innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 9:27 PM
Leo wakes in a dark, square room. The floor is dirt, but he's sitting on a woven rug. The walls are stone brick, and enclose him on every side. There’s no way in, and no way out. The room is suffocatingly warm, dark and dry. Leo would soon begin to feel thirst clawing at his throat.
He'd wake on his side, and soon find he's been chained- ankle chains tether him to the ground and prevent him from moving around or getting up.
Before Leo, sat a small, low table, covered by a rug similar to the one they sat upon. Two oil lamps flicker at either ends of the table, their small lights the only in the room. The only other objects on the table are three small wooden bowls, all filled with an unidentifiable liquid. The first is white, opaque and creamy. The second is glassy and clear, with a slight cloudy, brownish color to it. The third is just as opaque as the first, but is a deep, muddy red in color.
Across from the table is the only other person in the room. A woman. She appears to be middle aged, with warm, pale skin and brown, graying curls spilling over her shoulders. She wears a simple, cream-colored dress, with a long red vest over it. Her gaze is melancholy, almost distant, as she makes eye contact with Leo.
The woman takes in a heavy breath, and finally speaks. Her voice is not that of the flaming apparition. “Welcome to the Halcyon Citadel.”
@Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 10:07 PM
Leo’s eyes fluttered open lazily before snapping open, his pupils shrinking as soon as he came in contact with the light. He immediately moved to sit up, the chains instantly restricting his movements.
Fuck, he was thirsty.
He was thrown back into his last moments before the rapture- when he’d come in contact with that fiery figure. And how much he wanted, no needed blood. Without second thought, he lunged at the woman in front of him…
…And of course his restraints pulled him back to where he’d started. He let out a low, dry growl before looking back at her, his direct contact complimenting her distance.
“You call this a welcome?” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 10:12 PM
The woman reeled back as Leo rushed towards her, clearly not expecting that.
"Calm down. I don't mean to hurt you." She chided in an almost matronly tone. "I don't want to be here as much as you do. So, let's be civil about this, please." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 10:16 PM
Leo crossed his arms.
“Civil, huh?” Since his arms were now busy being crossed (and not chained), he extended a wiry leg and shook it, showing off the manacle. “But fine, you have my attention. For now.” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 10:18 PM
"You tried to attack me the moment you woke. I'm not arguing the usefulness of those chains." The woman retorted. "You are in the Halcyon Citadel, the realm of the Lifebringer. You were brought here to compete in a tournament to the death. It is likely you will not survive." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 10:23 PM
“It was instinct,” Leo retorted. “If you were hostile, it’s better that I make the first move. Not to mention, I’m hungry.” he bared his fangs at the woman. However, at the mention of his low rate of survival, his jaw dropped.
“Hey! What do you mean that I won’t survive?! Do you even know who you’re talking to?” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 10:28 PM
"Instinct that would've ended up harming the both of us." The woman said, and didn't clarify. "It's a tournament to the death. I think that establishes your chances of survival pretty clearly." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 10:33 PM
“What, so you’re saying the already dead can’t win? Then why even bring me?” Leo mused, grinning for the first time since he’d awoke. He thought he was funny.
“And won’t there be a winner? I wouldn’t be here unless you thought I had a fighting chance. And believe me, I do.” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 10:38 PM
"You can die again, so you can loose." The woman maintained. "There will be. But with twenty-odd contestants, there's at least a chance it won't be you. But I digress. I'm not here to argue about this with you." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 10:43 PM
“Fine. I’ll play along with you and imagine that somehow I lose. Whatever,” Leo huffed. “So now that we’re not arguing, how about you tell me why you chose to bring me here. That figure that abducted me said that there’s a clear reason.” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 10:57 PM
"I didn't bring you here. My predecessor did. And I already told you why you're here." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 11:05 PM
“Ugh, perhaps I’ll have to talk to them then. Maybe they’d be more fun,” Leo’s arms dropped to his side.
“So, what’s your part in this then- if you’re not the one in charge of the roster?” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 11:08 PM
"They won't be. I promise." She said. "I am here to... maintain things. And, of course, to establish relations. My predecessor is not the... sociable sort." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/22/2024 11:10 PM
Huh. It seemed Leo had everything backwards.
“And you are? The sociable sort I mean. Though a name wouldn’t hurt as well.” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 11:10 PM
(can you roll divine intuition for me :3 @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | _

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 11:12 PM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/22/2024 11:21 PM
"I don't consider myself sociable. But I've been on the mortal plane more recently than... some." She hummed.
"I am Albanes Shairoun, the regnant, Septimal Lifebringer." The words wouldn't immediately be recognizable to Leo, but he'd get the overwhelming sense that the person he was talking to had been around a while. Probably, a while longer than him. More than that, he was definitely, absolutely, talking to a god. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 8:08 AM
Leo blinked twice, taking it all in. The woman he was speaking to had most definitely been around longer than him…
“Nice title.” he mused, starting to fiddle with one of the chains around his leg. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 10:39 AM
"Thank you." The woman replied flatly. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 11:40 AM
“…Did you give it to yourself?” his reply had a tinge of sarcasm. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 12:25 PM
Albanes shook her head. "It was bestowed upon me when I ascended." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 1:13 PM
“Uh… huh…” Leo gave Albanes a nod, his attention now focused on getting free from his chains. Maybe he could wiggle out…
“So, why am I here? Like, in this room?” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 1:18 PM
(You can roll dex to get out if you want @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | )

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 1:20 PM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 1:21 PM
Despite his efforts, Leo remained chained.
"Well, outside of being informed of what you're here to do..." She glanced towards the bowls. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 1:29 PM
Leo continued struggling.
“And what exactly, are those?” his bony finger pointed where Albanes was looking. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 1:46 PM
"I'd think you'd be able to identify at least one of them." Albanes scoffed. "You're meant to drink one." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 1:58 PM
Leo’s eyes fixed on the bowl with the red liquid. It did look rather enticing.
“Of course I know what that is,” he scoffed back. “Give it to me.”
After all, he was quite thirsty, and the suspicious contents were a better choice than trying to harm a god. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 2:00 PM
"Get it yourself." Albanes replied. The bowl was within grabbing distance from Leo- and without any restraints on his arms, he'd definitely be able to do so. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 2:03 PM
”Fine. I will.” came Leo’s snarky reply as he snatched up the bowl. “You really know how to do hospitality.” he muttered, then held the bowl to his lips and drank its contents. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 2:06 PM
Of course, it was blood. A taste Leo was quite familiar with. Albanes watched as he drank, but didn't make any comment. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 2:08 PM
Once Leo had consumed every drop, he set the bowl down carelessly and looked back at Albanes.
“What are you staring at?” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 2:10 PM
"I have to make sure you drank some." Albanes eyed the bowl. "Evidently not a problem with you, but some of the others have been... more hesitant to partake." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 2:13 PM
“And why is that? Blood is blood, as long as I am sated, I don’t care where the hell it comes from,” Leo shrugged, then wiped at the corner of his mouth with his finger, which had a bit of blood still left over. Unfortunately, he then licked his finger clean.
“That may have been the best thing that’s happened since I woke up here.” @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 2:18 PM
"Many fear poison. Or, aren't too keen on drinking blood in the first place." She shrugged. "Well then. Good for you." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 2:19 PM
At least Albanes acknowledged that he was now having an okay time. At her reply, her flashed her a fanged grin.
“Perhaps those are the people that won’t last long during this tournament.” Leo countered. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 3:34 PM
"Perhaps. We'll have to wait and see." Albanes shrugged. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:04 PM
“I suppose we will…” Leo trailed off.
And once again, he tried to break his chains.

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:04 PM
@innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:05 PM
The chains snapped as Leo broke out of them. He was free! Or, as free as he could be within the small room, that still didn't have an exit.
Albanes rose her eyebrows as the chains broke, and got up to her feet. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:07 PM
Leo looked behind him, and his face fell.
“Fuck…” he muttered.
“…There’s no way out…” he thought aloud. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:07 PM
"Not right now." Albanes said, her tone unreadable. She didn't yet approach Leo. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:08 PM
“When?” Leo demanded, taking a step towards Albanes. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:09 PM
"When you aren't conscious." She didn't move back, but also didn't move closer to Leo. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:12 PM
“You try anything, and I’ll attack.” Leo warned, staying still as well. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:12 PM
"I would advise strongly against trying anything, for your sake." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:15 PM
Leo’s eyes narrowed.
And so, he stayed put. For now. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:16 PM
Albanes slowly approached Leo, holding her arms behind her back. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:28 PM
As she approached, Leo took a few steps back.
“…What. Are you doing?” he raised an eyebrow. His hand was shaking ever so slightly. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:29 PM
"I have to knock you out. It won't hurt." @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:30 PM
“Fine. Just get it done quickly. I’m tired of fighting you.” Might as well save his energy for the impending bloodshed. @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:32 PM
Albanes approached Leo, and rested a hand over his forehead. Notably, she had to reach quite a ways up. @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:33 PM
Leo didn’t bend down, instead reveling in her slight struggle. It was the small victories at this point that really mattered.
“So… what now?” he asked lamely. Any time now, he’d surely lose consciousness… @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:34 PM
@Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | def

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:34 PM

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:34 PM
(oh my god)

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:34 PM
(He’s. Gone)

innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs 4/23/2024 7:35 PM
The moment the words left his mouth, he was out. Goodnight! @Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 |

Morgan | Clove 🦇 + Leo 🩸 | 4/23/2024 7:35 PM
Leo crumpled to the floor in a miserable pile of vampire. He’s out out! @innsjo | kyrie🪶+ darcy🖋+npcs