular build. she has warm, tan skin with freckles. her hair is dark brown and wavy, and is cut to her mid-back with messy bangs. she often wears it in a low ponytail, or sometimes in a messy bun or later a loose braid. she has a square face and defined features, such as an aquiline nose, a heavy brow, and a square jaw. albanes has downturned eyes of a deep brown color. she often wears practical clothes meant for heavy labor and cold weather, often in neutral tones.


    Albanes is a determined and inquisitive young girl. her main goal is to know as much as she can about magic and to help as many people as she can with magic. she is very observant, though can be awkward and nervous around authority figures. she often feels out of place in formal situations, and will default imitating to whatever her mentor is doing


    • yeonaixho sehwolh (student)
    • petrai alphanzeyouri (student)
    • jymaiyri ke naido, sadihak rouwae and ilfther hanishadria (afraid of)
    • ilfther alkihanidun (friend)
    • naiyda ta lloyko (friend)
    • ilfther thoryne (rival)

  • ilfter thoryne

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases commander, prince
    pronouns he/him
    age 18
    life status alive
    magehood war mage
    nationality Solar Heart (malevtra)
    occupation prince, army commander

    Ilfther Thoryne is the son of Savant of Creation Ilfther Hanishadria and a commander in the Solar Horde.

    story role

    Ilfther Thoryne is the second-born of Ilfther Hanishadria's twin children, and his only current War Mage child. Thoryne serves in the Solar Horde as a commander, but strives to ascend the ranks and please his father. Thoryne is both ambitous and resentful, and believes in his father to a folly.


    Thoryne is a somewhat-tall man with a limber, yet muscular build. He has warm brown skin, and sports a few scars despite his age. Thoryne's hair has a kinky texture, and is often worn sheared close to his skull or styled into waves. He keeps his face clean-shaven, but will grow stubble if he forgets for a few days. Thoryne has a triangular, angular face with a pointed chin and prominent cheekbones. He has a flat nose and full lips, and his eyes are deepset, slightly upturned, and of a deep brown color. Thoryne has light freckles across his cheeks. He often wears his maroon military uniform, or formal robes in the same color.


    Thoryne is stubborn and ambitious. He is motivated almost entirely by his desire to do good in the eyes of his father, and looks down upon his sister, believing she has eschewed this duty. Thoryne is a strong believer in the concept of destiny, and struggles with the fact he was produced to be disposable.


    • ilfther hanishadria (son)
    • iflther iryene (son)
    • ilfther alkihanidun (twin brother)
    • auglef shirshen (student)
    • albanes shairoun (rival)
    • sadihak rouwae (distrusts)

  • ilfther alkihanidun

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases princess, mage
    pronouns she/her
    age 18
    life status alive
    magehood masked mage
    nationality Solar Heart (Malevtra)
    occupation masked mage, princess

    Ilfther Alkihanidun is a masked mage and the daughter of Ilfther Hanishadria.

    story role

    Ilfther Alkihanidun is the elder of Ilfther Hanishadria's twin children. At a young age, she abandoned her assumed duty to become a war mage, instead choosing to pursue tutelage under Sadihak Rouwae as a Masked Mage.


    Alkihanidun is a short, heaveyset young woman, with very dark, warm-toned skin. She wears her black, kinky-textured hair in box-braids, often decorated with wooden or shell beads and tied into a bun or ponitale. Alkihanidun has a round face and soft features, and has a flat nose, full lips, and round, dark brown eyes. She often wears a white tunic, the uniform of a Masked Mage, sometimes with mauve trim.


    Alkihanidun is cheerful and playful, and prefers to avoid the heavier topics that come up in her day-to-day life. She harbors great resentment for her father, and projects this hatred onto her brother. Alkihanidun greatly idolizes Sadihak Rouwae, and struggles with adapting to change in her life.


    • ilfther hanishadria (daughter)
    • ilfther iryene (daughter)
    • ilfther thoryne (twin sister)
    • albanes shairoun (friend)
    • sadihak rouwae (student)

  • kyeora ta naido

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases The Duchess Lunarian
    pronouns she/her
    age 34
    life status alive
    magehood non-mage
    nationality Lunar Isles, Ta Semake
    occupation duchess, mother-t0-be

    Kyeora Ta Naido is the Duchess Lunarian

    story role

    Kyeora Ta Naido is a distant descendant of Jymaiyri Ke Naido, and the current monarch of the Lunar Isles. She reigns in Jymaiyri's absence.


    Kyeora is a tall, limbre woman with a lanky build. She has broad shoulders and wide hips, and has a slightly bony frame. Kyeora's skin is light-brown and olive toned, and she has freckles on her face, shoulders and chest. Kyeora has jet black, straight hair which she often wears in complicated updos. She has mono-lidded eyes of a near-black color. Kyeora has a heart-shaped face, and she has a flat nose and pouting lips. She often wears ornate gowns. During the Young Gods story, she is almost four months pregnant.


    Kyeora is a just ruler, though she is prone to anxiety and nervousness. She often struggles to control the whims and chaos of the Lunarian Noble Families, and does not think kindly on the legacy of her divine ancestor.


    • jymaiyri ke naido (descendant)
    • naiyda ta lloyko (monarch)

  • naiyda ta lloyko

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases n/a
    pronouns she/her
    age 17
    life status alive
    magehood change mage
    nationality Lunar Isles (Ta Iedyousei)
    occupation palace guard, soldier

    Naiyda Ta Lloyko was a Lunarian soldier assigned as a guard in the Verdant Palace.

    story role

    A refugee since childhood, Naiyda enlisted in the Lunarian military at a young age. She was given the cushy post of a palace guard, and later escorted Albanes Shairoun across the Lunar Isles.


    After the ressurection of Jymaiyri Ke Naido, Naiyda was granted change magic against her will and became the first change mage of the new generation.


    Naiyda is a tall young woman with a lean, muscular frame. She has broad shoulders and a boxy frame. Naiyda has brown, coppery skin and has a burn scar on her left hand. Her hair is thick, black, and straight, and she typically wears it in a ponytale or topknot. Naiyda has flat features, and has a defined, broad nose. She has monolid eyes of a dark brown color. Naiyda often wears her palace guard's uniform, which is of a teal blue color, and usually carries a spear.


    Naiyda is duty-oriented and driven. She derives motivation from her position, and takes her work very seriously. Naiyda is socially awkward and can be resistant to change, especially large changes. This anxiety stems from her history as a refugee. She distrusts strangers, especially mages.


    • kyeora ta naido (soldier to)
    • albanes shairoun (friend)
    • jymaiyri ke naido (afraid of)

  • auglef shirshen

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases General
    pronouns he/him
    age 49
    life status
    spoiler deceased
    magehood war mage
    nationality Solar Heart (Malevtra)
    occupation general

    Auglef Shirshen is the general of the Solar Horde.

    story role

    Auglef Shirshen is the general of the Solar Horde and has served Ilfther Hanishadria for over thirty years, serving specifically as general for 12. Though he grew up very poor, Shirshen enlisted in the Royal Academy as a child and caught the eye of the Savant of Creation, who soon promoted him to an officer rank. From their, Shirshen climbed to his position as General. He serves as a mentor figure to Hanishadria's two children, especially Thoryne.


    Shirshen is a somewhat-tall man with a limbre yet muscular build. He has warm brown skin and sports quite a few scars from his time as a soldier. Shirshen has kinky-textured hair, which he wears shorn close to his skull or sometimes in a small afro. He also wore a full beard, neatly trimmed. Shirshen has a triangular, angular face with a square chin. He has a flat nose and full lips. Shirshen's eyes are deepset and downturned, and of a deep brown color. He has light freckles across his nose and cheeks. Shirshen most often wears his berry-colored general's uniform.


    Shirshen is kind and determined. While he focuses greatly on his job as general, he also makes time for his loved ones. His lower-class upbringing has drastically shaped the way he interacts with higher-class Malevtran society, as he is often ousted from things others are invited to. Shirshen is complacent in much of Hanishadria's decisions, and prefers not to incite conflict or disagreement.


    • ilfther hanishadria (general to, friend, lover)
    • sadihak rouwae (aqquaintance)
    • ilfther iryene (friend, lover)
    • rhukedri shouhai (friend)
    • ivalt byrenyauri (aqquaintance)
    • ilfther thoryne (mentor)

  • ivalt byrenyauro

    young gods | info original to database
    titles & aliases Archpriest Ivalt
    pronouns he/him
    age 28
    life status alive
    magehood sight mage
    nationality Sky Plains (Kadrean)
    occupation archpriest to the Savant of Sight

    Ivalt Byrenyauro is Petrai Alphanzeyouri's current archpriest.

    story role

    Ivalt is the dedicated archpriest of the Savant of Sight, and has served her for the past five years. He is incredibly young for his position.


    Ivalt is a tall man of a limbre build. He has tan skin, angular features, and loosely curled, brown hair. His eyes are ice-blue and downturned, and he has a broad nose and pouting lips. Ivalt often wears the long, black robes typical of a sight mage.


    Ivalt is soft-spoken and studious, and is incredibly dedicated to his role as archpriest. Despite his youth, he is knowleged about church matters.


    • petrai alphanzeyouri (priest)
    • auglef shirshen (aqquaintance)
    • rhukedri shouhai (aqquaintance)

  • darcy sterling

    tourn | info original to database
    nicknames/alt names 'Darc'
    titles Alchemist Sterling (professional)
    pronouns he/him

    Darcy Sterling is a tournament player character with language-based powers. I played him in Snowtourn.


    age 22
    gender male (transgender)
    height 5'3
    hair jet black, neatly trimmed in professional haircut
    eyes reflective silver, mono-lidded
    skin pale, generally unblemished, faint moles
    notable features faint burn scars across forearms, extremities appear to be dusted in silver


    birthplace Lefttain, Verend
    current home Islington, Verend
    parents Lovett Sterling (55, he/him)
    siblings n/a
    other notable backstory figures The Duchess of Verend


    occupation academic (literature & linguistics), translator
    powers language
    sexuality gay
    character relations Darcy is the nephew of Desmondus Alphanzeyauro
    power functions
    • language comprehension
      • effortlessly understands every language.
    • spellmaking
      • can cast spells based on idioms/plays of speech/weird words that don't translate well

    life events

    • 2001: was born
    • 2014: graduated grade school
    • 2018: entered work as a translator

  • glass sorakot

    tourn | info original to database
    nicknames/alt names n/a
    titles n/a
    pronouns she/her

    Glass is a tournament player character with glass-based powers. She is based off of Glass Sorakot. I played her in t3 and in Snowtourn.


    age 23
    gender female (cisgender)
    height 5'10
    hair vibrant red-orange, glass, wavy, trimmed in messy bob
    eyes almond-shaped, upturned, heterochromia iridum with dark blue and orange
    skin frosted glass, tealish-blue
    notable features piercings: ears (lobe, helix), snakebites, eyebrow, septum, nipple


    birthplace Galveston, Texas
    current home Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    parents Crystal Sorakot (she/her, d. at 24), Alex Sorakot (he/him, 45)
    siblings n/a
    other notable backstory figures Maxine, Gwen & Tara


    occupation punk muscian (bassist)
    powers glass
    sexuality lesbian
    character relations Glass is the ex-girlfriend of Arwin Emer.
    power functions
    • transformation
      • can transform non-glass material into glass
      • body is transformed into glass
    • malleability
      • can change the form of glass object

    life events

    • 2000: was born
    • 2007: mother, Crystal, died from glass transformation
    • 2011: began transforming into glass
    • 2016: ran away from home

  • sadihak rouwae

    tourn | info original to database
    nicknames/alt names Saamir Jhavrei (birth name), Reagan Vice (work name)
    titles n/a
    pronouns they/them

    Sadihak is a tournament player character with mind control powers. They are based off of Sadihak Rouwae. I played them in RSVPD. An alternate-universe version of them exists in Snowtourn.


    age 25
    gender nonbinary (amab)
    height 6'0
    hair jet black, back length, naturally wavy but typically straightened
    eyes dark brown, heavy eyelids & notable dark circles when without makeup
    skin clear, medium-brown, warm toned
    notable features small tattoo of salt-water alchemy symbol on back of neck, typically wears makeup


    birthplace Rhajuvran
    current home Jalcutra City
    parents Dunya Jhavrei (she/her, 55) Alizayd Jhavrei (he/him, 52)
    siblings Nadya Chadha (33, she/her), Noor Jhavrei (30, she/her), Mirzha Jhavrei (24, he/him), Padma Jhavrei (20, she/her)
    other notable backstory figures Ramiz Kohli (deceased at 17, he/him)


    occupation prostitute, adult film actor
    powers puppetry / mind control
    sexuality bisexual
    character relations
    • Sadihak is the ex-partner of Petrai Alphanzeyouri
    • Sadihak is the first cousin of Najmati Devret
    power functions
    • after a successful attack roll, sadihak's charisma modifier increases to 7 as they suggest things to the person they're attempting to puppet

    life events

    • 1998: was born
    • 1999: younger brother (mirzha) is born
    • 2003: younger sister (padma) is born, jhavrei family is abandoned by alizayd, leaving 5 yr old saamir as the man of the family
    • 2006 meets ramiz kohli, they become best friends
    • 2009: discovers their powers
    • 2009-2015: dunya brings saamir to government officials for testing in hopes it will find a way to remove/negate their powers
    • 2012: begins questioning gender identity
    • 2015: forces ramiz kohli to take his own life, runs away from hometown
    • 2016: begins working as a prostitute
    • 2018: has an identity crisis & almost dies from overdose
    • 2020 dates petrai
    • 2023: attends rsvpd tourn
    snowtourn universe

    Sadihak Rouwae is a minor character that exists in the Snowtourn universe. They principally exist in Petrai's backstory.


    • in snowtourn, sadihak is of South Loucari heritage rather than being from Ninjago
    • Sadihak is 54 in at the time of snowtourn
      • because snowtourn is set in 2023, this moves sadihak's date of birth to 1969
    • Sadihak is a former prostitute, and by the time of snowtourn operates a brothel in the south loucari
    • Sadihak has a long history with Petrai Alphanzeyouri:
      • the two met during the lily wars, after petrai had briefly left yeonaixho's companionship in the early 1990s
      • petrai and sadihak had a brief love affair as they traveled together during the lily war. sadihak spent some time with petrai, yeonaixho and jymaiyri as they fought in the rebellion but was out of the picture by the time of jymaiyri's death in 2003
      • petrai and sadihak continued to exchange letters throughout petrai's service to the church but stopped at some point around 2013
      • after petrai left the church in 2023 (the events of snowtourn), petrai returned to sadihak as detailed in her aftertourn post

  • albanes shairoun (rsvpd)

    tourn | info original to database
    nicknames/alt names Albanes Mikhalia Deveusyouri Shairoun (full name), 'Albs' (nickname) 'Bansey' (nickname from MacKenzie)
    titles Lifebringer (religious, governmental)
    pronouns she/they

    Albanes is a tournament player character with healing powers. She is based off of Albanes Shairoun. I played them in RSVPD. An alternate-universe version of her exists in Snowtourn.


    age 19
    gender demigirl (afab)
    height 5'3
    hair dark brown, loose curls, mid-back length, typically worn in ponytail
    eyes dark brown, downturned, notable eyebags
    skin warm tan, freckled
    notable features right leg is amputated below knee & replaced by prosthetic. prosthetic leg is mechanical yet faulty, and covered in faded stickers


    birthplace Shairoun
    current home n/a
    parents Sineclaer Shairoun ( she/her, deceased at 47), Deveus Shairoun (he/him, deceased at 50)
    siblings Sieandes Shairoun (he/him, deceased at 19), Pietre Shairoun (he/him, deceased at 17), Harlen Shairoun (he/him, deceased at 13), Louatouq Shairoun (he/him, deceased at 10), Miekal Shairoun (he/him, deceased at 8)
    other notable backstory figures Yeonaixho Sehwolh (he/him, age unknown)


    occupation apprentice healer
    powers healing
    sexuality bisexual
    character relations
    • Albanes is the apprentice of Yeonaixho Sehwolh
    power functions
    • Albanes can heal physical injuries and sicknesses of others and herself.

    life events

    • 2004: was born
    • 2005: younger brother (harlen) is born
    • 2008: younger brother (louatouq) is born
    • 2010: younger brother (miekal) is born
    • 2018: the majority of the shairoun township is killed by magnolia fever, and albanes is left as the sole survivor. she is rescued and taken in by yeonaixho sehwolh
    • 2021: yeonaizho sehwolh imparts his godhood and healing powers onto albanes, then dies.
    • 2023: attends rsvpd tourn